BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

holy vanilla flavored green hamster brains! i love purple urkle!! :cheesygrinsmiley::love::circle-of-love::love:
so this post is in worship and love of my new favorite plant whom i have named Soozie! last night i spent a bunch of time with her i decided she needed to get pregnant No they are not mine!! sikkos!! sheesh! all i did was help some dead guys get their love dust on her reproductive bits!! she got 4 branches love sauced! gdp,rpk,purple #1, and self-ed (yes there's a story there)
now im not sure 100% the p#1 is for sure p#1 but here's the deal in the last 2 yrs i have saved pollen from a very few males and 1 feminized pollen sample(cream caramel auto) i have labeled all but 1 container and i have none marked p#1 so that has to be what it was right? i mean i know i saved some so yeah gotta be,
now while looking for the branches i discovered 2 pollen sacks on her! i tripped and had purple#1 flashbacks!
:thedoubletake::trance:so i went over her every single inch with a flashlight and found no other nanners anywhere,so i got to thinking and something struck me (no not a meteorite from space again) i started reviewing pics and my suspicions were confirmed branches soaked in cs from the purple power were laying against the exact spots where the nanners appeared so im fairly sure thats the reason in any case i collected the pollen and dusted so more fem seeds are on the way as well as 3 other purple crosses ,seems as though my purple crazed obsession is reinvigorated im daydreaming of a tent full of purple colas! jars full of multiple flavors of gorrgissss purple!!
gdp x pu, rpk x pu,,p#1 x pu,, p-roc x pu,,k-roc x pc,, blue dream x urkle! chemdawg x urkle!! omg!!
anyway heres a bunch of pics
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

thanks for the info on the cs a few pages back, ill try making my own, do you know if its possible to use silver coins as well, also ive read that it needs to be done in the dark as daylight degrades the quality or something like that, i know king john in his journal made his own product similar to cs and it took ages for it to produce pollen, but when it did the whole plant is covered in pollen sacs so he will get lots of pollen from that,

very interesting you say it can be revegged and kept female, thats worth knowing, when i produce fem seeds i use the rodilization method which dont produce much pollen but enough to get a small handful of seeds, now i know they hermie to self polinate but ive never actually knowingly let a plant self polinate as i wasnt sure if the seeds would turn out hermie, so is it possible to just let a plant pollinate itself then the seeds will be fem of the same strain, or would this increase the hermie results as the pollen is used on a hermie plant where as putting in on another female is the same as using male pollen so produces fem seeds with no hermie traits.

when i first tried making fem seeds i light shocked a plant early in flower and it went hermie, i used the pollen on another plant and produced seeds, but when i grew these seeds they went hermie at the same time i forced the plant i got pollen from to go hermie, so im thinking the only way of getting fem seeds is using cs or leaving a plant in flower to long as turning it hermie to early just produced hermie seeds, i know the cs turns it hermie early but its done by chemicals and not by forcing the plant by light shock,

so just wondered if i can use silver coins and the same 3x9v batteries and i dont have a ppm tester so how long would you suggest to leave it running for before its going to be good to use, ill try and read back and find out how much water you used to make the solution as the more water would take longer to get the ppm up, as i only need a small amount im thinking a small tub with water in and let it run for 12 to 24 hours, i just need to find a way of producing more pollen for the strains im working on,

you certainly got some very nice plants mate, hopefully one day ill be able to produce some nice coloured plants like that, ive got some blue mystic to try and ive got my ken estes gdp cross with purple cheese auto to grow out.

also sorry for all the questions but do you know much about crossing with autos, cuz this is what i have got in the past and been told,
when i cross 2 autos it produces 100% auto seeds,
when i cross a male auto with a female regular it produces around 1/4 seeds as auto and the rest photo, this is what i was told would happen and what results i got when i crossed an auto with none auto to produce a new auto strain to work with and a new photo strain to work with,

so this time i crossed ken estes gdp male with purple cheese auto female and was expecting to get 2 strains out of it that i can work with, a gdp cheese auto and gdp cheese photo, then i can back cross to bring out more of the pheno type im looking for depending on the results i get from the first cross, so i expected 1/4 of the seeds to be auto, but im getting the opposite, ive got 6 or 7 seedlings growing and over half are showing sex really early as if their auto, ive got 2 pheno types one is a very short stocky indica type pheno and the other is a taller pheno that i thought would be male, but the taller ones are female and the short stocky one is female and showing sex very early just like autos do, so im getting very high auto ratio from this cross, ill know more as the plants progress but at the minute id have to say i got more autos than photos from this cross,

so is it possible that normally you get only 1/4 auto seeds, so could the reverse also happen, could i just be getting 1/4 photo and 3/4 auto seeds,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

