BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey bid, I'm getting ready to do a dry ice run soon and the mesh bags were all dirty as hell inside. So.....bro, I've really been doin ok with the harvest......I went down and got two.......fifths I guess of everclear....that shit is 18 bucks a bottle! So I washed the crap outta my bags........and the everclear turned greenish yellow. I started to boil it off and said f it,and poured it out of the pan back into the bottle. There was residue in the bottom of the pan which I scraped out with a credit card and it's drying......It's blonde and I'm getting ready to spark it and see what it spiffy and mom have a great evening........glad to hear of the success youre havin keeping mom more comfortable...........wetsu........that is an old combat saying...we eat this shit up! I just tried the stuff that was in the alcohol....IDK what it was.......but it tastes like ass and is goin in the trash....LOL! Fak!...or fu-k if you prefer...LOL...nice camera............nice bud.........that bud is loaded......and that's just what came OFF the bud.....good job! How long if any has that bud cured?

i think its just bashas that quit selling it cuz some of the natives have taken to injecting it!!! :thedoubletake: im a pro at knowing all about assweed ! had more than my share, im a snob now if i even think it might taste assy or has even a hint of assness in the smell i wont touch it!! i tried to smoke some alcohol washed residue stuff once and i puked a live kitten!! or at least thats what it felt like! i just wash my bags in the shower with the shower massage on full blast full hot water they come real clean,,i am loving this camera its not as good as my old slr was but makes up for with software and functions takes great panoramas and macro one of the main reasons for this choice it has super macro as close as 2cm! love it!!:circle-of-love:, the bud from the led is cured about 5 days now, but honestly it tasted cured and smoked as smooth as a buttered watermelon is slippery! i think that's the wash i do after trim, ever since i started washing the meds i cant remember anybody coughing even once, i know i haven't ,
hope your having a good evening good sir:thumb::Namaste:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

By crikey that is a good camera, them pics are amazing. As to the final weight, like you said it's quality over quantity, which is why I spend craploads on belgian trappist beers rather than drinking the local swill. You'll work out how to use the light to it's maximum potential and we'll all benefit.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

... i think that's the wash i do after trim, ever since i started washing the meds i cant remember anybody coughing even once, i know i haven't ,

<clap><clap><clap> :bravo: Man...Just one little bud, that's all I want. Just one little bud. Stuff looks awesome man.

And what is this "wash" of which you speak?
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

i think its just bashas that quit selling it cuz some of the natives have taken to injecting it!!! :thedoubletake: im a pro at knowing all about assweed ! had more than my share, im a snob now if i even think it might taste assy or has even a hint of assness in the smell i wont touch it!! i tried to smoke some alcohol washed residue stuff once and i puked a live kitten!! or at least thats what it felt like! i just wash my bags in the shower with the shower massage on full blast full hot water they come real clean,,i am loving this camera its not as good as my old slr was but makes up for with software and functions takes great panoramas and macro one of the main reasons for this choice it has super macro as close as 2cm! love it!!:circle-of-love:, the bud from the led is cured about 5 days now, but honestly it tasted cured and smoked as smooth as a buttered watermelon is slippery! i think that's the wash i do after trim, ever since i started washing the meds i cant remember anybody coughing even once, i know i haven't ,
hope your having a good evening good sir:thumb::Namaste:

Nice shots BID, congrats on the new cam! Yep, some of the weed is good at dry, and some comes out better with the cure. I will tell you a thing; when those type of buds with that kind of trich distribution will do a strange thing if left to cure for a long while.....I've seens em cured a year........the plant material is reduced sooo much that the bud will turn completely crystalline........bro gave me some of em when my dad was in his final weeks of life..........the shit was amazingly potent, smooth, and helped dad quite a bit. My sis would call me when it was her shift and say dad was out....and needed to be carried to bed. I mean he was OUT!..........we thought we killed him at first because the was no normal response, but when we applied stimuli....he would stir a bit in involuntary movement.....LOL.....I miss him, but I also know he's not gone, which eases the pain.......for the loss of both mom and 5 months time......worse than combat!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Man that durple pream looks delicious. That new camera is going to make you take lots more shots... cool for US :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

My strain of blue dream came from Oregon this spring and the buds are tiny but strong. Very small tight buds. I have one in a pot I brought inside to put under lights to see if I can get the buds to swell but I don't think I will grow this one again.

I would scrap it and try to find a good cut of Blue Dream. I just harvested the smaller of my 2 outdoor BDs and it was the frostiest sticky plant Ive ever trimmed or seen in person. Blue Dream has become one of our Fav strains to smoke and will be stickin around my tents for a long time to come.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

By crikey that is a good camera, them pics are amazing. As to the final weight, like you said it's quality over quantity, which is why I spend craploads on belgian trappist beers rather than drinking the local swill. You'll work out how to use the light to it's maximum potential and we'll all benefit.

There is no comparison to a well brewed Trappist Ale
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

By crikey that is a good camera, them pics are amazing. As to the final weight, like you said it's quality over quantity, which is why I spend craploads on belgian trappist beers rather than drinking the local swill. You'll work out how to use the light to it's maximum potential and we'll all benefit.
yup this cameras going to be a blessing and up the quality of imagery ,I'm going to put the worries about yield to bed soon with a proper veg in big pots and lst ,topping etc no worries:high-five:

<clap><clap><clap> :bravo: Man...Just one little bud, that's all I want. Just one little bud. Stuff looks awesome man.

