Blue Angel 2019

Thanks Dk!! Always good to hear from you!! How you been bro?

Thanks brother!! Thanks for stopping in!
Just out of curiosity, did you read the whole journal or just the last page?

Either way doesn’t matter, glad you came by! Hope to see you more often! :thumb:
Just read the first and last page pretty much dude.
Hey brother! Hope you're having a great week so far. Love your carpentry work - wish we were neighbours ;):rofl:
That's a real awesome gift from the family, they know what to get you to make you happy and that means something.
Plants are looking healthy and happy - good to see Jim is still surviving in the corner there! :rofl::laugh:

The temperatures were starting to climb on me in the tent. Higher then I had planned on it getting. So with me having the door opened for 30 mins before getting a pic of the hygrometer, it went down over a degree. It is what it is, just deal with it as it comes.

After dealing with bed time, I came back to the tent and the temp was 25.2 C and 50% humidity.

I brought each lady out individually, and fed them each about a gallon of water, mixed with the super B+ and a early veg dose of nutrients just to see how they react to a dialled Down nutrient solution.

I also lowered my lights to about 24” above the top canopy. Had planned on doing that for a while now, just never got around to it.

Tied more branches down on the BC, they were finally long enough to spread out the canopy a bit better.

What else... hmmm, (scratches head)


I just want to add how much I like the way the new watering can pours water. I like using my smaller 3/4 gallon jug for getting in the right areas but I used the shower head on the big jug today, and it pours very evenly, :thumb: was a great buy!

No flash^

No flash^

The temp was 24.7C and 55% humidity when I closed up the tent.

I’m tired, one more day, and I get a few off, I love short weeks, but im working in a retirement home that had some flooding issues. Is an insurance claim, so it’s somewhat gravy, brainless work. BUT! I’m bent over or on my knees for the majority of the day. They cut out the bottom 2’ of all the drywall, so I need to re insulate/ Polly and drywall all through out the basement, and fix the framing that was cut out “accidentally” (air quotes). There’s a ton of work, be there for three weeks or so. just my partner and I, my boss is loving it, all T&M. So needless to say, my back is sore.

Time for some rest. Grab my favourite pop, chips, and a bar, Throw my feet up and relax!


Got off work early today, start my long weekend off right! Had a lil bit of me time before I had to pick up my daughter so I finished wrapping the tent, and I cut the main door in. I didn’t build the door yet but I have my piece cut I just need to trim the sides of it, tape it on and I was thinking of building another door in it. On the 2’ side of the tent. I may not, it was just a thought. Once that is done, I will need to cut my hole up top for my cords and crap to come through. Also cut a hole for my fan to sit in while the plants are vegging, and get my carbon filter setup and ready to use for when I plug it in once the ladies have been flipped.

I also put some two inch thick styrofoam insulation 2’ wide under my tent to bring it up off the carpet as well giving it a harder surface to sit the plants on. Should work great. :thumb:

Hey Backlipslide I'm loving the bespoke tent there and the wooden veg cabinet alongside :)
Looking good in there,BL!-All 3 plants are doing extremely well,as usual...
They're filling up the tent nicely-that extra height in there is going to make for some
monster plants in the coming weeks!
I kinda have to agree with @carcass there on the as usual :thumb: fantastic work man. Truly are an inspiration to what one can grow!
Backlip I am finally all caught up and enjoying the show, can't wait for flower the part I love, have a great one bro, :green_heart:

Cannanewb! I’m glad you stuck it out! My updates can get pretty lengthy at times. I appreciate the love! Hope you and the family have a good weekend!

Good looking grow man nice buds

Thanks GCZ! :high-five::woohoo:

I’m sorry I can’t remember have you been to my journal before.. I’ll say it anyways, thanks for stopping in bro! Happy to have you and stop by any time!:thumb:

lookin good man

Thanks lungren! :headbanger: Their starting to gain some width, now I’ll let them grow up, and boom! Chocolate Sunday’s for everyone!

Just read the first and last page pretty much dude.

Hey no worries man! I shouldn’t even of asked, it’s none of my business :laughtwo:

Happy to have you along!

Hey brother! Hope you're having a great week so far. Love your carpentry work - wish we were neighbours ;):rofl:
That's a real awesome gift from the family, they know what to get you to make you happy and that means something.
Plants are looking healthy and happy - good to see Jim is still surviving in the corner there! :rofl::laugh:

Thanks brother! I had an alright week, could of used an extra couple hours in each day last week, but I’ll leave that conversation for another day.

Again, thanks man! I love doing finish carpentry work! Wish I was better, but I’m by no means no dummy at it. I would love to be your neighbor! That would mean I would live where you live! :cheesygrinsmiley:. If it’s here in Canada then I’m not going to lie, I’d probably never talk to you, like my neighbors now! Lol just playing, I on occasion talk to them:laughtwo:

Yeah I’m a pretty easy person to get gifts for. Anything to do with boating, snowboarding, skateboarding, hockey, football, fishing, horticulture, or any tools of any kind, is basically a bullseye :rofl: but I get what your saying! Thanks bro!

