BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Grats BID. 3oz primo is 3 oz more than you had. :passitleft:

I'm anxiously watching all you guys with your fancy LED lights. Like Shotta, I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger either. Mostly I don't have the $$ yet. :winkyface:

Honestly, I'm just looking for justification to buy them. :blalol:

The tech is ready I think. Of course it's going to get better. Of course it will get cheaper, but I think some of the lower cost LED panels are cheaper then some of the high cost HPS systems, especially if you add in other install costs such as ducting. HPS hardware costs are more than just the bulb and ballast.

I think ya did great BID. You got 3 ounces plus... you learned something! That's MUCH more valuable than some nuggs. :Namaste:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Indeed dood. You did exactly what you said you were gonna do and got some ultra-premium smoke for your efforts. I truly can't wait to see what you'll do with it next time around.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

it is a good news, thank you and BID. I want to try some. :ganjamon::party:
I know I have not said much in this journal but, I have to speak up now. Even though BID did not get the yield most of you think he should have. You have to think he did not veg these plants very long and did not defoliate these girls like he normally would. They where also in smaller pots. Now I have to tell you the smoke is amazing. I have been able to try two of the strains and WOW. They are more potent than just about everything else he has grown.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Nice thanks for the info and Reps!
I know I have not said much in this journal but, I have to speak up now. Even though BID did not get the yield most of you think he should have. You have to think he did not veg these plants very long and did not defoliate these girls like he normally would. They where also in smaller pots. Now I have to tell you the smoke is amazing. I have been able to try two of the strains and WOW. They are more potent than just about everything else he has grown.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I know I have not said much in this journal but, I have to speak up now. Even though BID did not get the yield most of you think he should have. You have to think he did not veg these plants very long and did not defoliate these girls like he normally would. They where also in smaller pots. Now I have to tell you the smoke is amazing. I have been able to try two of the strains and WOW. They are more potent than just about everything else he has grown.

I have been learning my light for over a year now. There are so many variables, and when you get into specialty products...well. I will tell you this one thing, this is absolutely not average or normal weed kiddies. This is medical microgrown is practically priceless! I think what's more important is the honesty and devotion to the task at hand. Trust me, BID could put together a setup that would blow us all outta the water....he does what he does in the name of research, we ALL benefit from these experiences. I gave you reps spiffy, first for jumpin in there.....admirable....and second for supporting BID through all his work. We are, or should be, a collective team of positive forces.................and BIDs attitude is always; "what can I do for someone else"...........that's a grower and a fine human being.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I have been learning my light for over a year now. There are so many variables, and when you get into specialty products...well. I will tell you this one thing, this is absolutely not average or normal weed kiddies. This is medical microgrown is practically priceless! I think what's more important is the honesty and devotion to the task at hand. Trust me, BID could put together a setup that would blow us all outta the water....he does what he does in the name of research, we ALL benefit from these experiences. I gave you reps spiffy, first for jumpin in there.....admirable....and second for supporting BID through all his work. We are, or should be, a collective team of positive forces.................and BIDs attitude is always; "what can I do for someone else"...........that's a grower and a fine human being.

<clap><clap> HEAR! HEAR!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

My issue with LED is the slooooooooooooow growth I get in veg. I switched back to my 400W MH last week and my plants have doubled in size maybe more in a couple cases. My LED is the same brand Bassman used with great results (NOT a TOPLED light) which is why I am determined to make good use of it one way or another. I have a full veg tent at the moment, an empty closet in my flower room and 2 new genetics on the way that I cant wait to pop and get growing. Add that all up and I see a great reason to toss a couple Blue Dream clones under my 300W LED in that closet. IF mine turn out half as frosty and beautiful as yours did BID Ill be Happy Happy Happy!!!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I know I have not said much in this journal but, I have to speak up now. Even though BID did not get the yield most of you think he should have. You have to think he did not veg these plants very long and did not defoliate these girls like he normally would. They where also in smaller pots. Now I have to tell you the smoke is amazing. I have been able to try two of the strains and WOW. They are more potent than just about everything else he has grown.
thank you sweetie I'm really trying to get a point across about quality vs quantity and how if you have 1 gram of any king of concentrate and 1 gram of the bud that concentrate came from what would you choose
And something I calculated was cost of electricity,my power companys rate makes a 400watt hps cost about 16$ a month at 12/12 ,so this light costs about 6-8 $ a month and all I ran for a fan was a bathroom exhaust fart fan 50cfm 40Watts set to run for 3 times of 90 min during lights on so another 1-2 $ per month so it cost me less than 30$ for 3 oz all I added during the grow was water and foliar spray once a week ! Pennies! Oh and a little myko tea again Pennies, * 400 would have cost more than twice that since I would have had to run more fans ,longer, so that's a consideration, and I don't think I did any better my first run with my 400
Is it thought? You said you are using the 80x5w with a draw of 195~205W right? So a yield of around 90 grams puts you at just about .5 grams per watt. Or am I missing something?
I guess I didn't add it I don't know if there's a formula or if you just divide, I'm happy with the resulting meds being they are the strongest I've ever made,it takes me 1 puff vs needing at least 3-4 of the recent hid produced bud, yield will go up :thumb:
Grats BID. 3oz primo is 3 oz more than you had. :passitleft:

