BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes


So these are the parents of of your NotM entry! WOW Doode! Those are some lovely strains on their own and I can only imagine how that cross smokes based on your report!

I have bookmarked this and Icemud's journal in hopes to get through them all in the next months as I know of both you around the forum. And to be able to produce stellar buds like that, there has to be techniques in here worth searching 50+ pages for ;)

+Reps bro!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

well hello africangrower! welcome aboard:thumb: glad to have you here, i hope you find some useful info here,

lol yeah for some reason my journals get pretty big pretty fast,
ok my notm is not related to the urkle in the potm, the super dark urkle is a gift from a homie he gifted me 2 urkle beans he got from a jar of purple urkle from a very reputable dispensary, it is my first ever urkle encounter of any kind i cant wait to taste it

the bud in notm is a cross i made with my fantastic blue dream and ken estes grand daddy purp
i was going to call it purple dream but theres already a strain with that name so i switched the first letters to make it unique,and it turned out really nice,im quite pleased with it

the urkle is my new strain of fascination,and if i like the effect,taste etc it will be used heavily in my breeding program, in fact i want to create several strains with it, but we'll see it may not breed well,you just cant tell till you try a few times.

i chopped the pineapple skunk today lots of nice nugs on one side not much on the other having them in the vert scrog made them all lopsided and hury yield i think that and that damn airpot im done with that thing ive never been happy with anything ive grown in it so its getting retired or a greenhouse item, i know many ppl love them but not me i will stick with the smartpots and 5 gallon buckets, it gave 7oz WET! less than the half auto grand mama blue but the nugs are nice and very solid, low odor but really nice smell not at all like pineapple,or skunk but very pretty i will likely chop urkle tomorrow, she looks to be heavy, i cant tell a thing by lookin at the trichs they are all dark purple/blue so in going by the all orange pistils and its been in flower almost 9 weeks, so we will see how it turns out and then i'll have an idea how long to go next time, pics sometime soon
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

thanks for the info BID, maybe thats why my fem seeds produce great plants time after time, hopefully what you say is true which from my own experience id have to say it seems to be. so thanks for confirming what i thought, i just didnt want to jump the gun and say it does produce stable plants if it actually didnt,

so that makes my projects a little easier now as i can lock onto the pheno type and lock that into fem seeds and that gives me lots of chances to back cross with instead of cloning plants, it just gives me a break from working on one strain instead of constantly growing the same strain every grow so i can perfect the strain, at least i should be able to take a break and grow strains ive bought and then carry on with my project when i go the grow after that, ill give it a try and report back if i have any issues but i always wondered why my fem seeds produced identical plants each time.

great news about the new led your testing, its something im keen on using but after seeing top led's light perform not as well as expected sort of puts me off, i mean years ago led's where very poor for growing but they have imrpoved and starting to produce amazing results, at the moment im running a 400 watt dual spec hps and also a small cfl room for seedlings and clones as the cfs keep node spacing super tight compared with starting plants under the hps,

so what my plans are is to have staggered harvest, so my seedling room will be a seedling room, the veg room will be a veg only room and a flower room will be a flower only room, but as ill need 3 lights i dont want to be running 3 hid's due to running costs at temps,
but this is the setup id like to produce if i was using hid's and cfls
seedling and clone room would be around 200ish watts of 6400kelvin cfls

veg room would be a 400watt dual spec hps or possibly metal halide, but im thinking the dual spec bulbs are the best option, but never used anything other than dual spec sunmaster bulbs so cant comment on how good mh compare with dual spec bulbs.

flower room id like to bump up to a 600 watt dual spec hps if they do 600watt dual spec bulbs,

that way i can stagger my harvest and harvest plants every 4ish weeks, so id have each room set up for each stage of growth giving me more harvests and constant supply of meds,

so in total thats around 1200ish watts as we know hids run higher than the stated watts, so 400watts hps runs at around 450 watts unless your using a cheap brand and then your bulbs are bot getting to the right temps so dont produce the correct spectrum.

so what i need to find out is what type of led would replace a 400watt hid, a 600watt hid and possibly a 200watt cfl set up unless i stick with the cfls for seedlings as cfls work perfect for seedlings and clones.
i would want to try and keep running costs down so i need to find out if an led uses less watts but still produces the same results as a 400watt hps, the same with the 600watt hid, so if i could get the power consumption down the over a few grows the led would pay for itself.

what i dont want to do is replace a 400watt hid with a 400watt led, or 600watt hid with 600 watt led as that defeats the issue, so would a lower wattage led replace a 400watt and 600watt hid light, i followed jons journal as the top led cob light seemed like a good option but his results where not as good as he expected, i know you had problems and you recon you could improve on the results you got so im just trying to work out what my best option is, so id be looking at buying at least 2 leds to replace a 400 and 600hid, but the results need to compare to these lights,

so ill see how you get on with the leds and ill take it from their, the other thing im concerned about is the power usage of the led's as they seem to differ, some led's use more watts than they suggest or so ive read, so the watts need to be lower but stil compare with the hid

so ill see how you get on with this new led, are you still going to be using the top led cob light or are top led going to give up on that and try and improve it, if they are then would they be selling the lights off that you tested a bit cheaper so they can focus on producing a better version of it, for me i think the cob would do me for a veg light or a seedling and clone light but for flower id want something that comes close to hid or even betters the hid results
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

