BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

A very Happy Skunkday to you BID by the sounds of it :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

your right mate i know its all about the meds, i agree most strains are not what their suppose to be, ive also found that once breeders make a name by producing a few nice strains the rest of the strains they bring out dont seem very stable and a more just a way to make a quick buck, you just never know what your buying unless its a clone, i know some strains the instant i smoke them so im growing jack flash and big buddha cheese at the minute as the uk cheese is the most potent strain ive ever tried and most people in the uk have ever tried, it puts the most seasoned smokers on their backsides, jack flash is probably my favourite all time strain so ive got both strains growing now, the big buddha cheese was from the original clone only uk cheese so hoping its going to be the true cheese, the same with the flash, i want that very nice tangy cat piss type smell from it,
the flash is one of them strains that if 100 people where smoking bud in a room and just 1 was smoking flash then instantly you would smell the flash and know its flash,

luckily if these plants dont turn out true to how they was and how i like then i have the option of taking a trip south to get myself some original clones of both strains.

but even ak47 for example, if you had a ak47 from 10 years ago and compared it with ak47 from today then their nothing like each other, its pretty pointless buying strains and going by their names, ok you can get some idea of what they are but until you try them you wont know for sure, you can only go on the pics on the breeders sites so picking strains is tough, its why i follow many journals on this forum as i can see what strain the person is growing and how well it produces, it then helps me choose strains i might like,

but strains for the 80s are just not around anymore, theirs plenty of cheese in the uk and if you dont have cheese people wont buy it, i dont sell bud myself but cheese killed the market in the uk, if someone tries selling something thats not cheese then people will go elsewhere, why smoke an 8th a day when you can smoke less than half and end up with the same affect, cheese is potent and people in the uk know it, so its pretty much killed the street dealers market now, prices have shot up and cheese sells for £20 for 1.7g, if you buy an 8th of cheese you only get 1.7g, not sure how they can call it an 8th but that 1.7g will last you much longer than 3.5g of skunk, so people pay the high prices knowing the strain is pretty potent compared to anything else,

hash prices totally dropped when cheese came more available, in the last 10 years or so hash has pretty much dropped off the scene now, when i was younger everyone smoked hash or draw as we used to call it, but now its hard to get hash and its like £10 for 7g now of some double zero, so again its hit the market pretty bad and its why i grow my own meds, id be spending a fortune if i had to by cheese all the time, the problem is cheese so so damn potent that you cant smoke it and really function a normal, im a singe dad with 2 kids so cant sit on the couch all day so i like a daytime smoke that still makes me function and the cheese will be my bed time smoke,

so jack flash is my fav strain from the 80's and 90s and it was the same strain and same taste and smell each time i bought it so im hoping this flash i got growing is the same, i know its a big hope and im pretty much keeping my figners crossed, but you know how breeders rip each other off and call it something else so i wont know till harvest and if im not happy i will say its not jack flash and ill go pick up some clones,

its just the purple has eluded me and its more of a novelty more than anything so hopefully ill get a purp at some point, ive got a grapefruit growing which spimp had some bud off and won the nug contest with it last month so again im hoping the grapefruit is grapefruit not some regular bud, its humboldt grapefruit so hopefully its the same strain
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

hash prices totally dropped when cheese came more available, in the last 10 years or so hash has pretty much dropped off the scene now, when i was younger everyone smoked hash or draw as we used to call it, but now its hard to get hash and its like £10 for 7g now of some double zero, so again its hit the market pretty bad and its why i grow my own meds, id be spending a fortune if i had to by cheese all the time, the problem is cheese so so damn potent that you cant smoke it and really function a normal, im a singe dad with 2 kids so cant sit on the couch all day so i like a daytime smoke that still makes me function and the cheese will be my bed time smoke

Hash oil(wax, butane, whatever) is all the rage right now with the kids. Dabs? Dabs? You got dabs? You want a dab? It's all people want in California.

