BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

congratulations on your harvest!

Ditto. ^^
Dood, Durple Pream FTW! That plant looks amazing, and your results are no joke. +reps on the total body of work in this journal. Pics, descriptions, humor and direct answers based on real-world experiences. Props man.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

So I'm looking for a camera specifically a bridge camera that will do macros I can blow up I have found several on ahm hazeon in the 85-150$$ clams range the GE X500 Red Digital 16MP Camera, I like red! And it's much harder to get away with stealing a red camera and say oh I had one just like yours (yes this happened to me) I had failed to put my hidden etching I put on all my stuff, so that was the last time I owned a common colored gadget when ever I have a choice I choose red easier to spot in a dimly kit room full of junk too lol any cam buffs care to chime in on my pick or a good "bridge" cam I'm just not ready not able to afford more for a dslr

Bid, the best camera I have owned for super and macro was a Fujifilm.......not real expensive......don't get a Nikon 6500...that's what I use now as the Fuji took a shit from heat in my bike bags...LOL!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

My camera is a fujifilm finepix S. Its a digi that looks like a pro cam was $250 and supposedly the next best thing to a pro cam at the time I bought it just 500 bucks or more cheaper. I cant get a good Macro shot with it though unless Im outside in the sunlight. Indoors I just get a big black shadow covering what Im trying to get a Macro pic of. It is a great cam for regular pics though and Ive taken thousands with it over the last 3 years.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

If I even suspect its hermie it gets axed.

BID you have one of the best attitudes on this forum. and I appreciate all you do. reps
Thanks man I just love this place and the ppl no other site has ever held my attention this long 3 yrs as a member 2 as a visitor!
Happy Munchday BID :thumb:
And to you too good air
I cannot believe how much of a yield you got...... Just amazing. I cannot wait to see what you can do with the mars 2 when you try to get a good result if this was your crap run.
well I had to do it that way for my own knowledge remember that's not final weight we got a week till I weight the dry

congratulations on your harvest!
thanks kjc :thumb:

Bid, the best camera I have owned for super and macro was a Fujifilm.......not real expensive......don't get a Nikon 6500...that's what I use now as the Fuji took a shit from heat in my bike bags...LOL!
Thanks you I've been waiting for an Anwser on that,I have a Fuji film I'm my wishlist
Thanks BID I will not be trying to pollenate any of my girls for now:peace::thanks::circle-of-love:
Good to go bro! I never waste a plant but sure as hell not effin' with herms!:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

in 30yrs here I've never seen the grand canyon



really?!?! :trance: :hmmmm: :confused:

You need to go. Like right now. I never tire of visiting The Canyon. It's amazing. You must go asap! I know you've seen pictures, but no picture can truly capture The Canyon. I've taken many to try, but even looking at the hundreds of pictures I've taken would only give you the slightest understanding of what it's like.

FYI, that little avatar pic, to the left, is me, in The Canyon, once again, unsuccessfully trying to capture one tiny little piece of The Canyon in a picture. :)

Seriously, I can't believe you've not visited it. If you still haven't seen it by the time I return to Flagstaff, I don't care how Big an Irish Dude you are, I'm giving you a dope slap! :rofl:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes



really?!?! :trance: :hmmmm: :confused:

You need to go. Like right now. I never tire of visiting The Canyon. It's amazing. You must go asap! I know you've seen pictures, but no picture can truly capture The Canyon. I've taken many to try, but even looking at the hundreds of pictures I've taken would only give you the slightest understanding of what it's like.

FYI, that little avatar pic, to the left, is me, in The Canyon, once again, unsuccessfully trying to capture one tiny little piece of The Canyon in a picture. :)

Seriously, I can't believe you've not visited it. If you still haven't seen it by the time I return to Flagstaff, I don't care how Big an Irish Dude you are, I'm giving you a dope slap! :rofl:

I wonder how much of the US's giant hole in the ground could be filled by australias giant stone....
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Well it does not matter our lamo gov has it shut down cuz they can't get their shit together,Shame that our tax dollars pay for this bullshit,and Congress is still getting paid, we need to go on strike from spending any money for a week! Or even going to work, just stop all the tax revenue ,see if that gets their attention,ok rant over

I would consider the protection needed and revenue from these parks essential while I would not pay one fucking cent to the entire administration... not one! but what are we doing? Leaving the parks unprotected and loosing revenue while we fucking PAY the administration to DO NOTHING. wtf... WTF?
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

On our road trip in March I made sure to stop at the Canyon and BID FOR REAL DOODE you have got to see it. I t is the most amazing thing Ive seen and no pic can or will do it justice. All of our pics look like were photoshopped in and the ones without us in them pretty much look fake. you just cant capture that much AWESOME on film or digital print. My only regret is we were on a tight schedule and planned to do a Griswald type visit and just stop to see and maybe spend an hour but we were there almost 3 hrs and werent ready to leave but had to. We went on a cloudy and windy day and it was still BEAUTIFUL. I want to go back for a nice sunny day sometime.

As far as our worthless Gov goes I say FIRE EM ALL fckin worthless pricks. How the hell do you shut the Gov down. I say fire em all and start over. They are undeserving anyway and it pisses me right off that they can pull this shit but let someone who needs a job to survive miss a day of work for no reason and theyre fired and replaced the next day.

EDIT*** I came by with intentions to say that my camera is an S2950 not just an S. I didnt realize til I saw Buckshots post in my journal this morning and just wanted to mention that.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hello BID.

