Thanks, and WOW! What a nice, consistently white blanket you have there. You know how usually it's like, mostly milky white, some amber here and there, and still a bunch of clears here and there? That is almost consistent across the board. I love that for some unknown reason.I'm anxious to try the test bud but I'm waiting for my bud to come by later.
Ask and you shall receive, what do you think? Just looking at the plant I'm estimating 5-7 more days.
So you know the top THC moment is when you have 100% chock full milky white, no clear, no amber, right? That doesn't exist in reality (lol), but using that as the gauge, pretend it does for the reference. All milky white = highest THC. So almost right now you are at peak THC, if that's the only concern. Maybe a day away from that, two at the most in my opinion. But....that's a pretty one-sided, non-balanced buzz to the up side. Which is awesome if that's what you're going for, I often do! But harvesting at that point, in my experience at least, can also come with more of that "bind your chest up" feeling that "coke-y" sativas give you sometimes. I get it from all my kief. Do you get that feeling? I thought we all did from time to time depending on the weed. Anyway, as you wait, you also know those very few ambers you have brewing will grow in number as the milky number will shrink, and as that happens you get closer and closer to balance from the buzz between head and body. So the question really is, least to me, what kind of balance are you looking for from your buzz? I like it on the up side but not chest bindingly up, and I have found for me that means about 10-20% amber depending on the strain. Probably closer to 10% than 20 most of the time, I might let a heavy sativa leaning hybrid go to 20%. But this is personal preference territory here. I think one of the funnest things about growing (yes, I know it's "most fun," lol) is figuring this exact thing out. How can you go wrong? Lol.
So here's an idea for you that I did and still do sometimes that helps me figure out what I like by strain. When you harvest, you could try leaving a few branches on the plant and let them go longer. Like, maybe until you get to some amber % that you would normally not choose. What you might consider way too much even if you like. Just to see. When I did that one of the main lessons I learned was that the amount of amber really DOES make a very easily discernible difference. I let one go to 50% amber one time. Don't do that. Lmao!!!! Anyway, it's an easy learning tool you're in a position to do if you like, and it's certainly easy enough, just don't chop and watch the trichomes daily till you decide today is the day!
Two more cents for you. You owe me like 12 cents at this point.