Bilbo's Love Gang 3.0: Perpetual Motion Squad! Breeding, Cloning & Bondage!

She's doing great extremely perky, I will get an update with pics up today. Its hard with kids home. We have had so many snow storms the kids have only had school 3x in the past 3weeks. This dad is ready for a break lol.
Awww dude thats hell lol. My daughters just coming up on half term break aswell is it the same for you guys?
What ya got cooking today P?
Day off... chillin like a villain!

Might walk down to grab some dry ice if it ever warms up. We're at like 0°~5°C

Ya like that.... :rofl: I'm trying to be cultured!
(I had to double check Google to make sure I was correct) LoL
Awww dude thats hell lol. My daughters just coming up on half term break aswell is it the same for you guys?
They have spring break coming up soon which is another 2weeks off of school. At the rate their having snow days they wont get a summer break lol.
I bet your girl adores you.
My oldest is turning 21 this year. I was pretty young when I had him.

:morenutes:my new fav.
I hope she does lol. Na shes a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul and im very proud of her. Shes got a little womans head on her though. Hormones kicking in early bless her. Mood swings galore at the moment.
They have spring break coming up soon which is another 2weeks off of school. At the rate their having snow days they wont get a summer break lol.
Same here. Mine finally went back yesterday. I'm taking a 3 hour nap today.
If anyone disturbs me , may God have mercy in their soul. I'm super sick
I hope she does lol. Na shes a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul and im very proud of her. Shes got a little womans head on her though. Hormones kicking in early bless her. Mood swings galore at the moment.
One of my sons has hit that age here too. I plan to ride out puberty by hiding. Always looking busy.
I hope she does lol. Na shes a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul and im very proud of her. Shes got a little womans head on her though. Hormones kicking in early bless her. Mood swings galore at the moment.
I was coaching the girls baseball team last night... 10 girls between 8-10 years old.

What a shit show! Haha

When I catch them jacking around on the field, twirlin' & shit.... or arguing with others, I hit hot ass line drives at them to wake em up.

Day off... chillin like a villain!

Might walk down to grab some dry ice if it ever warms up. We're at like 0°~5°C

Ya like that.... :rofl: I'm trying to be cultured!
(I had to double check Google to make sure I was correct) LoL
I was coaching the girls baseball team last night... 10 girls between 8-10 years old.

What a shit show! Haha

When I catch them jacking around on the field, twirlin' & shit.... or arguing with others, I hit hot ass line drives at them to wake em up.

Noooo. I couldnt do it. Cant imagine texans take too kindly to people swearing at their kids. Mind you texan coaches are notorious anyway lol
@Preston9mm My kids grandpa is a women's college softball coach. He is grooming my daughter to be a college prospect. Lol. We'll see if she likes it.

I would pay to see you coach. Sounds hilarious.
@Preston9mm My kids grandpa is a women's college softball coach. He is grooming my daughter to be a college prospect. Lol. We'll see if she likes it.

I would pay to see you coach. Sounds hilarious.
I've taught my daughter how to box but had to drop that for a little bit cos she faked out her mum with a right then clocked her with a left when she was like 6 haha. Probably gonna pick it back up now that shes a bit older now and has more self control lol
It would be a great skill for a girl to have.

Plus, it's time with daddy. That's all little girls want anyway.
Shes got the power there aswell. People think you need to be big up top to generate power... wrong. A knockout punch is all in legs and hips and she got it lol. Doesnt hurt to have some muscle up top obviously. But have a look at every boxers calfs and thighs. Manny pacquiao especially. Tiny dude but generates nasty power
I watched a lot of fights as a young girl. My dad was in the Navy, seems like that's all they did judging from the stories.

He made me watch "Rocky" too many times.
I watched a lot of fights as a young girl. My dad was in the Navy, seems like that's all they did judging from the stories.

He made me watch "Rocky" too many times.
Nice! I'm retired Navy as well.

Was a Chief when I got out in 2013.

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