BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

and so it shall be entered, spiffy and i agree on these 2

Wow man that is the purplest lady I have ever seen in my life, Love it :)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

ty sara:high-five:
Wow man that is the purplest lady I have ever seen in my life, Love it :)

thanks bud! yup im super proud of her! she just blows my mind even tho i can see her and her pics anytime i want,and its very often i still think holy crap!! everytime! i have clones that will become mothers i intend to grow many more, i want to try her under led,scrog,"sop" aka sog,soil,hydro,and find the best method for her,, thanks for coming by and the kind words :thumb: dont be a stranger :thumb: goes for everyone:Namaste:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

very nice BID, they look great, is that pheno stable then now or have you still got more work to do on it, or are you producing the same with each seed planted.

just curious how much back crossing you did to make that pheno stable, can you remember how many pheno you started off with before you started back crossed to get results like that.

you certainly ended up with a very nice few strains, well done mate,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

very nice BID, they look great, is that pheno stable then now or have you still got more work to do on it, or are you producing the same with each seed planted.

just curious how much back crossing you did to make that pheno stable, can you remember how many pheno you started off with before you started back crossed to get results like that.

you certainly ended up with a very nice few strains, well done mate,

Well said.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Wow..that is the most purple plant and buds I have every seen!!! Holy Guano Batman!!!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

urkle is a first bean popped ,it was a gift from a friend, durple pream is an f1 hybrid of gdp and blue dream, i can recross the 2 and get stable plants over and over but crossing for f2 would likely result in more phenos, i can make fem seeds by selfing, urkle i know less about it came from a dispensary in a bag of urkle, thats about all i know besides its shocking purple color and divine scent, never even smoked any urkle (yet! wink) i have 1 more seed perhaps it will be a male, for now i will clone and make fems,and cross it to other purples:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Plant looks amazing, Haven't checked out the other entries for NOTM but so far you got my vote and it will be pretty hard to top the look of your nug. Amazing work. :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

im going to order some urkle seeds if i can find any with the sponsors and give them a try, i dont want to force plants to turn purple so need to find a good pheno type that i can work with, its not easy and so far ive not produced any purple plants without major stress and when i did that it was like smoking razor blades, so cold shock is not a method im going to try again due to the shocking results i got, yep it was a very nice dark purple and colour wise it looked great, but couldnt be smoked so will continue on my quest to find something that turns purps, im keeping my fingers crossed that the blue mystic i planted produces some colour
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Good luck don in your quest for the purple joy remember the most important thing have fun/! Try Dutch passion purple#1 or their shaman,,"sannies" killing fields has a dark purple PHENO,let the nutes run out in the last 2 weeks and let them go and extra week or 2 many purps won't show unless the N runs low, many purps do smoke a little harsh due to the Anthocin being present in such strains, but a good flush and cure will smooth it out or better yet grow with organics:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

cool thanks for the info, i ordered some seeds yesterday before i read your comment so ill order some of them in a week or 2, at the minute i gone with these seeds
Ordered Products
TGA Subcool Deep Purple Seeds (subcool says it produces many phenotypes, so clearly not a true stable strain but can produce a purple pheno and is spot on with quality when you hit the purps, but should produce great buds anyway, not tried sub's strains before but like the work he does so went with that strain as its an eurkle background.)
BC Bud Depot Ultimate Purple Seeds (sold as a true purple carefully selected for the purple pheno type and will produce purple plants each time its grown)
High Quality Purple Tops Seeds (very cheap seeds, again suggests its a stable purple strain, the price put me off at first but if it turns produces purple then i can work with it and improve, or maybe its a really nice strain and just need to get rid of the seeds)

all the above are from herbies, so my quest for the purple continues.

good luck in the contests, im sure you will do very well with plants and buds like those,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I don't feel that prices relate to quality at all! Some of the best plants I've grown in fact most we're Cheapies like Nirvana has some of the best strains available,same for kc brains, I think prices are like they are because we let them get away with it and go ahead and pay those prices, I refuse to pay more than 10$ and even that kills me but if they throw in freebies it cuts the cost, if we stopped buying the expensive ones they would be forced to drop prices,they use slick marketing and fancy names,but truth is seeds are seeds, the plant can produce tend of thousands of seeds per cycle and there's no real hard labor to I dust a female with a blast of pollen at the right time and she will give pounds of seeds, it's like fine wine or cigars, your paying for a name, and idea, I give em props for what they do it's tricky keeping good records and storage is a factor but no seed should be 50 bux! But you can get your value by cloning breeding and so forth, but come on if I was a pro breeder and my work was available at a sponsor I would want them to be like a buck a bean, but I'm not in the business and I don't sell anything, and it's not up to me, I keep my stuff for me,and my family I love to get new strains as much as anybody but can seldom afford them,,but I can sure breed all I need:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I am trying to get some breeding going and i am almost there. Have you bred with regulars or just the CS route. i almost want to make seeds of my bubba but I am unsure of How I could accomplish this. If i start spraying a bud a two to three weeks in to flower will that bud actually pollinate itself and produce seed that same run or will it just produce pollen for me to use later?
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