Personally I'm sad to see things go this way. The vast majority of BHO is made by chuckle fucks who have no idea what they are doing and kids gobble it up not caring that they are smoking known cancer causing agents.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

your right mate i know its all about the meds, i agree most strains are not what their suppose to be, ive also found that once breeders make a name by producing a few nice strains the rest of the strains they bring out dont seem very stable and a more just a way to make a quick buck, you just never know what your buying unless its a clone, i know some strains the instant i smoke them so im growing jack flash and big buddha cheese at the minute as the uk cheese is the most potent strain ive ever tried and most people in the uk have ever tried, it puts the most seasoned smokers on their backsides, jack flash is probably my favourite all time strain so ive got both strains growing now, the big buddha cheese was from the original clone only uk cheese so hoping its going to be the true cheese, the same with the flash, i want that very nice tangy cat piss type smell from it,
the flash is one of them strains that if 100 people where smoking bud in a room and just 1 was smoking flash then instantly you would smell the flash and know its flash,

luckily if these plants dont turn out true to how they was and how i like then i have the option of taking a trip south to get myself some original clones of both strains.

but even ak47 for example, if you had a ak47 from 10 years ago and compared it with ak47 from today then their nothing like each other, its pretty pointless buying strains and going by their names, ok you can get some idea of what they are but until you try them you wont know for sure, you can only go on the pics on the breeders sites so picking strains is tough, its why i follow many journals on this forum as i can see what strain the person is growing and how well it produces, it then helps me choose strains i might like,

but strains for the 80s are just not around anymore, theirs plenty of cheese in the uk and if you dont have cheese people wont buy it, i dont sell bud myself but cheese killed the market in the uk, if someone tries selling something thats not cheese then people will go elsewhere, why smoke an 8th a day when you can smoke less than half and end up with the same affect, cheese is potent and people in the uk know it, so its pretty much killed the street dealers market now, prices have shot up and cheese sells for £20 for 1.7g, if you buy an 8th of cheese you only get 1.7g, not sure how they can call it an 8th but that 1.7g will last you much longer than 3.5g of skunk, so people pay the high prices knowing the strain is pretty potent compared to anything else,

hash prices totally dropped when cheese came more available, in the last 10 years or so hash has pretty much dropped off the scene now, when i was younger everyone smoked hash or draw as we used to call it, but now its hard to get hash and its like £10 for 7g now of some double zero, so again its hit the market pretty bad and its why i grow my own meds, id be spending a fortune if i had to by cheese all the time, the problem is cheese so so damn potent that you cant smoke it and really function a normal, im a singe dad with 2 kids so cant sit on the couch all day so i like a daytime smoke that still makes me function and the cheese will be my bed time smoke,

so jack flash is my fav strain from the 80's and 90s and it was the same strain and same taste and smell each time i bought it so im hoping this flash i got growing is the same, i know its a big hope and im pretty much keeping my figners crossed, but you know how breeders rip each other off and call it something else so i wont know till harvest and if im not happy i will say its not jack flash and ill go pick up some clones,

its just the purple has eluded me and its more of a novelty more than anything so hopefully ill get a purp at some point, ive got a grapefruit growing which spimp had some bud off and won the nug contest with it last month so again im hoping the grapefruit is grapefruit not some regular bud, its humboldt grapefruit so hopefully its the same strain
Hso seeds are some of the best damn beans on the market imho i have several going, i think clones are just as easily faked but i got very lucky with my blue dream clones the are the real mcoy and enhance anything i cross them with, i have some 30+ year old seeds im hoping to have luck germinating and bring some old school genetics into my house, the biggest problem is ppl are geneticically modifying the cannabis plant so we just like the corn farmer have to go back to them,but this can be beaten by cs feminization so at least you can reproduce the same plant but its junk for true breeding,thats why i cherrish my trailor trash so much its pure and breedable,when shopping i look for ibl and landrace/heritage beans only now, i can make about any popular buzz strain out there by having just a dozen tru breeding strains after i learn enough of course all the breeding ive done recently is practice but i may be on to something with durple pream i think both are true ibl wait till you see the purple they turned:thumb:
Hash oil(wax, butane, whatever) is all the rage right now with the kids. Dabs? Dabs? You got dabs? You want a dab? It's all people want in California.

