Bilbo's Love Gang 3.0: Perpetual Motion Squad! Breeding, Cloning & Bondage!

Well ive not tried transplanting out of them yet but that will be happening very soon. They work magic on roots though and dry out very evenly due to the air flow getting alll around the soil. They are versatile though. You dont have to take em out of the pot to transplant you can just plant the pot straight into the next pot but personally that sounds like a huge hassle when it comes time to take em out lol
Thanks Bilbo.
Let me know how hard they are to transplant from, if you can remember. I'm looking for something for later in the year. :thanks:
Thanks Bilbo.
Let me know how hard they are to transplant from, if you can remember. I'm looking for something for later in the year. :thanks:
The only thing i can think that will be a problem is any roots that have grown into the pot wall which i intend to try and get around by letting her go completely dry and just run a long knife all the way around the pot to loosen the root ball... sounds savage so il let ya know how they fair lol
Hey Bilbo or anyone, I need some help trouble shooting this plant if you don’t mind. I’ll go ahead and admit this was not one of my better ideas. I pulled a finished plant and rootball from a pot that finished. I reused its soil (FFOF peat). I replanted in the same soil... Two Crown Royales. One has taken to it like a duck in water. The other appeared to have a different structure and is giving me fits. I did flush and have dosed her with CalMag and always PH my water and feed (just Big Bloom right now), but I think something is out of wack here. I am not good at diagnostics.

Plant one is healthy.

Plant 2 is... yikes! Help me salvage her!

Hey Bilbo or anyone, I need some help trouble shooting this plant if you don’t mind. I’ll go ahead and admit this was not one of my better ideas. I pulled a finished plant and rootball from a pot that finished. I reused its soil (FFOF peat). I replanted in the same soil... Two Crown Royales. One has taken to it like a duck in water. The other appeared to have a different structure and is giving me fits. I did flush and have dosed her with CalMag and always PH my water and feed (just Big Bloom right now), but I think something is out of wack here. I am not good at diagnostics.

Plant one is healthy.

Plant 2 is... yikes! Help me salvage her!

When did you flush and add calmag bro? She looks hungry to me but i think it could be due to over watering which will effect nutrient uptake and also caaan change the PH in your soil even if your PH is on point going in.
Flushed a few days ago and I've been adding a little calmag every watering and feed. Let me see if I have any run off left in the catch pan that I can measure. 6.3ish in and 6.5ish coming out. Thanks
Ah think we could have a touch of lockout if you've been adding every water and feed. Id still look into ya watering practice aswell though... ah just see purple stems aswell which is an indicator of overfeeding or cold temps.
Whats cracking party people!. Sorry I aint updated here for a little while ive been super busy recently... and my plants show that right now lol. Gardens not looking the greatest right now but i got it all in hand :p.
Bruce Banger been stripped for a quick quad. Not gonna have the time to do a full quad before i flip but i mostly did it to slow her down so my littlens can catch up a bit.

You most certainly are busy brother.... I snapped a cpl pics to give you an idea on the lucky packets....

Lucky Hybrids or Bilbos Bastardly Bunch of Misfits....




There was a very thin sativa ( think landrace DP leaves ) but I plucked his manhood as I wouldn't want despoiling all my virgins.... :snowboating: Cpl haven't loaded but similiar looking variations....


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Whats cracking party people!. Sorry I aint updated here for a little while ive been super busy recently... and my plants show that right now lol. Gardens not looking the greatest right now but i got it all in hand :p.
Bruce Banger been stripped for a quick quad. Not gonna have the time to do a full quad before i flip but i mostly did it to slow her down so my littlens can catch up a bit.

that black sugar is looking mighty fine it sure makes a difference when they get let go even for a couple days I stress about it everytime I have to leave I have to leave them!:)
You most certainly are busy brother.... I snapped a cpl pics to give you an idea on the lucky packets....

Lucky Hybrids or Bilbos Bastardly Bunch of Misfits....




There was a very thin sativa ( think landrace DP leaves ) but I plucked his manhood as I wouldn't want despoiling all my virgins.... :snowboating: Cpl haven't loaded but similiar looking variations....
Beauuutiful smeegs. Nice mix of hybrids, glad to see some indica lean in one of em though ima try get em to about 60/40 sativa/indica thats my personal sweet spot for sativas. Enough to get you up in the morning but is still nice for a cuddle in bed lol
that black sugar is looking mighty fine it sure makes a difference when they get let go even for a couple days I stress about it everytime I have to leave I have to leave them!:)
Yerrr i definitely let her go too long man. Oh well i know for next time. Keep a close eye on her near the end lol
no man I was talking about leaving town for a time and leaving them un attended for like 2 days or something that stresses me lol! btw almost time for seeds!
Ohhhhhh lol. My bad mate got confused. The whole time ive been growing ive only attended my garden like 3/4 times a week but ive had to send my helper a fair few times these last 2 weeks in my adsence so its hard to relay what needs doing when you cant actually see or feel the weight of your plants its a guessing game lol
Heidi Hiiii. Been a liiittle bit too dry for the bambinos recently which im 95% sure has been the problem. I aint been spraying the leaves and stuff as they've been under that hot ass HPS either. I should have really. Oh well next seedlings are all starting in the 2x2 much more humidity in that tent so its all good. Bruce Banger is on fire though. She's gonna be a beautiful plant man.

The big girls have recovered niiiicely from their strip and GSCracks supercropping so much so that her main arm i supercropped waaaaay before the last lot had basically sprang back up to the light lol.
GelatOG seems to be sorting her life out now. Definitely not gonna overwater for the sake of convenience again im telling ya!!
I like the sound of that. “GelatOG”.
Sounds dangerous...:popcorn:
Shes been my problem child out of this run so far but she's shaping up now. Gotta say the veg smell coming off her is real nice. Fruity, sweet and slightly gassy already. Cant wait to see how she does in flower man.
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