Blue Angel 2019

They're looking great,BL-I think they popped about 60 days ago-give or take a day..
You could just veg them till they're half the height you'd like to end up with-and now that you've got the tall tent-that can be pretty darn big...

Thanks man! :Namaste:

I dropped all four seeds in water on June 3, one of the dark angels sprouted from soil on the 8th. Which would put that one exactly 60 days from sprouting out of soil. You were spot on! Thanks carcass!:high-five: The other three sprouted on the 11th (give or take, just going off of the updates lol) which would make them 57 days old. So let’s just say their 58.5 days old @DreamingTrees7 :laughtwo:

Yeah i was thinking of using a net for all three of these ladies, but damn I really like removing them from the tent. I’m undecided. Maybe not for these run, but in my near future (maybe). I want them to grow out for maybe another 3 weeks give or take. I was looking at pictures of my old bc and da they were massive, before I flipped, (also due to moving soon and all that Jazz). I need to look back and see when I germinated those fallen soldiers, try and determine exactly how long I vegged them for. I may have to go to the other forum though.. (shews it off), I’ll do it later

Hey man, awesome plants we are doing the same type of training and we’re at the same stage in growth. I’m growing my main branches way out before I flip.
It’ll be fun keeping up and comparing. When did they break soil?

Thanks man! :Namaste:
Yeah I haven’t been by your journal in a while maybe it stopped giving me notifications like other threads... I’ll be sure to swing by here after this.

Yeah it’ll be fun indeed!!:thumb: :high-five:
You ever consider creating a channel? Just like a weekly update with videos?
but damn I really like removing them from the tent.
That's what keeps me from doing the net thing.
I look the whole plant over pretty often,and with a net,I couldn't do that...and I pull them out for watering,so I'd have to re-think that process- if they don't both "ripen" at the same time,you'd need to get one out of the net,but leave the other one...
And I couldn't do silhouette there's that,too....
That's what keeps me from doing the net thing.
I look the whole plant over pretty often,and with a net,I couldn't do that...and I pull them out for watering,so I'd have to re-think that process- if they don't both "ripen" at the same time,you'd need to get one out of the net,but leave the other one...
And I couldn't do silhouette there's that,too....
Yeah, I'm with you guys on pulling out the plants and spinning them the net its cool when she fills out but it's pretty much the same look everyday. :laugh:

Yester-night I didn’t get a chance to really check on the plants at all. I peaked into the tent, in the morning, when I got home from work, and at bed time. Was a busy last couple days. The tent has been sitting around 27-30 Celsius with the lights on. I’d really like to get that down a bit. Ideal temperature for me with the lights on is around 23-24. With a low of 17-19 with lights off. I was thinking of adding a fan above the light, but most of the heat is below the light, (that I can tell by hand). I mean 30 Celsius isn’t awful, but it’s not great either. Could be worse, but it could be better :ganjamon:

I snapped pictures of all three. I apologize for the blurple pictures but, I was t pulling them out tonight.

Short update tonight,

On a side note! I need to get my hot tubs water back to the correct ph so I can use it again. That would be super relaxing to go for a dip tonight. Oh well..

Thanks for tuning in! More to come soon!

Yeah, I'm with you guys on pulling out the plants and spinning them the net its cool when she fills out but it's pretty much the same look everyday. :laugh:

Not taking away from your BC, that view is pretty damn amazing!

You had a feel for the net, grow one out without the net, and you be the judge to which way you like. One big even canopy has its benefits as well, but I guess it’s all a personal preference. I can’t knock it till I try it I guess. I’ll try it eventually! :yahoo:
Hey brother, hope you're doing well! :ganjamon:
What a pain in the ass this was, my daughter was up at this time, so keeping her behind the door and out of my room was a challenge. I managed! A lot of crying and whining, then there was my daughter too! :laughtwo: Just kidding, my daughter loves me so she was pretty upset that she couldn’t hang out with me. “Ohh look dad! Plant!” :goof: Yes sweetheart! Daddy’s busy!