Personally I'm sad to see things go this way. The vast majority of BHO is made by chuckle fucks who have no idea what they are doing and kids gobble it up not caring that they are smoking known cancer causing agents.
I agree 100% i like bud nice organic or even reg ferts if flushed right better than any kind of concentrate,plus im a wuss even some buds i grow i can barely handle 1 good rip,i keep my tolerance low so when i find my magic "pain reliever" i'll know it right off and not just shelf it
BID I found two males in my grow room yesterday and they had already dropped their pollen. Today I am just now seeing pistols appear on the female plants will the pollen from the males be viable enough to pollenate the females???

Well it depends if it floats around dry yes it could polinate but what i would do is fill a mister with some water and why not a little liquid seaweed/kelp and gove all the ladies ant the walls a mist ,fans on high so it dries fast moisture neutralizes pollen and if you have a hepa air filter or neg ion generator stick them in there it will zap any remaining pollen,if you get seeds it will just be a few if they just started pistil production,look for brown shrivled pistils thats likely where a seed will form,pistils die after pollination,hope that helps buddy:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Picture time!! So a few starting comments, as far as 1gpw its a 200watt light designed to do the job of a 400watt hid if im not mistaken, i do belive i crushed 1gpw wet weight is like 5gpw if i loose 80% im still at or above 1gpw now mind a few facts these were 6 plants vegged 2 weeks at most in 1 gallon airpots in high brix soil high brix does not work very well in pots smaller than 7 gallon 3 is the minium i have had good results with, so this grow was setup to give a shitty yeild on purpose by me to see whats the worst i can do and still have high quality bud im sure now that topled is a contender for the top 3-4 led makers in the market today, value/price wise they are clearly number 1,in the next phase of testing i will do 2 plants in coco vegged topped lst scrog whatever it takes to keep them at the right height,i will use whatevers laying around for nutes the coco is mixed with an armada of minerals and nutes will be light,i have not decided if i am gonna start a new journal just for that or not (probably will) i dont like my journals to get to long it intimidates newbies from reading it all and they need to to understand it all and i try to supply as much info and data as i can
Along the way too.
So i believe this journal will go on until the big plants in the 4x4 are done minus the 2 i just put in (hard to find a good stopping point in a perpetual)
I will have dry weights in a week or so wet weights were about 2-2.5oz per plant except blue dream as usual killed it with almost 4 all the plants were the sticky ickyest gooey trich laden things ive ever trimmed i had to clean my trimmers about ever 20 cuts or so!! A pain i tell you
All were just crazy fragrant notable things are durple pream and p-roc expressed purple pink magenta and even black coloring sadly my tablet fails in capturing the intensity of these colors to the naked eye 1 of the durples was blue/black/purple on the undersides and in the bud some leaves were blue/black (santa i NEED a good camera) we were giddy trimming my trim partner and i were just oohing and ahhh ing constantly im excited to get more durple preams popped im hoping for a male next time p-roc had the look and smell and frost of its mother purple maroc but even frostier and darker shades, i think led really pumps up the trichomb production ok i know you wanna see so here we go


Its a travesty how little of the colors come thru in these pics they are at least 3 times more intense to the naked eye i dont understand how i can look at it snap a pic and the colors are gone and they just look green with hint of color ,i will try harder and try some filtered sunlight and no flash next, but you can at least get an idea and see the half of the trichs that dont also dissapear,these are bearded ladies i cant wait to taste em so test 1 done yes you should give topled a try im stoked and WILL be buying more lights from them ciao for now:thumb::Namaste:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

dang! Beautiful!!! :cheesygrinsmiley:
oooo ahhhhhh
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

i just commented on my journal about it harley, if its got white pistils and its growing pollen sacs then its hermie, if its a natural hermie then the pollen is not worth using as the seeds will go hermie at about the same age,

now the quetion is was it a female that turned male or was it a male that turned female, if it was male first then it turned female then thats known as a super male, not sure what it means as ive not read to much about it as we dont grow males, but their is some benefit to super males but ill try and find the info, but if you dont want seeds then just get rid of it mate as the seeds will go hermie.

if it is hermie then you need to check the grow space and see if its gone hermie due to a light leak or the timer messing up, if its gone hermie on its own with no outside source then its not worth using the pollen from, but if its gone hermie due to light shock or some other outside source then you should be able to use the pollen to produce fem seeds, but if your unsure just bin it mate as its not worth ending up with lots of hermie seeds, i threw out well over 300 seeds when i used a hermie to produce fem pollen.

