BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Yup I'm on a rampage I want poundage!! I want "bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better!!!" I'm sick of Lil Piss poor mini harvests and week baby buds gimme coke cans or gimme footballs! I have quality dialed in, now I want to not run out every month! I want a dumpster full of purple corn on the cob buds,!
Of course I'll settle for just having enough to make it from harv to harv not run out and be able to take care of my familys needs, my Mom needs rso,my friend with cancer needs rso & high CBD, spiffy needs migraine and mood elevation, pain relief, ptsd med,we all need to drink juice daily I need pain relief & insomnia meds and my creativity to return, my brother needs ptsd,stress &anger meds, and it's on me to make it all! I need to step up or hang it up..fact of business......WORD YO!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Right on Brother I want bigger plants and I have already screwed up by doing too much defol. I'm hoping my plnts will recover but if you check my journal you can see the difference between heavy and light defol. Defoliation is a real sticking point for me right now. I have 5W LEDs that can grow bigger plants now I have to figure it out. I got two more weeks of veg then 8 - 10 weeks of flower before I can try another method. I know patients. good thing I got 10 ounces to go before I am out. I feel your pain BID!!!!!!!!!:peace::high-five::thumb::circle-of-love:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

So i want some opinions about light setup, im going to rehang the cool tube and add a second light in the 4x4x7 tent my choices are a 600watt jdl powerd bulb or a i-power 400 both can be hps or mh, and im going to install a screen in the 2x4x7 tent and flower it too i will use witch ever light i dont put in the 4x4x7 i cant decide if i should use the 4 or the 6 in the 2x4x7 im thinking i should use the 6 and put the 4 in the 4x4x7 and make it a 1 k grow rather than a 1200, i can also add the t5 4x6bulb as a side light, the led tent 20inch x3ft x 6ft will become veg as soon as this flower cycle is over another 3weeks max
Then i had a thought that i could try the led as the light for the scrog in the 2x4x7 and the 400mh at 200watts for veg, all this is just for the time being till i can afford to get more topled's my goal is to put 4 80x5watt mars 2s in my 4x4

Heres what i did last night
Hydrated a block of coco added some azomite,epsoma garden lime,worm castings,dry molasses,gypsum,calcium carbonate, ,and a hand full of kelloggs all purpose tropical fert mainly for the mykos, i will be feeding with regular unnameable 3 part with liquid early and late bloom booster nutes and weekly tea drenches of mykos and liquid humate (dark matter) and i may try the foliar sprays to see how they react, nutes will be dispensed at half strength unless its nessessary to up the dose, so basically its a coco passive hydro,mineralized coco ,organic high brix hybrid no macro nutes in the coco really i will monitor ph and ppm ,i have done something similar before and it worked great i got near hydro growth with organic flavors and aroma, all i dont know about is if the foliar sprays will be a benifit or not, i will monitor brix as well, if it looks like things go south i will flush heavily and shift to just reg salt based ferts no sprays, also im using the biggest pots ive ever used before im shooting for big yields less plants, last night i got the first 2 plants transplanted a blueberry headband into a 7 and a blue dream into a 5, heres some pics,

And for fun heres the root mass from the chemdawg i needed the coco,a 2cu ft bale of coco will not fill 2 7's and 2 5's
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy FreeWeed Day BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Just to follow up with you – I spoke with the guy you recommended today. He was very nice and helpful.

I would love to know your thoughts on amounts to use. And I'm frustrated that I still can't private message you. LOL

The shipping to me will cost more than the items cost. :-( But greatness costs.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

BUMP WORTHY!! I gotta say, mang, joogawditgowin-ON!

Rated 5 star


<snip> a tent full of purple colas! jars full of multiple flavors of gorrgissss purple!!
gdp x pu, rpk x pu,,p#1 x pu,, p-roc x pu,,k-roc x pc,, blue dream x urkle! chemdawg x urkle!! omg!!
anyway heres a bunch of pics

Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

BUMP WORTHY!! I gotta say, mang, joogawditgowin-ON!

Rated 5 star


Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better! Bigger n better!

i effin knew you would flip out on this sexy ass babygirl! shes one big time hottie and she smells like heaven if heaven had a brand this has to be it i get euphoric just smelling her(literally like grape soda/candy no cannabis smell at all!) she is the proud mama of 12 wee baby flowering clones, and has been impregnated by 3 of my primo studs as well as some self pollination from 2 nanners brought on by cs spray overspray oops!, no more loosing my prize gem girlie like i did with purple #1thanks for the reps my purp bro! this plant makes me happy!!:circle-of-love::love::love:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

thanks for the info on p39, plus reps my friend,

i think ill order some silver off flea bay and give that a try, when i make a f1 cross or even f2 cross i always take around 20 of the seeds and store them in another location so if i end up with poor results i can then go back a step to the original cross and see where i went wrong, so far everything seems on track but its always good to have seeds to fall back on or even back cross with at some point in the process,

so thanks for the cs info, its a huge help
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

As it should indeed. Wish I could get a whiff.

