Blue Angel 2019


Sorry carcass, I had to do a 24 hour update. The plants seem to have reacted well to the late veg dose. I’m really liking this super B+. It smells like kelp, it’s gotta be good! :laughtwo: It passes the nose test! I hope it passes the plants test!

The tent ran at a better temperature in the last 24. Raising the light seemed to have helped (duhh, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that to begin with:eye-roll:)

When I opened and went into the tent,
It was,
26.5 Celsius with 45% humidity.

27.1 C with 49% humidity for a high.
22.6 C with 43% humidity for a low.

I got some pictures of the plants (in the tent) as well as some pictures of some slight modifications.








I raised the fan about 6” or so. The plants were taking a beating! See what that does to the temps over the next 24 hours.^


My windows are a bit older, and they have the double pane, being able to open from both sides on the Inside side of the window, and only one side on the outside side of the window.

So I opened up the left side (on the inside, side). Stuck my extraction tube through that, and slid the window snug. ^


Opened the outside window a small lil bit. Leaving the inside side still closed and locked. ^


Cut the bottom corner out of my black out card board I put in my window to block any blurple colour to be seen by the outside at night, and block the light out from coming in during the day while the lights are out. When I get home from work I remove it and let some natural light into the room. Go to bed, put it back in, and do it all over again. Just like clockwork.

Side note: I need to paint that side of my grow box white, like the rest of the box. As that was the only side not visible (besides the back) so I didn’t bother painting it. Maybe stain my stand. Might look a lil “more” finished if I may! :yahoo:

Thanks for tuning in everyone!!

I appreciate you all! :ciao:

My bad man if you already mentioned it previous. I just want to see you bust out the walls with just like the green crack :thumb:

All good brother!! :high-five: Thanks for lookin out!! Much appreciated!

Hey Slider!

Plants are looking great! Nice job on that quadline you have going. Nice that you have the extra space now to veg them a little longer. Sorry that the kiddo interrupted your private moment, but seems like all worked out ok.

Have a great evening!

Thanks bard! You rock! :Namaste:

Haha I don’t mind the daughter interrupting at all! She brightens my day every time I see her! It’s just nice to have some time away from her too. When I’m at home, you better believe my daughter is hot on my ass! Wanting to do everything that I’m doing, almost copying my exact move. Lol :goof:

You, have a great evening as well sir! :thumb::ciao:
Thanks for dropping in!!

An early update. I got home from work, showered up and then went into and checked on the tent. Raising the fan brought my temps back up, when I got to it, it said,
28.1C and 44%
Last 24 hours were,
28.7C and 46% for a high
24.4C and 40% for a low.

Which means it didn’t even lower at all when the lights were off, I think I left the tent at 24.4 last night.

So I was thinking earlier today, and I have another LED light that I’m not using. It’s not as big as my other one but I figured I might as well throw it in the tent because the one light just didn’t seem to cover all three of the plants, I mean it did, but let’s try having two lights in and see what happens.

I had to raise the big light because I tied the small light up to a said position and brought my big light up to that height. They are both at about 30-31 inches above plant canopy. I also lowered my big fan a couple inches (trying to find the sweet spot).




See if the temps change within the next 24 hours.

Tomorrow’s my last day of work in the week, then I’m taking Thursday Friday and Monday off for a bit of a “holiday” away from work.

We usually go camping for like 8 days or so every August, but my fifth wheel is still winterized sitting at our old place. This year we’re not going camping, but some time away from work will be nice.

Thanks for tuning in!!

Hey mate not stopped by for a while due to never ending work and haven't had the time but trying to catch up with everyone's grows, I've now caught up, seems like I've missed quite abit lol and some lovely looking plants there mate
Hey brother! Hope you're having a good week so far and that the family is happy :passitleft:
You're doing a killer job in there. Things are looking promising for sure! :yahoo:
Everything looking is great, hope you and your family is having a great time.
We'll see ya when you get back. :thumb:
Enjoy your long weekend,BL- I used to always just want to hang around the house and do nothing for a week's vacation, but Mrs.C liked camping,so we a tent- which is actually a lot more work than I did when I was working...
I'm loving that new tent of yours-you've got more room above the lights than I've got below the lights...

An early update. I got home from work, showered up and then went into and checked on the tent. Raising the fan brought my temps back up, when I got to it, it said,
28.1C and 44%
Last 24 hours were,
28.7C and 46% for a high
24.4C and 40% for a low.

Which means it didn’t even lower at all when the lights were off, I think I left the tent at 24.4 last night.

So I was thinking earlier today, and I have another LED light that I’m not using. It’s not as big as my other one but I figured I might as well throw it in the tent because the one light just didn’t seem to cover all three of the plants, I mean it did, but let’s try having two lights in and see what happens.