And what is this "wash" of which you speak?
one little bud has lasted me 3 days! Spiffy was chinkeyed for the first time in a long time and could not finish her bowl last night she had Durple pream,she usually has 2 at night! The wash is just that I wash the buds I learned of it from curso and docbuds, you get 3 dishpans or buckets and fill 1 with hot water and a little baking soda,a second with cold and a little lemon juice a third with distilled water and dunk in hot for 30 seconds and move em around a little I do like 60 seconds then into the very cold for twice the time they we're in hot then I final rinse in distilled and stack them on a tray of paper towels then hang and dry as normal,it with improve flavor,smoothness,and bag appeal, some ppl even use h2o2 first and then into the hot,I have some sns veggie was so I have been cheating and spraying them to dripping wet ,then distilled and let them dry in front of a fan before I chop em down the sns has the same basic stuff in it and has the same effect on enhanced flavor & smoothness there are detailed explanations in my past pages and in cursos & docbuds journals:thumb:

Nice shots BID, congrats on the new cam! Yep, some of the weed is good at dry, and some comes out better with the cure. I will tell you a thing; when those type of buds with that kind of trich distribution will do a strange thing if left to cure for a long while.....I've seens em cured a year........the plant material is reduced sooo much that the bud will turn completely crystalline........bro gave me some of em when my dad was in his final weeks of life..........the shit was amazingly potent, smooth, and helped dad quite a bit. My sis would call me when it was her shift and say dad was out....and needed to be carried to bed. I mean he was OUT!..........we thought we killed him at first because the was no normal response, but when we applied stimuli....he would stir a bit in involuntary movement.....LOL.....I miss him, but I also know he's not gone, which eases the pain.......for the loss of both mom and 5 months time......worse than combat!
that has to be tough,I never knew my deadbeat dad,(big surprise) but I was raised by my Mom G-ma and great aunts, and losing my G-ma a few yes ago was tough if I'd list my Mom too I would have been devastated beyond repair,,my Mom does much better on the pot and she's healthy so I sometimes think she will outlast me, she takes lots of herbs and vitamins has for decades, she's called Dr Mom often, she runs after preschool grandiose all day and reads constantly ,plays video games,sews,gardens etc she's not going anywhere for a while:thumb:

Man that durple pream looks delicious. That new camera is going to make you take lots more shots... cool for US :cheesygrinsmiley:

It's super nice your gonna love it! I would have posted more pics but I've not figured out how to set the custom wb yet it's greyed out on the auto presets and I couldn't find it in the custom menues,I'll find it :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Congrats on the new clicker BID!
Those photos are looking super tight, and are only going to get better when you figure out how to use it to it's fullest potential.
Makes those buds look incredible.
Well done friend, on the amazing meds, and the new cam..
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

awesome shots Bid. I want to see the real Purple Urkle macro frost soon.

im waiting on batteries to charge i already killed the cheapos it came with,lol bout 375 shots
i have figured out the white balance, im just not sure about all the other stuff aperture,shutter,etc. that i have no idea what it does, but it has cool setting where i can choose what parts i want to set and leave the rest auto
im waiting on batteries to charge i already killed the cheapos it came with,lol bout 375 shots
i have figured out the white balance, im just not sure about all the other stuff aperture,shutter,etc. that i have no idea what it does, but it has cool setting where i can choose what parts i want to set and leave the rest auto

hey bid, I'm not positive but I believe aperture and shutter speed are one in the same and the longer your aperture the more motion your photos carry, like those pictures of traffic where you still see their glowing lights in a line as the car moves. ISO is for darker conditions and allows more light for better clarity during dusk and dark.

If you already know this my bad.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

great pics BID, it does them buds true justice, makes them look as good as im sure they taste.

well done mate, thats some top shelf meds.
is the blue dream in seed form and if so which breeder, sounds like a strain id like to try myself.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

hey bid, I'm not positive but I believe aperture and shutter speed are one in the same and the longer your aperture the more motion your photos carry, like those pictures of traffic where you still see their glowing lights in a line as the car moves. ISO is for darker conditions and allows more light for better clarity during dusk and dark.

If you already know this my bad.
im learning what it all does, before long i'll understand how it all works ,this canera has several auto modes from full auto everything, to just a little

great pics BID, it does them buds true justice, makes them look as good as im sure they taste.

well done mate, thats some top shelf meds.
is the blue dream in seed form and if so which breeder, sounds like a strain id like to try myself.
blue dream is a mega popular strain because its awesome, i believe mine is the hso version, several breeders carry it
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Aperture and shutter speed are two completely different applications. "Closing down" the aperture increases the depth-of-field and will have lower shutter speeds available. The smaller the aperture, the less light gets through, so the shutter has to stay open longer to allow sufficient light. No offense, I just felt the need to clarify.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Love the Blue Dream! I have the exact camera.:rollit::surf:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

thanks for the info BID, ill see if i can source some seeds, i just know how they vary from breeder to breeder so like to try and get the right breeder before diving in and buying,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Aperture and shutter speed are two completely different applications. "Closing down" the aperture increases the depth-of-field and will have lower shutter speeds available. The smaller the aperture, the less light gets through, so the shutter has to stay open longer to allow sufficient light. No offense, I just felt the need to clarify.

Correctamundo Gov..
And the other end of closing down, is shooting "wide open" or "opening up" meaning large lens opening with less depth of field.
I just wanted to quickly explain what aperture priority and shutter speed priority modes are:

aperture priority:
means you pick the aperture (lens opening) and the camera picks a shutter speed for you to create a correct exposure. so F16 is going to give way more depth of field than say F4.0.
tip: when shooting in extreme macro mode, its good to use this setting and pick the smallest opening the camera can handle at given iso (largest number- example F8.0) in order to get the most depth of field you can. You'll get more trichs in focus this way!

shutter speed priority:

is pretty much the opposite of aperture priority, in that you pick the shutter speed. And it picks the aperture for you to give a correct exposure.

*unless you have image stabilization mode, make sure your shutter speed is at least 1/125th of a second when hand holding, so the shots wont blur on ya.
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