ok don couple things im not using the cob light, im using the mars 2 80x5watt and it should do as well as a 400watt hid, i really need to stress that im not done testing it, and im extremely happy with the results i got the meds are the most potent ive ever grown spiffy and i have figured out that a gram of the meds grown under the led is as strong and lasts as long as 3-4 grams of the exact same strain grown under hid!!! so spiffy just told me the led blue dream takes 2-3 hits ,the batch before, hps grown takes a full bowl to get the same effect
a bowl lasts her 3 days now, before she finished a bowl every night, , now as for weight i could have doubled it by topping and flowering them in 3 gallon pots rather than 1 gallon pots,and 2 weeks veg, this first phase of the test was simply for quality, i dont feel that the light underperformed AT ALL!! i got about 1/2 gram per watt of topshelf meds with no popcorn,stems and a very tight trim, pure heaven smoke! (i have done worse and better with a 400 watt hid) i have repeated this numerous times...
,as far as the cob light goes thats a new untested tech jon is working with, i dont know a thing about that light
the next thing im gonna do with the mars2 is a trained sour diesel #2 in a 7 gallon smartpot with 6 or more weeks veg time , without adoubt yield will be very acceptable, the thing about led is that you save money in so many other areas even if you get one the same amount of power watt for watt if its made right its twice as much light and will totaly rock your grow, without needing all the cooling,water,nutes,and so forth, i think the age of the led is upon us, if these light work as well as i think they will my hps stuff will just be around for backup
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Man i sure hope they perform just the way your hoping, they sound awesome. I saw a write up where a master grower claims he yielded more when the light was on a mover due to the light was so intense the plant benefits from the short breaks it gets? Have you heard anything similar? I'd be interested in trying it because last year my LEDs were real intense, I learned real quick dont try looking directly at the diodes:loopy::clap:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

But there's good news ...

... it appears you have less competition for NOTM.

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Honor is more and more, becoming a schmucks game. But there's still a difference between looking like an honorable man and knowing that you're an honorable man. There's a lot more satisfaction in the second. Sometimes it takes awhile to figure that out. People make mistakes. *shrug*
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Honor is more and more, becoming a schmucks game. But there's still a difference between looking like an honorable man and knowing that you're an honorable man. There's a lot more satisfaction in the second. Sometimes it takes awhile to figure that out. People make mistakes. *shrug*

More satisfaction I agree, but a much harder path through life especially if you try and hold other ppl to your own standards, or even at their word.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Yep, I only have a cpl dz of 5 different strains, but I shopped carefully and expect i'll find one in here I really like. Once my favorites are determined, i'll clone/make some seeds and be independent of those stress-inducers myself. Then, in the future, I can do some seeds exchanges with some friends who have already said if I was ever interested in doing it, I could score a few good beans from them. So far though, I'm still adhering to the adage "Tell no one". :peacetwo:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

ive never been in any kind of trouble, worst thing ever was a speeding ticket for 6mph over,it would be a first, im not afraid for myself, my concerns are for my family, they depend on me, its just the what ifs that stress me out, and i agree its prolly not an issue, it should have never been an issue, its a frikkin harmless plant, if they want a fat old crippled guy that dosent even sell my meds then go for it, but i dont want anyone else to suffer for my choices and actions,, thats what i was stressing about, im sure the vendor will fix it, wont know till monday since there closed on the weekend, after this is resolved though im done with it like i said before, besides i was reading some articles about gmo cannabis and it does appear that they do exist and are likely in our collections, plants that have more than 2 leafsets per node have likely been altered with colchisine, heres a snip i hate to c&p but this is interesting

How To Identify Polyploids:
You can identify a polyploid be mere physical appearance and no need to examine the chromosones. Most people have never grown or smoked these real legendary plants. The gangters rap about OG Kush because they had the money to buy this extremely rare connoisseur product. Most product out there is just "wangsta OG".

Polyploid Traits:
Four sets of leaves at the nodes
Stretched (doubled) flowers
Dark green leaves
Double bud sites
Heavy feeder
High water consumption
Thick meristem
Pistil discoloration (pink pistils under black light)
Extreme potency
Vigour and extra growth on first generation
i want badass plants from selective breeding not cheating, i am not even thrilled that i have to us cs spray to save genetics, but ya gotta sometimes, i wont use them in my real breeding program, just the for fun and learning aspect
speaking of cs sprayed i got a wierd one for you
heres the deal i crossed a cream caramel auto with a cheese candy auto(used fem pollen from the cream caramel auto and in spring i decided to grow a couple in the back of the greenhouse 3 beans to be exact, 1 was a dud 1 was growing slow and mutated the last one grew rather well so well in fact that after choping it in half twice it still ended up reaching the roof and did not autoflower!!! i crossed 2 autos and no auto??? wtf?? heres some pics it vegged like 3 months and has been flowering a month or so now, it grown like a normal photoperiod plant in everyway i was expecting a couple little 2-3 ft tall cream caramels this is what i got
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Man, you got so much good shit going on there. I wouldn't be able to keep
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

thanks for letting me know you was using the mars led, i will be setting up another 2 rooms in the near future so i can have a room for each stage of growth and stagger harvest, so leds would be my best option for keeping costs down as long is it compares to the hids id be using, i dont know much about led's so got a lot to look into,
id need led's to replace the 400watt hos im using now, but if i was going to stick with hids then id have 400 watt for veg, 600watt for flower for the extra penetration then for seedling and clones id use cfls unless their was a small ish led that would do well, so if i can cut running costs down by using leds then its all good,

with the seeds im pretty lucky as im able to buy and trade seeds due to where i live, its why we have many seed banks here, most market have seed stalls and you can buy and sell with no problems, but growing is a big no no but we are allowed to collect and sell seeds as souvineer purposes.

im shocked we have another cheat in the contests, the last one i remember doing this was mr mud pie but that was a while back,

i did suggest in one of the threads not grow related that for notm the member must write their screen name on paper so its in the pic for everyone to see that its actually their bud, also possibly do something similar for the potm contest as its to easy to find pics on any site and claim its yours, luckily they got caught this time but im sure their have been cheats that have tried it in the past and gone unoticed,
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