very nice bid, its the flash that loses the colour, my plants look much lighter under the camera, when i post pictures ive often gone back and checked my plants to check if they really do look that pale, so its just the flash causing them to look lighter, natural light should produce better results but some cameras you will have to play around with the settings as their set up for producing certain colours instead of true copy of the thing you took the pic from, you certainy got some very nice looking buds, id be chuffed to grow something like that,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

its a hermie, and i never use a hermie thats starts out as a hermie for anything, juice it for health benifits,and be done with it, i have read several books on breeding cannabis ive never heard of a "super male" or a hermie that starts male then turns female is unicorn, Sasquatch rare! that pic group shows a typical hermie, no value as the hermie gene is STRONG to show both sexes like that, now if it drops a nanner or 2 late in flower no prob for me shes a keeper if ive got big fat female buds cant blame a girl for trying right? i know your not after some wild obscure breeding,hermie breeding is something only very experienced breeders should mess with, the only hermies i like are the ones i force
i see that thing in my grow its gone,now i might take it to another room just to see what it does,but im not gonna breed the thing on purpose the plant no matter sex or breed is a superfood and should be consumed juice it!:thumb::high-five:

donpaul: i appreciate your enthusiasm and thank you for the compliments, but when someone addresses me directly in my journal with a question please allow me the courtesy to answer it first i check my journal constantly every day not even 45 min elapsed from the question till you answered if many hours or a day goes by and i dont answer then sure chime in, very rarely and only very simple questions would i ever consider answering for another member in their journal, and only if i know they will be ok with it, the subject of hermie plants is controversial and many ppl have different opinions, obviously we have different opinions on the value of hermies no offense bud but "i got this":thumb::peace:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

ok cool, not sure why you not heard of a male turning hermie, ive read it in a few places, ive had a male that turned hermie, when i first started growing i had a male that i heavy defol on before i knew it was male then when it turned male i left it growing as ive never grown a male before and then it grew pistils, so it is possible for males to go hermie, it dont happen often but it does.

here some info on i a chemical process but cant comment on results as its info i came across ages ago and had bookmarked for future reference in case its something i wanted to try
Fertile female flowers can be induced in male plants by ethephon (2-chloroethanephosphonic acid) and NIA 10637 (ethylhydrogen-l-propylphosphonate). Interestingly, stamens could be seen arising even from fruits. Stopping the application of growth regulators caused the plants to revert to their original sex. We hypothesized that in Cannabis, GA and ethylene act as male and female hormones respectively, and that the expression of sex is controlled by a balance between their endogenous levels. Abscisic acid (ABA) is able to overcome the GA induced male flower formation (Mohan Ram and Jaiswal 1973; Mohan Ram and Sett 1985).

its something i researched when my male turned hermie, its where i got the info about a super male from, so it is possible and it does happen, but we dont notice it as we dont grow many males, if we grew males instead of females then im sure we would notice many hermie males, but we dont keep them long enough and dont grow many of them, if you look on the net you should come across some pics, cant post links as its on other sites, just thought id let you know that it is possible to have hermie males as well as its possible to have hermie females, cant comment on the chemical process as its some info i came across online but ive had a hermie male but was killed long before i researched it,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

im well aware that its "possible" for a male to develop female parts what i said was its very rare, its obscure and not something 99% of growers want to fiddle with, thanks for cut and paste your own personal experiences are all that's necessary,the article you pieced that in from i have read, what the question was "is this a hermie?" answer yes, i have read and researched for at least a decade, i have a stack of books to boot, and never heard the term "supermale" i have pics of my own hermies the fact remains the value of the is subjective and of interest to few, i want solid genetics that perform as expected, not freaks of nature, as im sure most do, if your into the hermies cool it does not interest me, and i really just want to get back to the topic of my journal, not get engaged in a debate about hermie plants
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Munchday BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I cannot believe how much of a yield you got...... Just amazing. I cannot wait to see what you can do with the mars 2 when you try to get a good result if this was your crap run.
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