I almost dropped the BC as I was fumbling the plant upside down, dropping soil and perlite everywhere, fumbling with my phone in my other hand, managed to hit the wrong app, so I had to use my nose to get out of that app and into photos before I got a pic of the roots. But again, I managed..
Hahaha! Iv'e not got any kids yet. But with how nosy kids generally can be, i know i'll be sitting with the same problems in a few years :rofl:
Broooo every time i try and take some pics while transplanting i go through exactly what you just did :nervous-guy::rofl: But all jokes aside - beautiful looking roots, looks like you timed your transplant perfectly. They're looking damn fine in their new pots, is that their final pot size?
Loving your training work! They are all looking very promising. :yahoo:
Lastly - nice work and adjustments made to your tent - it's really coming together nicely. I think you'll be good with your current temp - i find most cannabis strains should thrive in 30c degree temps - the problem arises when the exchange of air flow is not good and that hot air sits and becomes stagnant. You've got that well covered so i think you should be good brother!
On a side note! I need to get my hot tubs water back to the correct ph so I can use it again. That would be super relaxing to go for a dip tonight. Oh well..
I'd like to get a hot tub eventually, i'm picturing smoking a doobie relaxing in the tub with some raggae banging in the backround after a days work, fuck yeah :passitleft:
What a pain in the ass this was, my daughter was up at this time
Bwaaahaaa - - My youngest son got me my first CBD vape pen to ease my prostate surgery pain and my older boy gave me those darn seeds that got all this mayhem started!!!! Of course they are 45 and 43 so...different story!!
Hey brother, hope you're doing well! :ganjamon:

Hahaha! Iv'e not got any kids yet. But with how nosy kids generally can be, i know i'll be sitting with the same problems in a few years :rofl:
Broooo every time i try and take some pics while transplanting i go through exactly what you just did :nervous-guy::rofl: But all jokes aside - beautiful looking roots, looks like you timed your transplant perfectly. They're looking damn fine in their new pots, is that their final pot size?
Loving your training work! They are all looking very promising. :yahoo:
Lastly - nice work and adjustments made to your tent - it's really coming together nicely. I think you'll be good with your current temp - i find most cannabis strains should thrive in 30c degree temps - the problem arises when the exchange of air flow is not good and that hot air sits and becomes stagnant. You've got that well covered so i think you should be good brother!

I'd like to get a hot tub eventually, i'm picturing smoking a doobie relaxing in the tub with some raggae banging in the backround after a days work, fuck yeah :passitleft:

Ya man, doing well! No complaints, bills are paid, food in the fridge, and we’ve all got our health! Thanks bro!:passitleft:

i'll be sitting with the same problems in a few years
Are you saying what I think your saying? Is this a congratulations moment! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Thank you for all your kind words brother irie! The roots did look pretty happy I thought. They weren’t too root bound but yet made a really good foot print in the soil provided. Yes 5 gal is the final home for these ladies! I haven’t gone to anything bigger yet. I could maybe attempt 7 gal with the bigger tent, maybe..

Yeah 30 is an alright temps. At the ideal temps I want, I find it brings out the true colours of the strain. It’s a work in progress!

The damn hot tub, it’s more of an eye sore then anything right now. We had some hail damage on the gazebo around it a couple years back, now it’s really dirty inside, haven’t got around to fixing the roof yet, nor have I fixed the water yet.. still on my honey do list..

Thanks for stopping in irie!! Always good to see ya!
Bwaaahaaa - - My youngest son got me my first CBD vape pen to ease my prostate surgery pain and my older boy gave me those darn seeds that got all this mayhem started!!!! Of course they are 45 and 43 so...different story!!

Haha I don’t see my daughter being able to get me one of those :rofl: she can barely find her way down the street. Haha I shouldn’t say that, because I guarantee she could get her self to the park down the road. She’s tried before, had to chase her down the street haha no shoes and in a diaper. She had a cute outfit on too!:rofl:

Yeah it’s a beautiful mayhem though isn’t it..? :goof:

My plan on giving daily updates has back fired on me. I’ve been neglecting them a bit since the last feeding. Last couple days I’ve only peaked into the tent.

Today once the light turned on. I opened up the tent and looked at them, up, down, sideways, anyways you can think of. I looked at em’ that way.

I mixed up some feeding solution, and upped the dosage to late veg. Watch em’ really start growing now. Be the first late veg dose. I also added some of the super B+ to it as well, no cal mag. They all got about a gallon each. I’ll post a picture of the back explaining the dosages again, it’s been a while since I did that. When I moved them into the tent, I dropped the light down to 24” above the plants. They grew a couple inches so I raised it back to about 24-25” above the plant. Doing so I also hope the temperatures stay down a bit. They’ve been at a steady 27-29 Celsius lights on.

Side note: I really need to look into getting a bigger watering can. I started out with a 3/4 gallon. Bumped up to a two gallon, and it’s still just not big enough. Especially with three plants. I struggled with two, now I have three, I need to get a bigger watering can. The last plants were in coco, and I needed over a gallon before I started to see run off. Now that I’m in soil, I only need about 3/4 gallon before I start to see run off. Which is nice. Thumbs up! Still want a bigger watering can.