That, my friend, is the American

But I agree. When I first started looking again, I was seriously surprised at the price on some of these seeds. I got some, and it DID sting, but also having so many options was a bit overwhelming... but exciting. It's my ultimate desire to get a strain or two I really like and start breeding/cloning...also, just for myself and loved ones' collective needs.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I am trying to get some breeding going and i am almost there. Have you bred with regulars or just the CS route. i almost want to make seeds of my bubba but I am unsure of How I could accomplish this. If i start spraying a bud a two to three weeks in to flower will that bud actually pollinate itself and produce seed that same run or will it just produce pollen for me to use later?
I have done both, I only CS when I have something I want saved as is such as is the case with the latest 2 Mendo purps and purple power they we're from fem seed no male I want to cross with,so I make fem seeds that are basically a cloner in seed form,this way I can store it till I have a male I want to breed them with, I prefer to use reg makes & females wherever possible, better solid genetics,and more possibilities, in the case you are asking me about ,yes you can do that but it will be a little tricky,there's no guarantee it will self pollinate, it might,might not what I would do is spray hard 3 times a day right where you want pollen sacks then when they start to open collect some and make sure it goes on some fresh pistils,then wait a month to be sure the seeds are fully developed, also save as much of the pollen and sacks as you can,sometimes the sacks don't open and you have to wait till the start turning dark and shriveled so you know the pollen inside is mature enough to be viable,then you crush them and use the pollen, you might try taking a flowering cloner to root and reveg to pollinate later after it's flowering fresh again, if you have clones already, then your goal is fem pollen! And if you get seeds (BONUS) , I'm here for more questions:thumb:

That, my friend, is the American

But I agree. When I first started looking again, I was seriously surprised at the price on some of these seeds. I got some, and it DID sting, but also having so many options was a bit overwhelming... but exciting. It's my ultimate desire to get a strain or two I really like and start breeding/cloning...also, just for myself and loved ones' collective needs.
It does work out in the end but they definatly seen to discourage us from breeding, look at a fem autoflower! Geeze ,either but more or dedicate a plant to nothing but fem seeds! ,I did it, but what I did was use regular autoflower male pollen on my fem autos and hope the male is fairly transparent!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

so your saying if you have a pheno type that you want to keep and you say clone it and produce fem seeds with no outside cross that that produces a stable strain. or is their still a chance of producing a few pheno types form the femenised seeds. maybe thats why my own ak47 x uk cherry cheese strain produces the same results time after time, my fem seeds from that give me the same plants every time i grow them, but so do the regular seeds of that strain.

so if i want to keep a certain pheno type i can just clone and hermie it to produce fem seeds and that will lock down that pheno type and keep it in fem form, i always thought it would still produce mixed phenos. hopefully it dont and that will make life a bit easier for me when wanting to preserve a certain pheno type, i always keep a stash of seeds at another location from each cross i make carefully labled so i can go back a stage or 2 if i need to when working on my own strains.

some seeds on herbies are over £50 which is $75ish per seed, i think thats pretty damn shocking, some of the cheap strains look and produce well, but then ive had cheap strains that produce very poor results, but then ive had the same with expensive strains so clearly high price dont always mean high quality. nirvana ice looks like a very nice strain and that costs very little to buy. most of the strains i buy cost less than £10 per seed and alot cost less than £5 per seed and ive always been happy with the results,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Yes if you make fem seeds it's very much like having clones in a seed, that's why the big breeders do it,they get a kick ass plant and the safest way to keep it long term is to fem seeds, there's always a chance of a different PHENO but usually they will be just like Mom, I have grown out the same blue cheese identical to Mom 4 times now, no variation, getting different phenos are a result of unlocked genetics from mixing genes of male and female, when you make fem seeds it's only the exact genes of the Mom, at least that's the way I understand it and in my garden I have seen nothing to the contrary,

I have need guys N gals, last night I chopped grand mama blue, very pretty buds very dense and smelly I got 11zips WET, pics later, I'm chopping the pineapple skunk today,,and the Urkle either today or tomorrow,
Also even bigger need I will be starting a new journal featuring a new LED from sponsor the budmaster II 675xg , before you ask no there will be no TopLeD vs budmaster as this is not cool to do for a few reasons ,both are great sponsors and there's no reason to put them in a battle, and the new light is substantially more powerful and it would be unfair, the 2 lights are for different applications the 675xg is a 600watt replacement where the mars2 is a 400 watt replacement, that's why the budmaster will get it's own journal, I will continue the second stage of testing on the mars2 I'm so happy and honored to be trusted by these companies to showcase their products and will give them due diligence and every oppertunity to show us their stuff, so I will be swapping out my 600 watt hps in the 5x5 x7 tent , I'm also working on getting another LED manufacturer to become a sponsor, can't say more right now it may go nowhere, so no point saying more, , although I might do a 600watt hid vs the bm 675xg , but maybe not since my hid lights are sponsors too we will see,
I'm really excited to trim the Urkle, I did a test bud and after trimming the leaf there's almost no green on it at all! And so dark almost black ! Also very solid and dense nugs and that smell oh my that smell!!
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