After taking a summer break, I stumbled onto Saras TopLED thread. After reading it, I read Buckshot's and now I just finished yours. Yours took me a few days to digest !

I gave you + reps for the cs tutorial and wished I could have again for the illustrated photos of the hermie plants. Nice job ! !

Subbed and ready to complete the trilogy. Tell Jon705 that I am on my way...
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

On our road trip in March I made sure to stop at the Canyon and BID FOR REAL DOODE you have got to see it. I t is the most amazing thing Ive seen and no pic can or will do it justice. All of our pics look like were photoshopped in and the ones without us in them pretty much look fake. you just cant capture that much AWESOME on film or digital print. My only regret is we were on a tight schedule and planned to do a Griswald type visit and just stop to see and maybe spend an hour but we were there almost 3 hrs and werent ready to leave but had to. We went on a cloudy and windy day and it was still BEAUTIFUL. I want to go back for a nice sunny day sometime.

The absolute BEST time to visit the canyon is on a partially cloudy day. That's why Summer is so awesome. There are monsoons most afternoons, so you just get there early and watch the show. :)

You really need the shadows from the clouds to help see just how f***ing big that thing is!

I miss The Canyon. I miss Flagstaff. Maybe cause it's been raining for a couple weeks here. :blalol:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Thurweed day BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I definatly want a camera that rocks the macro shit,with adjustable white balance, and high red fo I can blow them up for super macro close UP's, I do not want GPS crap,screen size is no big deal but I want it to have a viewfinder that active not some passive thing that's basically a hole to look thru, memory is no night I have a stack of mem cards from 1gb to 32GB sd,micro sd, adapters,readers blah blah, blah, don't care about Bluetooth,or any wireless function,

So I got a qt size bottle of ONA gel (fresh linen) and I'm shocked at how well it neutralizes the aroma of my flowering girls I noticed that I could smell them outside by the exhaust despite my sealed cooltube and less than a Yr old carbon scrubber, in fact the scrubber has never removed all the smell ,sucks since it was over 100 bucks but I put just a small condiment cup full in the exhaust box and instantly it's gone smells light and fresh like somebody is doing laundry I left the open jar in front of a regular occilating fan since in the room the odor is strong from 3 tents and in 5 min I went out and came back in the room had no odor of cannabis whatsoever! Holy crap! Why did I not hear how good this stuff works before!? I'm thinking I will but a gallon Pail ,I read that it will last a long time,my friend at the hydro store said he's been using his gallon for a year (only during flower) has anybody else used ONA gel? Or liquid is one better than the other? Fill me in on your experiences with this stuff if you have used it, I'd like to hear em before I pop 40 bones out

Got some pics coming I pulled out the t5 and put up the JDL 600watt mh for the Scrog I'll veg a while then switch to hps, and have a few new shots of the 4x4 tent Urkle is getting soooo purple!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I definatly want a camera that rocks the macro shit,with adjustable white balance, and high red fo I can blow them up for super macro close UP's, I do not want GPS crap,screen size is no big deal but I want it to have a viewfinder that active not some passive thing that's basically a hole to look thru, memory is no night I have a stack of mem cards from 1gb to 32GB sd,micro sd, adapters,readers blah blah, blah, don't care about Bluetooth,or any wireless function,

So I got a qt size bottle of ONA gel (fresh linen) and I'm shocked at how well it neutralizes the aroma of my flowering girls I noticed that I could smell them outside by the exhaust despite my sealed cooltube and less than a Yr old carbon scrubber, in fact the scrubber has never removed all the smell ,sucks since it was over 100 bucks but I put just a small condiment cup full in the exhaust box and instantly it's gone smells light and fresh like somebody is doing laundry I left the open jar in front of a regular occilating fan since in the room the odor is strong from 3 tents and in 5 min I went out and came back in the room had no odor of cannabis whatsoever! Holy crap! Why did I not hear how good this stuff works before!? I'm thinking I will but a gallon Pail ,I read that it will last a long time,my friend at the hydro store said he's been using his gallon for a year (only during flower) has anybody else used ONA gel? Or liquid is one better than the other? Fill me in on your experiences with this stuff if you have used it, I'd like to hear em before I pop 40 bones out

Got some pics coming I pulled out the t5 and put up the JDL 600watt mh for the Scrog I'll veg a while then switch to hps, and have a few new shots of the 4x4 tent Urkle is getting soooo purple!

Why in (your deity here)'s name do you want to get rid of that beautiful smell? :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I got a quart of ONA fresh linen scent and I mix it with hydrated, water-absorbing Soil Moist crystals. Once hydrated, I mix in a 1/4 cup of concentrate and you can't tell I have 2 big labs and 2 cats...or anything else for that matter. It's easier to use too much than not enough. And the little fan I got to sit on top of it has battery backup too (it's a camping type 9 inch, 3 speed fan from Home depot sitting on top of a HD orange bucket too). Drill some holes between the gel and fan to allow deodorized air to escape, and voila!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Buck i love the smell but even in a legal situation,there are concerns like rippers, meter readers,delivery ppl,etc, even tho i obey the rules a leo can trash my work and kill off genetics i dont have saved,yeah in court im gonna be fine but the damage is done, it happens all the time,then theres the rippers they do the same thing and could hurt a family member or pet, so in my opinion stealth is important regardless of legal status i prefer to be in control of who knows i grow my medication, its my salvation i cant risk loosing access much less risk my family, so want it as undetectable as possible
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