I had to raise the big light because I tied the small light up to a said position and brought my big light up to that height. They are both at about 30-31 inches above plant canopy. I also lowered my big fan a couple inches (trying to find the sweet spot).




See if the temps change within the next 24 hours.

Tomorrow’s my last day of work in the week, then I’m taking Thursday Friday and Monday off for a bit of a “holiday” away from work.

We usually go camping for like 8 days or so every August, but my fifth wheel is still winterized sitting at our old place. This year we’re not going camping, but some time away from work will be nice.

Thanks for tuning in!!

OH snap! Look at that setup. Seems I missed a bit .

I'm loving the new light and carbon filter. Your tent is looking really professional now!

Sorry carcass, I had to do a 24 hour update. The plants seem to have reacted well to the late veg dose. I’m really liking this super B+. It smells like kelp, it’s gotta be good! :laughtwo: It passes the nose test! I hope it passes the plants test!

The tent ran at a better temperature in the last 24. Raising the light seemed to have helped (duhh, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that to begin with:eye-roll:)

When I opened and went into the tent,
It was,
26.5 Celsius with 45% humidity.

27.1 C with 49% humidity for a high.
22.6 C with 43% humidity for a low.

I got some pictures of the plants (in the tent) as well as some pictures of some slight modifications.








I raised the fan about 6” or so. The plants were taking a beating! See what that does to the temps over the next 24 hours.^


My windows are a bit older, and they have the double pane, being able to open from both sides on the Inside side of the window, and only one side on the outside side of the window.

So I opened up the left side (on the inside, side). Stuck my extraction tube through that, and slid the window snug. ^


Opened the outside window a small lil bit. Leaving the inside side still closed and locked. ^


Cut the bottom corner out of my black out card board I put in my window to block any blurple colour to be seen by the outside at night, and block the light out from coming in during the day while the lights are out. When I get home from work I remove it and let some natural light into the room. Go to bed, put it back in, and do it all over again. Just like clockwork.

Side note: I need to paint that side of my grow box white, like the rest of the box. As that was the only side not visible (besides the back) so I didn’t bother painting it. Maybe stain my stand. Might look a lil “more” finished if I may! :yahoo:

Thanks for tuning in everyone!!

I appreciate you all! :ciao:

It's funny that I see the vent to the window. When I lived in the city I could tell the growers by seeing the vent running to the windows. My closet neighbor is about a mile away and he too has a " vented window " . May be I should knock and ask if he wants to compare notes lol. Congrats on the NoTM nomination too.
Tuning in??? Tuning in???!!??? If you are gonna start doing math....I'm outta here!!!! Lights up, lights down, 24 degrees, 28 degrees... just kidding...tinkering is what we do !!!

Hahah ohhh green jeans!! You make me laugh!! Always good to hear from you!:passitleft:

Hey mate not stopped by for a while due to never ending work and haven't had the time but trying to catch up with everyone's grows, I've now caught up, seems like I've missed quite abit lol and some lovely looking plants there mate

Hey Tom! Thanks for stopping in! Great to see you!

Yeah that work thing just never wants to slow down for a person ehh? I hope your able to get some zen time in for your self! I find it’s hard now a days..

Thanks again Tom! Good to see you!! :passitleft:

Hey brother! Hope you're having a good week so far and that the family is happy :passitleft:
You're doing a killer job in there. Things are looking promising for sure! :yahoo:

Family is good man, thanks!! wife took the daughter to day care for the day, and i just got back from the city having some quiet time. Sitting outside enjoying the nice weather we are having after some rainy weather for a few too many days. Gotta go pick up the daughter in a bit so I can’t get too comfy..

Thanks again for the nice things you’ve said. :Namaste:

Hope you and your wife are doing great as well! Talk soon! Good to see you irie! :passitleft:

Everything looking is great, hope you and your family is having a great time.
We'll see ya when you get back. :thumb:

John wick! Always good to see you sir! Congratulations on the nomination! Well deserved! :high-five:

Normally we take a week away from the interweb, (or I do anyways) in August but not this year. Camping in our living room. Having a bit of a break from the daughter today and tomorrow. Now that’s a damn holiday! :goof: So I’ll be around on the site on my vacation.

Thank you for your kind words, means a lot!!

Talk to you soon wick! Congratulations again!! :thumb:

Enjoy your long weekend,BL- I used to always just want to hang around the house and do nothing for a week's vacation, but Mrs.C liked camping,so we a tent- which is actually a lot more work than I did when I was working...
I'm loving that new tent of yours-you've got more room above the lights than I've got below the lights...

