Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

Peppa all day erday!
Hehe can't wait to see her buds .

Doing clones of her today! Not sure if I'll run square pots or 5g fabrics with her Clones, I'm tempted to just do 9x5g fabrics and letting them grow almost natural because they are so beautiful .

Well see lol still drinking coffee n watching grow videos on YouTube XD
Thanks bro, id def like to have it & would compensate something for it. Im not looming for freebee.:thumb:

You guys getting me excited talking all this business. Lol. Have a great day bro. Heres a pic of my biggest nug. I think anyway. Didnt want to disturb the jar too much.....not very sparkly. Blueberry auto by 420
this last one is juju my xmas cookie gsc hybrid. Sorry for the pink lighting. Lmk if you need me to delete it. Heres day 1 of flower i guess ill say. Or is this a preflower. How do you think i should treat her now nutes wise. Thanks yall
Thanks bro, id def like to have it & would compensate something for it. Im not looming for freebee.:thumb:

You guys getting me excited talking all this business. Lol. Have a great day bro. Heres a pic of my biggest nug. I think anyway. Didnt want to disturb the jar too much.....not very sparkly. Blueberry auto by 420
this last one is juju my xmas cookie gsc hybrid. Sorry for the pink lighting. Lmk if you need me to delete it. Heres day 1 of flower i guess ill say. Or is this a preflower. How do you think i should treat her now nutes wise. Thanks yall
Nice nug buddy! Looks juicy hehe

Not too sure how to treat it with nutes lol I recently had a pretty savage salt build up so I'm not the one to advise. But I'd say flush every 4 to 6 weeks a precaution n don't do what I did lol
Quick pics before I head into the jungle for work lol

Pics from last night 01 08 18 - Day 37 of flower :3 quick pics sorry .
Psycho WW

Jewel BC

Angel WW

Moira BC

Alecxks BC

Fans were on and I wanted them to sleep lol looking decent, alecxks pistils are going too brown too early, due to excess salts still so next watering will be just water with grozyme, and maybe some massive just for the sake of it lol hopefully we can get everything balanced n get a decent weight off these girls still .

I'll grab pics of Peppa n Sapphire when I'm in the garden today, gunna do clones of Peppa n fire up the cloner again lol

Empty nest syndrome XD

I'll grab pics for the Remo journal while I'm down there too! Catch up later y'all! . . . . . .
Looks at the top of the cloning tub...definitely not OCD!
Lol already took ownership of just bein an over controlling ass hat XD

Plus arbitrarily drilling holes is half the reason I diy anything . .
Lol at diy comment. Now,.....i get so excited for peeps with killer grows lime yours. But while im bei g honest. A lil jealous too. Lol. Nice fekkin job bro. Are the top 2 & last 1 sativa?? Look it to my untrained eye. Later bro!
Yea bruv! They are all almost 100% sativa so your right on the money!

The amount of debt I'm in is nothing to be jealous of :S

Just take it as inspiration, that's a lot less stressful lol

Take it easy moon!
Ok so I can smell my hands as I type this and I really only touched fan leaves XD holy shite <3

I just went into the flower tent n saw psycho and decided I'd had enough of her crap so I went ahead and bent a couple of her trouble maker colas over XD

Just that little bit leveled out the canopy nicely, let's see how long she stays that way XD
Huge market for it here, especially with legalization round the corner! I definitely suggest listening to your Guy, it's easy to get 10 to 15 bucks for a healthy clone. I have another commercial grow that's looking to buy about 3000 at a time for about 2 bucks a piece :S

Lol not quite there yet but they said they're always looking for healthy stock :/

Looking into permits and stuff today lol i don't wanna get too ahead of myself . I'm thankful to have a medical grow lol

I wish I had the money to own my edible restaurant.

Edible infused everything only

With shuttle service home .
Update time :3 it's a photo dump night . .

01 09 18 pm Update!

Mother tent- Took clones off Peppa tonight and put them into the bubble cloner!

There's a full tutorial in the Remo journal in my signature . not sure where I'll journal Peppas journey but I might wait a bit to start another one, 2 is a lot for now lol


Healed up super quick after her massive haircut today!

She's gunna be twice as bushy now XD :S

And here's wee Sapphire, hoping she'll take off after the next watering now that she has her soil and space hehe

She's looking happy so slow and steady is fine by me!. .

And the flowering girls . day 38 of flower!

Psycho WW

Jewel BC

Angel WW

Moira BC

Alecxks BC

I think that last one is Angel lol

Overall pretty good, still too much salt but I'm waiting for them to dry out to avoid root rot. They'll get plain water with just bud booster and grozyme next water and well pushem for the last couple weeks before flush. Being that these girls are almost, if not totally, pure sativa, I'm hoping they run longer than the breeder says so that we can fatten up and get back some of the production I lost by burning them and locking them out. If not, my fault lol but honestly I'm just happy with the resins they are producing. No complaints here .

