Blue Angel 2019

such beautiful cannabis plants
Thank you So much roaring lion! :Namaste:

Wow, beautiful canopy @Backlipslide !!
Thank you so much Opar! :Namaste:

Looking perfect in there brother :passitleft: :high-five: You filled your space extremely well and it's looking so good heading into bloom not too long from now.

Thanks Irie! Good to see you! Hope you and your wife is well!


Everything's looking excellent,BL- 3 beautiful girls you've got there!
Nice fire ring too- Getting stoned and staring at a campfire is one of my favorite things!

Thank you so much carcass!!

I as well, love staying up late and watching the fire! Ahh who am I kidding! I don’t stay up late anymore!

It’s been a while since I had a fire, I’m definitely due!

Was going to have a fire tonight, but that entails staying up late. I’m helping my brother strip and re-shingle his house tomorrow. So, we will see if I have the energy for having a fire tomorrow.

When we rented a house 3-4 years ago, my bbq was my fire pit. I had a fire every evening, cooked over the fire and was in side eating in time for puck drop!

Good ol playoff hockey! :yahoo:

That was a good time, because my favourite hockey team won the cup twice in a row, made a push for three, but was ultimately too tired..

I’m just rambling now..

Sorry, not sorry!

That firepit looks "stoned"!!!! :goof:
Bwaaaahaaaahaaa - Oh man, I crack myself up!!!!
Ouuuu, my vape pen just finished charging = Byeeee!!

It’s very stoned! :tommy:

Thank goodness! Your awesome growing skills help to make everything work. Hey Folks in the past suggested things to me with back up so it's only fair to do the same and understand the ideas along with the action! Call me out on anything! It's how we learn and that's the point.
Your doing awesome, 12/12 is always a good wave :surf:

I appreciate it! Glad your around!! Fellow Albertan!! :high-five:

12/12 is definitely a good wave! Seems like their taking their sweet ass time flipping! Holy camoli! They will be under 12/12 schedule for 7 days as of Sunday. I can maybe only see a few sites, just starting to pistil.

I’m sitting over here patiently with my hands crossed. Lol patience is a virtue.

Thanks again everyone!!

Hopefully get to an update this weekend!
Congrats on the MOTM nomination,BL :bravo:
Hope you're having a great weekend !
Congrats on the MOTM nomination,BL :bravo:
Hope you're having a great weekend !

Thanks carcass!! Means a lot!!

I didn’t have much of a weekend. Helped my brother re-shingle his house, but at least it’s done, and no where to look but forward! :thumb:

Thanks again carcass!!

Awesome!!! Congrats @Backlipslide !

Thanks Opar!! Means a lot bro!


Damn! What a busy weekend! We had a couple beautiful days in Alberta! My back looks like a damn watermelon! Except there’s two thick lines running from my shoulders to my waist line, (from my suspenders on my tool pouch) :laughtwo:

Helped my brother shingle his house, got the majority of it done on Saturday, did the easy back part and the three side gables today. I left earlier today though, around 4, came home and barbecued up some cut up some fresh carrots in tin foil, and hamburgers. I put a lil butter in, sprinkle some dill in, and they always come out delicious.

The wife and I were able to try out the fire pit last night. Had a friend over, and I was three beers in, when I had to shut her down and go to bed. It gets dark so early now, I thought it was at least 10:30 but it was only 8:40. :laugh:

I wanted to feed the plants tonight. Today marks day 7 of 12/12. Their transitioning into flower so slowly, I think today might mark day 1 of flower. They’ve been moving so slowly to grow pistils, it’s kind of hard to tell..:hmmmm:

I forgot to get a picture looking down to said pistils, but I will hopefully get better pictures tomorrow when I bring them out and give one more dose of late veg nutrients.

The DA2 has officially caught up to the DA1. They are both towering over the BC. Poor girl! Hopefully the buds give me more love then the last BC (grown in coco), [speaking of] I saw my dad this weekend and I gave him a jar full of that BC buds I have. I kinda put them on my top shelf of my closet and haven’t touched them since. Well besides burping them every now and then.. I hope my dad enjoys it! He said it’ll last him about two months.

Well that’s all for tonight. Now to convince my wife to rub some Aloe vera cream on my back tonight for this gnarly sun burn I have :laugh:

Stay tuned!


Damn! What a busy weekend! We had a couple beautiful days in Alberta! My back looks like a damn watermelon! Except there’s two thick lines running from my shoulders to my waist line, (from my suspenders on my tool pouch) :laughtwo:

Helped my brother shingle his house, got the majority of it done on Saturday, did the easy back part and the three side gables today. I left earlier today though, around 4, came home and barbecued up some cut up some fresh carrots in tin foil, and hamburgers. I put a lil butter in, sprinkle some dill in, and they always come out delicious.

The wife and I were able to try out the fire pit last night. Had a friend over, and I was three beers in, when I had to shut her down and go to bed. It gets dark so early now, I thought it was at least 10:30 but it was only 8:40. :laugh:

I wanted to feed the plants tonight. Today marks day 7 of 12/12. Their transitioning into flower so slowly, I think today might mark day 1 of flower. They’ve been moving so slowly to grow pistils, it’s kind of hard to tell..:hmmmm:

I forgot to get a picture looking down to said pistils, but I will hopefully get better pictures tomorrow when I bring them out and give one more dose of late veg nutrients.

