Bilbo's Love Gang 3.0: Perpetual Motion Squad! Breeding, Cloning & Bondage!

Howdy Bilbo!!! Hope all is fantastic brother. And yes sir, ive got some nice testers from CMG, Pink Drink 2.0 and Lavender Martini. Growing out the Lavender Martini as we speak, shes a beautiful plant to. Love the structure and the amount of resin glands on the leaves in Veg. Hope you and everyone else is doing absolutely fantastic!!



Ahhhh thems the ones you got. Really wanna try that lemon drop diesel for my next go with em! Have you dropped any of em yet?
Quick photo dump and there will be a full update tonight. Got my test light through from @SmokeSara and mars hydro! The TS1000! Looks a good light but the proof shall be in the pudding. Ill be hooking it up tonight in the little tent and see how she does on the babys. Ill be selecting a couple of girls to flower out in there aswell to see how she does :D. I will be setting up a journal for this and include the @Barney's Farm test beans. Not sure what to drop first, Peyote critical is on the list for sure though. Anyway blessings people.

Everything looks nice and healthy. The babies will grow out of their funk soon and blow up on ya.
Cheers derb. They are darkening up and pushing new leaves nicely so should start chugging along very soon. Im hoping the new LED will help aswell with a nicer spectrum for veg. Should still help keep nodes tight though due to the intensity.
Looking good bro, the lil ones will bounce back soon enough. Congrats on the new light looks like its gonna help you grow some monsters!!
Oh im sure she shall make her contributions! Im pretty excited to see what she does. Im hoping she puts out a little bit of warmth though otherwise ill have to chuck that heater back in there. Temps dropped again this week after a beauuuutiful week of weather :(
Oioi. Right so i havent put the light up yet cos its got a fricking european plug on it. I was informed thusly but slipped my mind and didnt grab an adapter before going to the grow spot... dumb dumb. Anyway. GelatOG is in the groove now. She'll be getting a nice stripping on the weekend me thinks.

GSCrack is just steaming as usual. I have upped the feed on her and critical jack today by .5ml per litre of grow. New growth has begun looking a little light on both. Clicked the light up a touch aswell. Was getting a bit warm in there and it seemed my outlet connection was loose n pissing out air so i sealed her up and shes pulling nicely again.

Crit Jack is looking wonderful but a touch hungry so as i said shes also got a touch more feed this time round. Also stripped the shit out of her lol. Now that i clicked that light up though i wanna see a little stretch before i flip em to flower in a couple weeks.

The Tangies are looking alright. A couple looked a touch droppy i just think they were a liiittle bit not dry enough when i wartered but thats cool i wasnt sure the roots had reaced the edges but i see a lil tap at the bottom hole so i know they are there now :D. The ones who were fully dry today got their first feeding! 0.5ml calmag+, 1ml grow, 1ml nurture nutrient amp. Oh and the girl i called octopussy is actually an Octoprick lol. Pretty sure i see a male part down low i shall confirm on the weekend though.

The lil red bottoms is going strong 2. Nice and stacked. Heavy thick indica clearly but yall know Bilbo aint mad at that ;).

Bruce Banger has sorted out the awkward growth a bit. Regardless she got a good hard stripping! Canopys looking niiice and flat on her though and got some good tops forming. She will defo be ready to rock by flip time.

I guess it depends on how much headroom you have, bigger plants bigger yields.
True... the big girls in there do need flipping soon. A week will do fuck it lol. I wont strip GelatOG as savagely as i did Crit Jack today. Hopefully she'll fill back out nicely.
Hope you and your fam are well.:ciao:
The girls look on point.
Hey VG! Yer familys all good thank you how about you and yours? Alll good i hope.
Thank you for the kind words but things have been up and down in the garden recently. They are all back on track but its definitely been a challenge bumping up the numbers like i have.
Quick photo dump and there will be a full update tonight. Got my test light through from @SmokeSara and mars hydro! The TS1000! Looks a good light but the proof shall be in the pudding. Ill be hooking it up tonight in the little tent and see how she does on the babys. Ill be selecting a couple of girls to flower out in there aswell to see how she does :D. I will be setting up a journal for this and include the @Barney's Farm test beans. Not sure what to drop first, Peyote critical is on the list for sure though. Anyway blessings people.

Oops. it finally arrives, I hope your plants love it!
Please notice that plants under leds needs less water, less nutrients but more cal and mag. :D
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