Carcass! Great to see you!! Congratulations on the nomination! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are very well deserving for it! You got your cake, let’s see if you can eat it too. :thumb:

I love camping, last year we went it seemed like it was more work then anything. It was still fun though, as it was our first camping trip with our daughter, so there was a lot of firsts that camping trip, had lots of fun but, I couldn’t be a drunk slob haha just kidding! I had a few beers one night that camping trip. Don’t care for the hang over so I choose to stay away from it. We also had a fire ban province wide so that was a major buzz kill.

We’ve only had the trailer for this will be our fourth year owning it. So the wife and I camped in tents for the previous 6 years in a tent. I agree it was a lot of work, but at that time I was a drunk slob so I had a lot of fun :goof: I also love me some fishing! Can’t beat it!

Thanks for nice words about the tent! It’s a work in progress and it’s slowly getting there! :yahoo:
Yeah it’s amazing having so much room inside my tent! I can get used to that! For sure!

Thanks for stopping in carcass!! We will talk soon!!

OH snap! Look at that setup. Seems I missed a bit .

I'm loving the new light and carbon filter. Your tent is looking really professional now!

Dk! Good to see you bro!! Nah you haven’t missed much, I just got greedy and decided to plug in another light haha:goof:

The carbon filter has been in there since day one almost! Actually I think day two lol. I need to take off the tube for the carbon because I don’t necessarily need it right now. I need to pull the ladies out and actually get into the tent so I keep putting it off.

Thanks a lot brother! Means a lot! The tent is slowly getting there! I’m glad you’ve been around for the ride!!

Always good to see you! Talk to you soon brother!

It's funny that I see the vent to the window. When I lived in the city I could tell the growers by seeing the vent running to the windows. My closet neighbor is about a mile away and he too has a " vented window " . May be I should knock and ask if he wants to compare notes lol. Congrats on the NoTM nomination too.

Me? Congratulations to you on MOTM! Great job man! Well deserved!! :bravo:

Lol yeah it’s a dead give away isn’t it! :laughtwo: I mean, not necessarily, because it could be for a portable ac unit, :hmmmm: lol either way, someone who knows, knows hahah

Thanks HPH! I actually had to go check cause I had no idea about the NOTM, I see I’m there on the POTM as well, but that ones carcass’s his is just too beautiful lol! Luck is what I’ll need on the NOTM! There’s some stiff competition up there. Here’s to hoping! :thumb: (Fingers crossed)

Thanks for stopping in HPH! Always good to see you!! :passitleft:

Now I need to gather up some photos and make an update!
Hahah ohhh green jeans!! You make me laugh!! Always good to hear from you!:passitleft:

Hey Tom! Thanks for stopping in! Great to see you!

Yeah that work thing just never wants to slow down for a person ehh? I hope your able to get some zen time in for your self! I find it’s hard now a days..

Thanks again Tom! Good to see you!! :passitleft:

Family is good man, thanks!! wife took the daughter to day care for the day, and i just got back from the city having some quiet time. Sitting outside enjoying the nice weather we are having after some rainy weather for a few too many days. Gotta go pick up the daughter in a bit so I can’t get too comfy..

Thanks again for the nice things you’ve said. :Namaste:

Hope you and your wife are doing great as well! Talk soon! Good to see you irie! :passitleft:

John wick! Always good to see you sir! Congratulations on the nomination! Well deserved! :high-five:

Normally we take a week away from the interweb, (or I do anyways) in August but not this year. Camping in our living room. Having a bit of a break from the daughter today and tomorrow. Now that’s a damn holiday! :goof: So I’ll be around on the site on my vacation.

Thank you for your kind words, means a lot!!

Talk to you soon wick! Congratulations again!! :thumb:

Carcass! Great to see you!! Congratulations on the nomination! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are very well deserving for it! You got your cake, let’s see if you can eat it too. :thumb:

I love camping, last year we went it seemed like it was more work then anything. It was still fun though, as it was our first camping trip with our daughter, so there was a lot of firsts that camping trip, had lots of fun but, I couldn’t be a drunk slob haha just kidding! I had a few beers one night that camping trip. Don’t care for the hang over so I choose to stay away from it. We also had a fire ban province wide so that was a major buzz kill.

We’ve only had the trailer for this will be our fourth year owning it. So the wife and I camped in tents for the previous 6 years in a tent. I agree it was a lot of work, but at that time I was a drunk slob so I had a lot of fun :goof: I also love me some fishing! Can’t beat it!

Thanks for nice words about the tent! It’s a work in progress and it’s slowly getting there! :yahoo:
Yeah it’s amazing having so much room inside my tent! I can get used to that! For sure!