Thanks for stopping in irie! Always good to see you!
Hey Backlipslide I'm loving the bespoke tent there and the wooden veg cabinet alongside :)

Hey dogwash!! I’m glad you came for a visit!! I’m also glad you found my update on rebuilding the tent! What page was it on? Do you remember?

Ok I need to know! What’s behind the name? Like how did you determine to yourself, yep that’s the name? No judgment here! I’ve got asked a few times about my name lol.

Thanks again for the kind words! I’m glad you’ve made and hope to see you around! :thumb:

Edit: I had to come back before hitting send to tell you to check out the link in my signature on how to make your own signature. I have a post I made that explains how to make it look neat. Go have a read brother!:thumb:

Looking good in there,BL!-All 3 plants are doing extremely well,as usual...
They're filling up the tent nicely-that extra height in there is going to make for some
monster plants in the coming weeks!

Thanks carcass!! Means a lot!:circle-of-love:

Yeah the extra height is nice! Really nice! But to be able to try maximize my height canopy would be almost impossible with a small 2’ wide tent not to mention I’ll probably have to veg for another 60 days and then some. But I do hear what your saying! I mean hell an extra 6” would be An amazing upgrade for your box lol so I absolutely hear what your saying. It is really nice to not have any height issues :thumb:

Thanks for stopping in carcass! Always good to see you!

I kinda have to agree with @carcass there on the as usual :thumb: fantastic work man. Truly are an inspiration to what one can grow!

Thanks DK! Means a lot! :high-five:

Hey everybody! If your reading this, and you have a couple minutes to spare, go check out @Dkmg01 journal, this guy hasn’t had many followers all through out his entire journal! He’s growing some great looking flowers right now! Very under rated member! He deserves some recognition! :thumb:

Back to your post. I appreciate the love dk! But for me to go any bigger then my previous plants will be almost impossible as I never did widen the depth of my tent, and kept it the 2’ so my only hope is that they will be a better looking batch then my previous run in coco.

Thanks for stopping in bro! Good to see you!:high-five:

Those girls look amazing brother. They are really taking off. Should get a solid yield off of that spread. :passitleft::headbanger:

Brother! Good to see you! I just come from your journal not too long ago!

Hope your doing well bro!

Yeah the DA1 seems to be doing laps around the other two, but I may have messed up the rotation a couple times and she was under the direct light for the majority of the time. Oh well I hope the other two catch up. If not oh well, their pretty close so I’m not worried. I’ve supercropped her a couple times but she bounces back quickly and starts reaching again. I hope lowering the light to the lights recommended height they stop reaching as much. :cheer:

Anyways now I’m rambling, it’s close to bed time. I’ve had two beer tonight (which is the most I’ve drank in a long time) I’m not drunk or anything but now I’ve got the major munchies. Downed a half box of cookies, and into the next. I’m slowing down though. That’s a lot of chocolate :laughtwo:

Anyways... thanks for stopping in brother! Good to see you!! Have a good weekend!

Nothing major to update, except for the temperature have been back to about what I want it to be. When I got to the tent today, it said 23C and 62% humidity.
Low-18.9C and 59% humidity.
High-23C and 68% humidity. In the last 24 hours. I know what your thinking, pictures or it didn’t happen. I snap pics of the hygrometer so I can remember it easier by the time I get around to posting it. But come on! Those are boring ass photos!

Today for daddy daughter day, we took recycling in to the centre, went to mommy’s work for a small visit. Drove past our old neighbors who we used to live beside when we rented the house, before moving into the basement suite. (I know, confusing)

He used to call me his guard dog security system when we lived there. He was a bit older and retired, but his wife and I bought their first house, and he was one handy bugger to have around! Helped me rebuild my boat engines carburetor twice, and was an over all amazing neighbor to have. He want home though.

So we went to grandmas house had a small visit and spent a lot of time in our back yard today. My daughter helped me mow the lawn (before I got shut down from an unexpected rain storm) it was cute though, my daughter pushed her bubble making lawn mower along side me for a while... until she made me, carry her again (while I mowed). as much as I like to think I have her under control. I’m pretty sure she has me whipped, damn near fanning her while feeding her grapes :rofl:

So anyways, some friends came over (who is an amazing artist and is apprenticing to be a tattoo artist at a very well known tattoo shop in the capital of Alberta). Great skateboarder too... we had some brews an played around on the skateboard while my daughter chased us around. Good times! The beer has gotten to the best of me and now I’m rambling...

I got a couple pictures I might as well post them! :thumb:

ohh good news!! My daughter has used the potty three times! I honestly hope this is good news, and I’m not just getting hopeful!