I'm anxiously watching all you guys with your fancy LED lights. Like Shotta, I'm not quite ready to pull the trigger either. Mostly I don't have the $$ yet. :winkyface:

Honestly, I'm just looking for justification to buy them. :blalol:

The tech is ready I think. Of course it's going to get better. Of course it will get cheaper, but I think some of the lower cost LED panels are cheaper then some of the high cost HPS systems, especially if you add in other install costs such as ducting. HPS hardware costs are more than just the bulb and ballast.

I think ya did great BID. You got 3 ounces plus... you learned something! That's MUCH more valuable than some nuggs. :Namaste:
exactly right,it was all a plus in my mind, I think these 5watt panels are great I just need to use them right and weight will go up alot, and somebody hermies and I got seed in 3 of them that wipes out yield since they no longer swell after getting Prego unlike mammals lol next flower cycle I do with it I predict at least double the yield as I will use Lst,topping etc:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey BID. That really high-quality despite lesser yields would be fine for me, but I don't have the obligations you have either. I just started a journal using the 140x 5w Mars II. Take a look when you get a chance. I'd love your input. GC's First Indoor Cabinet Grow
I only have obligations I have taken on voluntarily ,but I'm running the LED as a side project till I get it to where I'm confident it will serve as my primary light source (witch I believe is possible with these lights) I sure don't feel like I got "lesser yields" yes weight was less than I hopes but the part that means a thousand times more to me and everyone I know is the quality,potency,flavor and aroma are all very noticeably and substantially better!! My Mom did a double take and said "this is your blue dream?" I said yes....she said "Wow it looks really different so much more stardust! (her word for Trichs) than before! " later that day she griped at me for not telling her it was so much stronger and she used her normal amount (she Vapes & makes hot buttered tea) she said she was way over medicated and had to take a nap! Lol this is her favorite strain and she is or was totally dialed in on her dosage to treat her nerve pain ,sciatica,insomnia and ptsd, depression,ocd, & agoraphobia, the cool thing is I have been able to rid her of 95% of all of it except the pain and agoraphobia those about 50% sometimes more,:high-five::thumb:

Indeed dood. You did exactly what you said you were gonna do and got some ultra-premium smoke for your efforts. I truly can't wait to see what you'll do with it next time around.
thank you for that yeah I can't stress enough how different these turned out,so much more of the active compounds I'm astonished, I will be posting pics soon:peace:

it is a good news, thank you and BID. I want to try some. :ganjamon::party:
Well come on over! Clear your day tho you might not be able to walk very well after I'm done having you test them all :rofl:
I have been learning my light for over a year now. There are so many variables, and when you get into specialty products...well. I will tell you this one thing, this is absolutely not average or normal weed kiddies. This is medical microgrown is practically priceless! I think what's more important is the honesty and devotion to the task at hand. Trust me, BID could put together a setup that would blow us all outta the water....he does what he does in the name of research, we ALL benefit from these experiences. I gave you reps spiffy, first for jumpin in there.....admirable....and second for supporting BID through all his work. We are, or should be, a collective team of positive forces.................and BIDs attitude is always; "what can I do for someone else"...........that's a grower and a fine human being.
Thank you MC! That's a very kind thing to say, I'm trying to keep this test as honest and transparent as possible,I mean I could easily just fudge the numbers and say something impressive but that thought alone nauseated me, I want to create a journal /test that shows how to and how not to use the mars2 80x5watt light with plenty of gory details from beginning to end, so someone as new as I am to LED can follow along and learn what I do along with me, or hopefully any grower can take away some useful ideas,knowledge,tips etc, you sure know how to fatter er Um flatter me! My goals in this journal is to learn as much as possible about LED growing,honestly I would be disappointed and surprised if I had gotten it perfect the first attempt because I would not have had the chance to learn as much ,I mean don't get me wrong I was not hoping for anything bad lol 10lbs of uber primo would have been bitchen! But what would I have learned,? :Namaste:
My issue with LED is the slooooooooooooow growth I get in veg. I switched back to my 400W MH last week and my plants have doubled in size maybe more in a couple cases. My LED is the same brand Bassman used with great results (NOT a TOPLED light) which is why I am determined to make good use of it one way or another. I have a full veg tent at the moment, an empty closet in my flower room and 2 new genetics on the way that I cant wait to pop and get growing. Add that all up and I see a great reason to toss a couple Blue Dream clones under my 300W LED in that closet. IF mine turn out half as frosty and beautiful as yours did BID Ill be Happy Happy Happy!!!
I did not notice particularly slow growth in the 2 weeks of veg I did, I did notice the tightest mode spacing I've ever grown,(making me think the light was to close) I really think LED needs careful usage to max results, :high-five:

BID BID BID where have you been hiding??'s me thats been hiding...........nevermind lol
I actually need to talk with you. I have some graphic design stuff I need to get done and was hoping you'd be interested in helping.
hit me up brother I work free or cheap lol
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I guess I didn't add it I don't know if there's a formula or if you just divide, I'm happy with the resulting meds being they are the strongest I've ever made,it takes me 1 puff vs needing at least 3-4 of the recent hid produced bud, yield will go up

I just meant that it's a 200w light, so to me that means it's comparable to other lights that consume 200w. If it were a 400w light then you're only getting .25 grams per watt and that would be very poor; .5gpw isn't so bad though especially if the quality is good.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I just meant that it's a 200w light, so to me that means it's comparable to other lights that consume 200w. If it were a 400w light then you're only getting .25 grams per watt and that would be very poor; .5gpw isn't so bad though especially if the quality is good.

Stay tuned i will increase weight quite abit in the next flower cycle by having a proper veg if theres not much root theres not much froot lol
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Heres a few shot likely the last with the tablet or they will be few and far between,first is 3 grms of proc run thru my grinder a 5 piece with 2 screens and a keif catcher i got .65 gm from 3gm bud a whopping amount of blonde imho for that much bud and its not the frostiest of the group then some pics of my new toy, funny i got buyers remorse and tried to cancel the order but amah zon said nope, i felt i didnt deserve it or should pay more bills,but spiffy said its the universe saying i indeed do deserve to have it, so here it is,i have taken 100 shots today and omg i love it almost as good as my old nikon slr 35mm
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey bid, I'm getting ready to do a dry ice run soon and the mesh bags were all dirty as hell inside. So.....bro, I've really been doin ok with the harvest......I went down and got two.......fifths I guess of everclear....that shit is 18 bucks a bottle! So I washed the crap outta my bags........and the everclear turned greenish yellow. I started to boil it off and said f it,and poured it out of the pan back into the bottle. There was residue in the bottom of the pan which I scraped out with a credit card and it's drying......It's blonde and I'm getting ready to spark it and see what it spiffy and mom have a great evening........glad to hear of the success youre havin keeping mom more comfortable...........wetsu........that is an old combat saying...we eat this shit up! I just tried the stuff that was in the alcohol....IDK what it was.......but it tastes like ass and is goin in the trash....LOL! Fak!...or fu-k if you prefer...LOL...nice camera............nice bud.........that bud is loaded......and that's just what came OFF the bud.....good job! How long if any has that bud cured?
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

That is just awesome BID! In fact, I was so motivated by you upping your karma by improving the quality of your already terrific posts with even better images, that I stopped by the store on the way home and grabbed a universal charger for my own camera battery. Gonna try to stay away from the cell phone cam for my grow shots from now on.

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

My strain of blue dream came from Oregon this spring and the buds are tiny but strong. Very small tight buds. I have one in a pot I brought inside to put under lights to see if I can get the buds to swell but I don't think I will grow this one again.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

My strain of blue dream came from Oregon this spring and the buds are tiny but strong. Very small tight buds. I have one in a pot I brought inside to put under lights to see if I can get the buds to swell but I don't think I will grow this one again.

thats odd mine is a heavy producer and super potent, and one of the best smelling strains ive ever encountered,
below im posting some pics of a cross i made with kens grand daddy purp X blue dream i call "durple pream"

ok guys for my first batch of shots done with my new fujifilm finpix s 4200 bridge super zoom/macro camera
imfeaturing the very colorful durple pream
mega frosty and looking like a bluish version of gdp with bright orange hairs and colors galore from light purple to near black blue
hope you enjoy them as much as i did taking them im so stoked to be back to being able toprovide high quality macro aka budporn for you
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