Thanks for stopping in carcass!! We will talk soon!!

Dk! Good to see you bro!! Nah you haven’t missed much, I just got greedy and decided to plug in another light haha:goof:

The carbon filter has been in there since day one almost! Actually I think day two lol. I need to take off the tube for the carbon because I don’t necessarily need it right now. I need to pull the ladies out and actually get into the tent so I keep putting it off.

Thanks a lot brother! Means a lot! The tent is slowly getting there! I’m glad you’ve been around for the ride!!

Always good to see you! Talk to you soon brother!

Me? Congratulations to you on MOTM! Great job man! Well deserved!! :bravo:

Lol yeah it’s a dead give away isn’t it! :laughtwo: I mean, not necessarily, because it could be for a portable ac unit, :hmmmm: lol either way, someone who knows, knows hahah

Thanks HPH! I actually had to go check cause I had no idea about the NOTM, I see I’m there on the POTM as well, but that ones carcass’s his is just too beautiful lol! Luck is what I’ll need on the NOTM! There’s some stiff competition up there. Here’s to hoping! :thumb: (Fingers crossed)

Thanks for stopping in HPH! Always good to see you!! :passitleft:

Now I need to gather up some photos and make an update!
I rather not even be nominated to be honest. At first I did but that went out the window in a couple hours. Bad day I guess.

The little one went to day care this morning, and the wife and I drove into the big city. Went to a liquidation store, saw some neat stuff. Onto the next, went to a hydroponic store I always drive by going into work, but have never been there. So we stopped and checked it out. They had a cat inside so the wife was on board to come inside with me. (Sign on the door saying not to let the cat out) low and behold! They were carrying the brand of nutrients I use, and they had an even wider selection then I thought was even possible! Kid in a candy store! I bought some new nutrients called, bud bloom, using in late flower. It says the final three weeks add it it, even into my flush water it says.:hmmmm: They had an early flower bottle, mid flower, and late flower. Wasn’t sure which one to get, as I didn’t want to buy all three, (I mean I did, but the wife was there). So I settled on the late flower bottle. Although I’m sure I would get best results having the three bottles, rather then just one. Maybe next time I’m close to the shop. I’ve got a while before I flip to flower anyways.

So we then went to a known weed dispensary in the big city. First time even walking into any pot shop. I mean besides work, because a company I used to work for had a contract for 35 pot shops to be built around Alberta. Then they were having a overwhelming demand at licenses and a lot of them were put on hold. So I ended up building one out of the five before slowing down and getting laid off. Was a neat gig.

I bought a cheap 20 buck pipe with Aurora logo on it, works just fine! they were also giving away free hats and stickers, from that company. Sure! I’ll take em! Aurora is a big company that moved a location to the Edmonton international airport maybe only two years ago. Massive facility! I wish I was able to work on it, but didn’t get that contact. Anyways enough about that.

I also bought my first pre roll. I wish I would have taken a picture but it was pathetic. Half filter half crushed marijuana. Tasted alright but I prob won’t be buying anymore of those any time soon.

Oh I almost forgot, I bought a bigger watering can, finally! A 3.2 gallon watering can! I’m actually really stoked on that!

so last night I turned my fan controller on, to well over half strength, (as it’s been as low as it can go ever since I bought it) and put a second fan at the end of the second tube coming out the bottom of my tent for fresh air. Higher rate of fresh air being entered to the tent.

Gave it a try for a night. Didn’t help all that much. Temps stayed around the same range.

So I turned the fan back down to low and left the second fan at the end of the tube. Now I’ll give that a try for 24 hours or so.

I also snapped some new photos, so you can see the growth on the plants. They seem to be loving the light addition as well as the new height of the lights.

I also took these photos through my led glasses.

That picture is half through the glasses and half not through the glasses just to see the difference it makes.

Thanks for stopping in and reading my story I mean journal. You guys are the reason I’m here! Thank you all!

Great update,BL-your plants are looking healthy and happy!
They're going to love the extra height in there...
Poor Jim-no room in the tent...:(
Great update,BL-your plants are looking healthy and happy!
They're going to love the extra height in there...
Poor Jim-no room in the tent...:(

Thanks brother!

Ohhhhh jim’s In there, tucked in the back corner though. I think he’s in shock from being moved into the new tent, he hasn’t said all that much lately. Almost whimpers when I open the tent...
Those plants are growing really fast!

Thanks Dk!! Always good to hear from you!! How you been bro?

Looking nice bro

Thanks brother!! Thanks for stopping in!
Just out of curiosity, did you read the whole journal or just the last page?

Either way doesn’t matter, glad you came by! Hope to see you more often! :thumb:
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