Bilbo's Love Gang 3.0: Perpetual Motion Squad! Breeding, Cloning & Bondage!

Yer gonna be fun lol. Think i got a guy whos got a trim machine just a case of what he'll want for me to use it... Probly gonna end up hand trimming anyway haha
I just looked at a "Trimbag" yesterday, since the harvests are almost big enough to justify it now.... then I saw the price! :eek:

Harvests ain't that big. LoL

It'll be good ol' manual labor for me.
I just looked at a "Trimbag" yesterday, since the harvests are almost big enough to justify it now.... then I saw the price! :eek:

Harvests ain't that big. LoL

It'll be good ol' manual labor for me.
Right! Near enough half a grip for a pop up laundry basket with some zips and high tensile netting inside. Na im good lol
Day 79 F
Right! Unfortunately got a little foxtailing on black sugar and one of the ammys due to heat i reckon so i clicked the light up a bit. Gonna give em one week then they did. Saturday the 2 other ammys getting chopped though. Anna and lil ammy will be getting the chop first :p

Veg girls
GSCrack is a monster. Ive had to raise the other girls up on another platform again. Cant wait to get the flower girls chopped and done so I can give em all their own space... cant see it being to far from flower for em either to be fair. I might end up even giving one or 2 of the flower girls light deprivation for a few days to finish em off quicker and get that space freed up.
Anyway. Bruce bangers doing awesome aswell got some nice roots going so far but i wanna ram that little pot out with roots before i up pot her.

Lol i feel like that in day to day life anyway.
Thanks brother! Just needa start going your boys route with the LOS. Im an obvious soil monkey at heart so thats just my clear next evolution. That or high brix (gonna research the shit outta that)Yer they are all kinda neatly staggered by the looks of it anyway so its pretty convenient in that respect.
Trim jail gonna be fun... especially now that my misses has refused to participate... shes the quick trimmer aswell i put the finish on em lmao
lol do you feel like your the only one talking here Bilbo your plants look really good you have a green thumb my friend I would harvest one at a time your going to have a lot of trimming to do but when your done youll be set up for a bit good harvesting to you!
Looking amazing bro, cant wait to see some of your harvest pics. The little one's seem to be doing great!! Keep up the hard work!!
Well cinderberry is nearly dry so im actually gonna post my dry weight on her lol. Ive been terrible about recording weights... cos half the time i smoke as soon as shes dry and forget. Take a couple before and after trim pics later tonight (if shes dry enough).
Hows your lil ammy doing?
Well cinderberry is nearly dry so im actually gonna post my dry weight on her lol. Ive been terrible about recording weights... cos half the time i smoke as soon as shes dry and forget. Take a couple before and after trim pics later tonight (if shes dry enough).
Hows your lil ammy doing?
She's doing great extremely perky, I will get an update with pics up today. Its hard with kids home. We have had so many snow storms the kids have only had school 3x in the past 3weeks. This dad is ready for a break lol.
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