Pheeeww!!! Alright y'all, time to blaze n put my phone on charge, catch up soon folks! Take it easy! . . . . . . .
I'd be there every Day, 3 times a day XD

Also did a lil defol XD

I love those skinny fingers!!!! Yo strange!!! Went for it yesterday. Got light home. Picked box up out of car. Omg. Bottom not taped. Light crashed from waist or suv seat height. Chomping at bit to c if it worked. Kinda bummed all night thinking of what i gave in return. I was so mad , then i tried to think of things in a diff light. (Thanks to sweet sue for helping me train my mind better.) Anger really is a waste of energy. Unless youre a gym rat i suppose. A I waz sure that light was broken. Might try n see if i can salvage parts. Called him a lil while ago tand he said he could take a look at it. Hes thankfull. I know But before i got home dude texted. Said , smells real nice & its still in bag in his pocket. He waz so excited i could feel it. He texts bud looks good too for one of my early grows. He said " you can get worse at a dispensary. " i thought. Hmmmmm. Not sure hpw to take that. Few minutes later ....texts says. Hell yeah bro. Right on. Thanks man. 3 tokes & i was good. He has cellulitus. & says it hurts bad. This should help bigtime. He thanked me for the xtra eighth. Well. That meant more than the light if ya know what i mean. No more second guessing myself. Just thought id share. Great day all you growbro'$!!
Update time :3 it's a photo dump night . .

01 09 18 pm Update!

Mother tent- Took clones off Peppa tonight and put them into the bubble cloner!

There's a full tutorial in the Remo journal in my signature . not sure where I'll journal Peppas journey but I might wait a bit to start another one, 2 is a lot for now lol


Healed up super quick after her massive haircut today!

She's gunna be twice as bushy now XD :S

And here's wee Sapphire, hoping she'll take off after the next watering now that she has her soil and space hehe

She's looking happy so slow and steady is fine by me!. .

And the flowering girls . day 38 of flower!

Psycho WW







Jewel BC








Angel WW






Moira BC





Alecxks BC










I think that last one is Angel lol

Overall pretty good, still too much salt but I'm waiting for them to dry out to avoid root rot. They'll get plain water with just bud booster and grozyme next water and well pushem for the last couple weeks before flush. Being that these girls are almost, if not totally, pure sativa, I'm hoping they run longer than the breeder says so that we can fatten up and get back some of the production I lost by burning them and locking them out. If not, my fault lol but honestly I'm just happy with the resins they are producing. No complaints here .





Pheeeww!!! Alright y'all, time to blaze n put my phone on charge, catch up soon folks! Take it easy! . . . . . . .

Wow dude. Exquisitely done. Forgot to tell you that in my previous post. Really nice pics too. Have a great day strange and thread members.
Looking good Big homie!
I love those skinny fingers!!!! Yo strange!!! Went for it yesterday. Got light home. Picked box up out of car. Omg. Bottom not taped. Light crashed from waist or suv seat height. Chomping at bit to c if it worked. Kinda bummed all night thinking of what i gave in return. I was so mad , then i tried to think of things in a diff light. (Thanks to sweet sue for helping me train my mind better.) Anger really is a waste of energy. Unless youre a gym rat i suppose. A I waz sure that light was broken. Might try n see if i can salvage parts. Called him a lil while ago tand he said he could take a look at it. Hes thankfull. I know But before i got home dude texted. Said , smells real nice & its still in bag in his pocket. He waz so excited i could feel it. He texts bud looks good too for one of my early grows. He said " you can get worse at a dispensary. " i thought. Hmmmmm. Not sure hpw to take that. Few minutes later ....texts says. Hell yeah bro. Right on. Thanks man. 3 tokes & i was good. He has cellulitus. & says it hurts bad. This should help bigtime. He thanked me for the xtra eighth. Well. That meant more than the light if ya know what i mean. No more second guessing myself. Just thought id share. Great day all you growbro'$!!
Rough man ! Always hold expensive stuff from underneath XD like a baby until it's in your house lol

Glad to hear the trade went ok at least, I'd be sketched out lol

Hopefully it can get fixed, if not, you'll be good!

Mornin Moon! Mornin y'all! :blunt:

Have a great day bud!
Wow dude. Exquisitely done. Forgot to tell you that in my previous post. Really nice pics too. Have a great day strange and thread members.
Thanks man! I definitely hindered them a bit but I'm hoping we still get a decent pull. Fingers crossed!
Looking good Big homie!
Thanks Shorti! I gotta come see how fast Christina is racing along :p
Ah yeah, that's looking so good.
Hehe thanks man, trying to compete with the natural sun lol miss that outdoor trich production . . .
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