Thanks for everything everybody! You guys the real MVP’s! :yahoo:

(I’ve got one percent left on my phone, I was able to make this update without my phone dying!)
#thatsawininmybook :yahoo:

[as I chug the rest of my beer down!]

My daughter has used the potty three times!
This is good news! She is well on her way of making it a norm!

I'm curious as to how you get you plants to be so dark and beautiful. All mine are lime green and while I'm not complaining I just happen to notice that they stay so luscious and green! What's your secret or is it strain Genetics? :passitleft:
This is good news! She is well on her way of making it a norm!

I'm curious as to how you get you plants to be so dark and beautiful. All mine are lime green and while I'm not complaining I just happen to notice that they stay so luscious and green! What's your secret or is it strain Genetics? :passitleft:

If I were to tell you, I’d have to kill you! This is me!
Hello, welcome to Blue Angel 2019. I’m new to the site, so I will spend a bit of time introducing my self. I’ve been growing for almost two years, growing indoors (successfully) for about 8 months or so. I don’t know everything, but I like to think I have a good grasp on things. Always room to grow (no pun intended) and love to learn new things.

Oh, I’m also Canadian, Eh!

Last year I built my own grow tent, 32” wide, 2’ deep, and (originally) 4’ tall. I built it out of 3/4” pvc pipe, and furniture grade 3 way elbows. I was in a pinch last year to get it finished, and bought the most readily available product to wrap it with. Space blankets from wal mart. It has its draw backs, yes. It by no means affected my grow as my girls came out marvellous, but it’s flimsy and tears super easily. Now that my tent is temporarily empty, I would like to buy some panda film and re-wrap the tent. Unfortunately I may have to wait, because I modified the tent, and built a platform for the tent to sit on,out of wood. Cut holes in the bottom of the tent so the pots were sitting just “below” the tent. (Will get a lil more into detail about this a bit later) It now made my tent 5’ tall. I have some 6’ 2” pvc pipes and would like to get rid of the platform and 4’ poles, replace with 6’2” poles, then re-wrap my tent with panda film. My problem with that, is that I have no more height above my tent, so for now I will probably have to just deal with what I have, for now. Untill I get into a bigger place and have the room for it. I will also get into why I have no more room above my tent a bit later. For now I’ll show my 4’ original sized tent.


With the door shut^


The top cross brace I hang my light off of^

So, at that time I had it in my fifth wheel (before Snow was on the ground). I then moved it inside. I know right! Smart decision lol :high-five:

So fast forward some time...:morenutes:

I was quickly running out of room, my girls were exceeding my expectations. With only 4’ of room, when I transplanted them into 5 gallon cloth smart pots, there was no room for the light to comfortably hang above them.

I then built a platform for my tent to sit on. Cut holes in the bottom and boom! I now have a 5’ tent (kind of).

So I then, wanted to have two more plants ready to put in the tent when these two were finished. See this is where I needed better timing judgment. I’ll get into that more later.

I germinated two Jamaican mountain kush seeds, and I needed a veg compartment. So I built a grow box, to sit under my tent. Easy peasy! Not, I himmed and hawed, swore, a couple times, built it too big, got mad, broke it, rebuilt it, and Voilà! End result was a (nothing pretty, but it doesn’t have to be damnit! :goof: Lol) grow box made to my exact specifications.

What it looks like with the cover on^


The cover off, friction fit!^

I built the box to be 32” wide, 2’ deep, 16” tall, inside to inside. I built it with wood because I was flipping my other two girls soon(in the tent), and didn’t want to disrupt their 12/12 light schedule. Wanted minimal light penetrating through it. Needed it sturdy for the tent to sit on and it’s light weight as I built it with 2x4’s ripped in half, 1/4” plywood inside and 1/2” on the top.

I then tapped black garbage bag on the outside of tent and platform.

Side view^ left a small viewing window.


Front view^ door off.

So that’s why I ran out of room above my tent.

Now, let me get into my lighting choices, and strains. In the box I have a small 2’ T5 light that my plants love. In my tent I have a 1000W Higrow LED light, again my plants love it. In the tent I had one Green Crack and one Black diamond.

Before they finished flowering, I was running out of room in my grow box. Poorly judge my timing, as I should have flipped my flowering girls earlier or germinated the two JMK later then I did.

Ren on the left and stimpy on the right^
I Topped them at the 3rd internode. LST the crap out of them. They still outgrew the box.

I ran out of pictures that I’m able to post, And will post more after this. I’ll also post my last pictures of the flowering plants before harvest.

So, long story short. Ren and Stimpy turned out to be males. Big waste of time. Oh well :surf:

So this brings me to the present. Also explains as to why I chose Blue Angel 2019 for the name of my journal.

I germinated one Dark Angel feminized seed from crop kings seeds. As well as a Blue Cookie seed from crop kings. I have them in peat pucks at this time, but will be moving them to their first pot tonight, into coco.

This is a great DIY grow!
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