It's really the first plant I've ever grown that has no resemblance to cannabis in it's smell! Like it reminds me of freesia or hyacinth it has a very fresh fruity candy smell the first think that comes to mind is when you crack open a can or bottle of grape crush soda,then it gets more complex as you keep re sniffing (btw it near impossible to stop re-sniffn') but at no point has my olfactory senses tell me I'm smelling cannabis, hmmm alien-gmo-space-weed?..................
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

thanks for the info on p39, plus reps my friend,

i think ill order some silver off flea bay and give that a try, when i make a f1 cross or even f2 cross i always take around 20 of the seeds and store them in another location so if i end up with poor results i can then go back a step to the original cross and see where i went wrong, so far everything seems on track but its always good to have seeds to fall back on or even back cross with at some point in the process,

so thanks for the cs info, its a huge help

Doode! Don't waste money buying premade CS not only is it expensive it almost always contains UN nesessary chemicals ,and or could be bunk,weak,expired,toxic,for the same money but pure silver wire hook it up to an old DC cell phone charger or 3 9 volt batteries a car/motorcycle/scooter battery a tattoo machine power supply,any DC power supply will work,boil some steam distilled water and dangle the silver in it till the water looks golden and done ,and you can do this over & over it takes me a quart per plant doing daily sprays using 10-40ppm spray if your gonna be doing plants pretty regular it will cost you a bloody fortune to but premade, it's easier and safer to diy the CS market is a markup scam worse than the nutes industry, and if your thinking your gonna but 500ppm CS and dilute it won't work very well because it's made differently and when you dilute it it makes the silver ions fall out of suspension in a few min and no amount of shaking will break then down fine enough to be effective, I know this because I have tried it all and my current method is a work of 15 yrs trial & error while other methods of CS'ing will have intermittent success this method works consistently without harming the plants or us, I hate guys that say "trust me" but in this 1 instance I'm asking you to just "trust me!" Go go go gadget diy CS!:high-five:
*borrowing heavily from "the most interesting man alive"*
" I don't insist always but when I do I prefer diy CS. Stay cs'y my friends"
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Purple weekend to you BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Spiffy and i are out for the day found a new bbq pit this is the mountain man 1pound burger & sweet potato fries im about to eat chemdawg made me this hungry,and spiffy went for the beer brat and onion rings

This is karma kicking me in the balls. The ganja widow and I are pissed at each other, I am the cook and said f it we are having "skip it" for dinner. So as I am sitting here pissed and hungry THAT pops up. :cheesygrinsmiley: dang
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes


Those plants are awesome.... just incredible, have I wrote that before? I am so bad at following it is sad. :sorry:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

This is karma kicking me in the balls. The ganja widow and I are pissed at each other, I am the cook and said f it we are having "skip it" for dinner. So as I am sitting here pissed and hungry THAT pops up. :cheesygrinsmiley: dang

buck i know about those days, this to shall pass not that you need reminding, but you know,
we call it a "fend for yourself night" when nobody wants to cook, come on over we'll go get you a "mountain man" its worth the hour drive, and 9 hour flight for you, ok maybey not lol :rofl: but
,it was one hell of a burger i managed to finish it and my pile o sweet tater fries both some of the best ive ever had true Chicago style food/bbq the smell as we were driving by is what pulled us in, after lunch, we went next door and had cold stone ice cream next door.
then went shopping to walk it off i had meat sweats and 7-8 heart attacks a couple strokes and by my count 4 fatal aneurisms!! :thedoubletake: :rofl: i doubt i would ever order it again that size (3 1/3rd lb patties)and its 15 bucks heres the description/challenge (not to mention 3 burly dudes saying cmon man your a big effin doode you can do it!!

Are you man enough to eat: one pound of Angus Chuck, 6 slices of American cheese, 8 strips of artery
cloggin' bacon with ketchup, mustard,Tabasco(optional), onions, pickles, lettuce and tomato?
If so, you are a MOUNTAIN MAN !
well the gauntlet had been thrown down my pride and honor were at stake!!

they make it in a single and a double 1/3rd lb version had i not been on chemdawg i doubt i would have managed lol but i did it and damn it was good one of the best tasting burgers i have ever eaten!! im a mountain man!!!
as i recall you have remarked to the sumptuousness of the ladies but thank you all the same i never get tired hearing it
I want to eat the pork in the first hamburger.haha :thumb:
sara if you ever come visit me i will take you there and buy you a mountain man! and i have a few other fav places that serve truely amazing food, one mexican place, a thai place the owner is always trying to get me to marry her Thai sisters/cousins etc lol she is an amazing cook, best calamari ever! and spiffy makes some of the best southern style comfort foods you'll ever eat, and i makes a whole list of special "bidstyle" dishes like my, bidtastic raging deathwings,my 6inch thick pizza (nobody ever finishes 2 slices!!) my milk chocolate meringue butter crust pie,old english sweet cream butter toffee w/double dark chocolate top and sliced toasted honey glazed almonds, 20 lb double beast lasagna, slow smoked honey black pepper glaze ham, and im gonna stop there cuz i got lots more,

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

for the delicious food, I will visit you. :):high-five:
as i recall you have remarked to the sumptuousness of the ladies but thank you all the same i never get tired hearing it

sara if you ever come visit me i will take you there and buy you a mountain man! and i have a few other fav places that serve truely amazing food, one mexican place, a thai place the owner is always trying to get me to marry her Thai sisters/cousins etc lol she is an amazing cook, best calamari ever! and spiffy makes some of the best southern style comfort foods you'll ever eat, and i makes a whole list of special "bidstyle" dishes like my, bidtastic raging deathwings,my 6inch thick pizza (nobody ever finishes 2 slices!!) my milk chocolate meringue butter crust pie,old english sweet cream butter toffee w/double dark chocolate top and sliced toasted honey glazed almonds, 20 lb double beast lasagna, slow smoked honey black pepper glaze ham, and im gonna stop there cuz i got lots more,

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