The DA2 has officially caught up to the DA1. They are both towering over the BC. Poor girl! Hopefully the buds give me more love then the last BC (grown in coco), [speaking of] I saw my dad this weekend and I gave him a jar full of that BC buds I have. I kinda put them on my top shelf of my closet and haven’t touched them since. Well besides burping them every now and then.. I hope my dad enjoys it! He said it’ll last him about two months.

Well that’s all for tonight. Now to convince my wife to rub some Aloe vera cream on my back tonight for this gnarly sun burn I have :laugh:

Stay tuned!

Really nice stretch so far man. There is going to be so many buds on those beauties
Thanks DK! Good to see you!

Hope you were able to make some good lee way on your grow box!

Talk to later man! Thanks again bro!
Hey buddy yeah I did the second layer of primer. Waiitngf for daybreak to start the paint and flip the back panel.

I see my nomination got quoted haha, congratulations buddy I hope you win the MOTM.

Damn! What a busy weekend! We had a couple beautiful days in Alberta! My back looks like a damn watermelon! Except there’s two thick lines running from my shoulders to my waist line, (from my suspenders on my tool pouch) :laughtwo:

Helped my brother shingle his house, got the majority of it done on Saturday, did the easy back part and the three side gables today. I left earlier today though, around 4, came home and barbecued up some cut up some fresh carrots in tin foil, and hamburgers. I put a lil butter in, sprinkle some dill in, and they always come out delicious.

The wife and I were able to try out the fire pit last night. Had a friend over, and I was three beers in, when I had to shut her down and go to bed. It gets dark so early now, I thought it was at least 10:30 but it was only 8:40. :laugh:

I wanted to feed the plants tonight. Today marks day 7 of 12/12. Their transitioning into flower so slowly, I think today might mark day 1 of flower. They’ve been moving so slowly to grow pistils, it’s kind of hard to tell..:hmmmm:

I forgot to get a picture looking down to said pistils, but I will hopefully get better pictures tomorrow when I bring them out and give one more dose of late veg nutrients.

The DA2 has officially caught up to the DA1. They are both towering over the BC. Poor girl! Hopefully the buds give me more love then the last BC (grown in coco), [speaking of] I saw my dad this weekend and I gave him a jar full of that BC buds I have. I kinda put them on my top shelf of my closet and haven’t touched them since. Well besides burping them every now and then.. I hope my dad enjoys it! He said it’ll last him about two months.

Well that’s all for tonight. Now to convince my wife to rub some Aloe vera cream on my back tonight for this gnarly sun burn I have :laugh:

Stay tuned!

That thing is PACKED big B how you gonna fit your Packer dude in there? Talk about could about play chess on the flower pattern of the middle plants. Congrats on the nomination! Cheers mate! :yahoo:
Awww - they're so cute at that age!!! :battingeyelashes: Looks like everything is moving along well!!!!

Now to convince my wife to rub some Aloe vera cream on my back
Oh jeez - TMI - TMI - I know how this ends!!!;)

Finally brought the ladies out for a much needed drink.

I may have fu**ed up though.


That was the star line up, to the all star game!

I mixed up a dose of early flower, instead of late veg. I also gave them a dose of bud start. Mixed my water, then read the rest of the bottle (after seeing the dosage I quit reading) it says to add once the bud sites are about a finger nail size. They definitely are not finger nail size. Face palm! Oh well, let’s see how they react to the feeding. They were all very light, and starting to droop.

I also mixed in some super B+ stress reliever in as well, because I cleaned out the centre of the plant a bit, to open it up a bit. I may have got a lil rambunctious, and took off more then I had planned.. (shrugs it off) :ganjamon:



The second picture is just for reference.

I forgot to take pictures of the hygrometer again, but the low was 17C and high was 24C the tent was sitting around 23C when I got to it. I didn’t pay too much attention to the RH but it was good, right around 40-50%

I raised the light back up to about 20-24” above the higher plants. It was around 17” before I raised it. That poor BC.. (shakes my head)


I’m also wondering if that second light I threw in the tent is disrupting the transition into flower..?:hmmmm:

I noticed a lot of blue light coming off of it, while I was visiting them. A lot more blue light then my big light puts off. I think I might remove it tonight. I’m just worried my one light isn’t going to be enough for the three plants. I need to win me a light!! I can’t afford a new one. Just got paid today and I’m already broke. :laughtwo:

Oh damn! I have a speeding ticket to pay as well I forgot about! I’ll have to put that off till next pay cheque, it’ll only my fourth in a row saying that :laugh:

Ok now for the pictures. :nomo:

I do want to say! It’s getting hard to take pictures of them when I bring them out. I had to stand on a bucket to get good pictures of the top view. Except for BC. BC is still easy!

So that’s all for tonight!

Except, as soon as I finish this and hit send. I’m going and unplugging that stupid smaller light I have. :surf:

Thanks for tuning in everyone!! I appreciate all the love and support from you guys!! Your the real MVP’s here!!

Wow! Guess it's safe to call it the Canadian forest of dankness!

I'm amazed at how much there is. It's just getting so thick now. Superb work! :goodjob:

I can't wait to see them buds!
I’m also wondering if that second light I threw in the tent is disrupting the transition into flower..?
I've got that corncob type led that my son gave me in my box supplementing my big light-it puts out a lot of blue(ish) light,and it didn't affect the flowering on my last grow-I'm not sure if it helps much,but it didn't hurt anything either.

Those girls are looking great,BL-gonna be quite the flower show in there in a week or 2!
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