So I snuck away before supper, started feeding the plants. Got the BC watered and moved to the side, brought out DA2 turned around. Moved the two plants around in the tent. Turned back around, and who’s standing in the door way. You guessed right! My daughter has found me! “Hey dad” she says!
“Hey sweetheart” I say

Then she comes trampling into the room,
“I help dad!” She says.

The wife come to the rescue and managed to get her down stairs. Then supper was ready and I was almost finished, so I finished up messing with my damn plants all day, I almost missed supper. My plate was cold. It was worth it! Plants tucked away after a feeding. Food in my belly, you could say the plants and I are all full on lasagna! :morenutes:

I’ll check back on the temps here in an hour or so, update if anything significant happens.

Thanks for tuning in!!

Hey brother. Incredible looking girls bro. If I may, keep vegging those girls for awhile before the flip. YOU have the experience/knowledge to produce outstanding flowers brother man. If I had to do it all over again looking back on my past grows would be to veg the plant longer to get more yield and potency off the bud coming from seed. I really look forward to this grow brother. Keep representing bro. :passitleft:
Plants are looking extremely happy and healthy,BL
I agree with @Sparkey224 - now that your height restrictions are pretty much gone,you can let em veg an extra month or so (if you want to)
My plan on giving daily updates has back fired on me
Well,you don't want the updates to become a "chore" that you don't look forward to doing....
so....if you miss a few days now and then,we'll forgive you;)
Hey brother. Incredible looking girls bro. If I may, keep vegging those girls for awhile before the flip. YOU have the experience/knowledge to produce outstanding flowers brother man. If I had to do it all over again looking back on my past grows would be to veg the plant longer to get more yield and potency off the bud coming from seed. I really look forward to this grow brother. Keep representing bro. :passitleft:

Thanks brother! Means a lot!!
I thought I mentioned it in the update of me putting them in the big tent, that I wanted to veg for at least another 30 days, give or take. (Up to 90 days from sprout) Maybe I thought it, but forgot to mention ahaha!! I’ll see how they look at around the 90 day mark and go from there. I may switch back to early veg nutes, I’ll see how they react to being upped this first time.

Thanks for stopping in bro!! :high-five:

Plants are looking extremely happy and healthy,BL
I agree with @Sparkey224 - now that your height restrictions are pretty much gone,you can let em veg an extra month or so (if you want to)

Well,you don't want the updates to become a "chore" that you don't look forward to doing....
so....if you miss a few days now and then,we'll forgive you;)

Thank you sir! Means a lot carcass!!

Ohhhhh I plan on growing them out a bit yet! :yahoo:

I look back to pictures of the old BC and DA and they were huge compared to what the size is of new ones. Your right now that my height restriction is pretty much nonexistent, I would love to grow out some monsters!! I may have to up my game, and get some 7 gal pots for this run. If I did, i would want to do it sooner then later so I’m not fumbling around with a big ass bush... maybe I’ll just stay in the 5’s and push er’ right to the limit!! :yahoo:

Thanks for stopping in brother!! Always! Good to see you!
Thanks brother! Means a lot!!
I thought I mentioned it in the update of me putting them in the big tent, that I wanted to veg for at least another 30 days, give or take. (Up to 90 days from sprout) Maybe I thought it, but forgot to mention ahaha!! I’ll see how they look at around the 90 day mark and go from there. I may switch back to early veg nutes, I’ll see how they react to being upped this first time.

Thanks for stopping in bro!! :high-five:

Thank you sir! Means a lot carcass!!

Ohhhhh I plan on growing them out a bit yet! :yahoo:

I look back to pictures of the old BC and DA and they were huge compared to what the size is of new ones. Your right now that my height restriction is pretty much nonexistent, I would love to grow out some monsters!! I may have to up my game, and get some 7 gal pots for this run. If I did, i would want to do it sooner then later so I’m not fumbling around with a big ass bush... maybe I’ll just stay in the 5’s and push er’ right to the limit!! :yahoo:

Thanks for stopping in brother!! Always! Good to see you!
My bad man if you already mentioned it previous. I just want to see you bust out the walls with just like the green crack :thumb:
Hey Slider!

Plants are looking great! Nice job on that quadline you have going. Nice that you have the extra space now to veg them a little longer. Sorry that the kiddo interrupted your private moment, but seems like all worked out ok.

Have a great evening!
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