Bilbo's Love Gang 3.0: Perpetual Motion Squad! Breeding, Cloning & Bondage!

It's a seedy nightmare mr.Budkins back in sept/oct last year I lost 35 seedlings 7 strains that were to have been my outdoor and it knocked my confidence badly, I'm still hesitant when it comes to dropping seeds but look forwards ain't nothing happening in the past...haha
Yarp. Fuck it though i am going to drop 3 more beans the last 2 c99xBB and the last alaskan purple. See if i i can get one little quick win lol. Bio bizz light mix this time though and juuust enough water in that little humidome to moist em. I know it holds moisture well lol
Yarp. Fuck it though i am going to drop 3 more beans the last 2 c99xBB and the last alaskan purple. See if i i can get one little quick win lol. Bio bizz light mix this time though and juuust enough water in that little humidome to moist em. I know it holds moisture well lol
Sending good vibes bro-chacho! These babies gon' act right this time.
I had a 20 for 20 fail but think it was due to customs hitting them with an x ray but just wasn't getting the percentage I thought I should have. I now just put them in a warm cup of distilled water fir a few days on my heat pad with 2 pieces of cardboard u dr them and in a cardboard box. Once they crack they go into the coco. I wasn't around enough to keep the paper towels moist and lost some there. So for me it's cup till crack them plant. Been working good. Sometimes it's good to try something different. Just don't try with 100 beans at once. Lol
I'm very impressed with the Jiffy seed starting soil/peat mix... or the Burpee seed starting coco mix.

Both are super fluffy material, but retain just enough moisture to keep em safe for 2-3 days if I'm slippin' on maintaining them.

I soak in water, wet paper towel til I get about 1/4" tap, then pop into cups with starting mix. Pretty good success rate... around 90% success since I've started using it. I think I've only lost 4 seeds/seedlings after they went into cups.
I'm very impressed with the Jiffy seed starting soil/peat mix... or the Burpee seed starting coco mix.

Both are super fluffy material, but retain just enough moisture to keep em safe for 2-3 days if I'm slippin' on maintaining them.

I soak in water, wet paper towel til I get about 1/4" tap, then pop into cups with starting mix. Pretty good success rate... around 90% success since I've started using it. I think I've only lost 4 seeds/seedlings after they went into cups.

Interesting! Cool stuff Preston!
Thanks guys. As you all said though onwards and upwards!
Room got a much needed upgrade today!! Looks so much nicer and cleaner in there with that stuff up. Just some thermal roll kinda like thermal blankets i guess basically the same ish as @Preston9mm No room envy now cuz!!! Lol.

Been busy obviously so just a quick sweep of some of the girls and one confirmed guy!!. We got some definite testicles right here on one of the 24k tangie x teaser kush from Cotton mouth genetics.
This plant is one of the biggest and strongest of the lot it seems and actually has a rather citrusy smell to it already so should be a good daddy :p.

The multiple branching also does actually seem to be genetic rather than a fim. Some of the lower nodes have started putting out extra branches :p

Bruce is looking much happier. Gave her branches a quick staking to stop em popping back up to much as it looked like thats what was gonna be happening.

The canopies on GSCrack and Crit Jack are looking steady now. Think GelatOG is getting ready to take off though. Shes definitely sorting her act out now. Gave her 3 litres of just water and let it sit quick before giving her a biiig feeding. I am confident by the time i come back to em shes gonna be looking beauuuitiful. So no pics until then ;) lol.

The bambinos are in fact looking better now. Not much but theres improvement so they're gonna be perfectly fine. The one that was damaged early outta the seed casing actually looks healthy now compared to the other 2 lol.
Thanks guys. As you all said though onwards and upwards!
Room got a much needed upgrade today!! Looks so much nicer and cleaner in there with that stuff up. Just some thermal roll kinda like thermal blankets i guess basically the same ish as @Preston9mm No room envy now cuz!!! Lol.

Been busy obviously so just a quick sweep of some of the girls and one confirmed guy!!. We got some definite testicles right here on one of the 24k tangie x teaser kush from Cotton mouth genetics.
This plant is one of the biggest and strongest of the lot it seems and actually has a rather citrusy smell to it already so should be a good daddy :p.

The multiple branching also does actually seem to be genetic rather than a fim. Some of the lower nodes have started putting out extra branches :p

Bruce is looking much happier. Gave her branches a quick staking to stop em popping back up to much as it looked like thats what was gonna be happening.

The canopies on GSCrack and Crit Jack are looking steady now. Think GelatOG is getting ready to take off though. Shes definitely sorting her act out now. Gave her 3 litres of just water and let it sit quick before giving her a biiig feeding. I am confident by the time i come back to em shes gonna be looking beauuuitiful. So no pics until then ;) lol.

The bambinos are in fact looking better now. Not much but theres improvement so they're gonna be perfectly fine. The one that was damaged early outta the seed casing actually looks healthy now compared to the other 2 lol.
Ooooooh Weeeeeeeee!

Lookin' clean than a mofo in there homie!
A high cbd indica from cotton mouth genetics. Im an instagram ambassador for them thats where the 24k tangie x teaser kush are from aswell. The tangies are true testers they havent been named or released as of yet. Think someone else here has got a sample pack aswell. Not sure who though now lol could be @SgtBrix i think

Howdy Bilbo!!! Hope all is fantastic brother. And yes sir, ive got some nice testers from CMG, Pink Drink 2.0 and Lavender Martini. Growing out the Lavender Martini as we speak, shes a beautiful plant to. Love the structure and the amount of resin glands on the leaves in Veg. Hope you and everyone else is doing absolutely fantastic!!



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