don, i dont worry about making the cs in the dark it just needs to be stored in the dark a lightproof bottle or wrap a qt mason jar in foil, i make a quart at a time, depending on how fresh the batteries are it can take 2-24 hours to reach 20 ppm, it will look a golden color like light apple juice if you did it right, not dark or black, coins work if they are 99.9% pure silver, finding silver wire should not be to hard they even sell diy kits on fleabay & amazhon, i have not had problems with hermie plants when the fem seed was made with cs, in fact so far i have not had even 1 come up hermie from the seeds i made, i feel like its better to put the fem pollen on a different female but have no evidence its any better, i have only grown out a couple seeds from crossing autos with regulars and both grew regular, i was just testing viability, to continue i would need to pop a dozen or so to be able to get (hopefully) a male & female that auto to make the f2's, i have just been making the f1's and saving them for future work,right now my focus is on locking down the urkle making s1's and crosses to other purples
i never work with the hermies that were caused by light stress or just hermied for no known reason, i save them for a rainy day, in my breeding project i try to work with regular non feminized seed as much as possible, i make fem seeds to save genetics i dont have a male counterpart to work with, like in the case of having only fem seed and not wanting to cross it with another strain, like the blue dream or urkle i want those saved untainted by another strain, i will cross them with other strains sure but thats experimental and i dont know if it will have the traits i want, so making the s1 lets me store the strain and not have to keep a mother or clones around all the time
im just mostly fooling around with autos to see what happens, with the few i was able to get that were not feminized i breed them to ensure i have plenty of auto seedstock to grow, such as the case with my Himalaya blue diesel auto, i can cross that to anything as an expiriment since i have hundreds of them and its an awesome:high-five: auto strain, well i hope that helps
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

looking good there BID
Happy Tokerday :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

what ya think guys?

One bud wonder plant :cheesygrinsmiley: ... dang your blue dream looks tasty. :cheesygrinsmiley: You do a great job with sativa plants you should try growing some cat piss if you can stand it :rofl:

I forgot to say what I thought... it is an awesome plant! This month the plant that still has me in awe is catfish's entry, dang
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Big Irish Doode, the Prince O' Purple!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

big changes coming, vert is over not working right i did it wrong, and i have no floorspace for these big smartpots going back to the dual 600s above till i can afford enough leds to replace the dual 600s, taking a break from high brix till spring going tried and true coco and nutes i cant mention 3 part sys with bloom boosters and garden lime,azomite and i think im gonna scrog the veg tent and flower all 3 tents , yup its that time again(one of my radical change everything flipouts):thumb::thedoubletake::loopy::loopy::)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Weednsday BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey Bid!!! whassup mang!!!! I love how your blue dream turned out!!! freaking amazing!!! also your purple erkle is looking tasty as well. Great jobs with the updates, sorry it takes me so long to come around and post but constantly checking your journal for updates!!! So now that you have been using the LED, have you noticed any major growth changes in the plants, for better or worse? I eventually will be going LED, but just trying to stomach the up front costs of the lights. Great job my friend!!! you must have a whole hand of green thumbs :)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey Bid!!! whassup mang!!!! I love how your blue dream turned out!!! freaking amazing!!! also your purple erkle is looking tasty as well. Great jobs with the updates, sorry it takes me so long to come around and post but constantly checking your journal for updates!!! So now that you have been using the LED, have you noticed any major growth changes in the plants, for better or worse? I eventually will be going LED, but just trying to stomach the up front costs of the lights. Great job my friend!!! you must have a whole hand of green thumbs :)
Hey Ice no worries I'm the same way I surf 70+ journals and post in maybe 10 a day, tell you what the light I'm using is bout 300clams and really worth it comparable lights at other companies are as much as 3 times for the same wattage I like how my plants respond to this light I'm in the last few weeks and we will see how they bulk but we know high brix is not as effective it 1 gal containers, I should have done coco and reg nutes or one big plant for this test I think my best with this light is yet to come,but I'm betting I will beat 1 gpw since I only need 200 grams to hit that mark it's impressive and shockingly bright pics do not get the brightness across and jons looks even brighter with the cob system, I'm liking My 5Watters tho penetration is very good better than a 400 since there's no yellow or wispy stuff on the bottoms, and the main thing I'm most impressed with trichome production is nuts and in the end is that not what we're really growing? I've never seen em so thick at such a young age,and brix readings are very high even in 1 gal smarties! If you wanna go LED this is the company for the $ there's no better, there may be bigger Badder beastly lights but not for the $ TopLeD has sold me I'm buying more lights asafp!
Good morning and good weed BID I hope you and Spiffy are having a great Weednesday.
I am trying to get my plants to streach some but they are not cooperating any Ideas???
Ty Harley you too bro Um use less light?turn em way down turn em off and dangle some cfl's in there for a couple days ? Use Shitty lights lol leds don't seem to make stretchy plants even my normally leggy blue dream did not stretch much under LED, I had only 2 stretch that we're from seed and immature for flower that stretched at all 2 Durple preams but as soon as they hit maturity they stopped right away and started making stardust & flowers:high-five:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey BID,

Sorry I haven't posted in the bit here. Congratulations on your results so far.

I decided to take the plunge too. I'm getting one of the 4 part COB lights for vegging. And two of the Mars ll 1200's for flower. Can't wait to see how I will do with them. I am a big believer in the Mars ll series - and the COB lights, I'm not sure about. But I trust Sara and she says to do it this way.

You are right... the company is fantastic. Sara is amazing to work with. She has bent over backwards to help me in my rather unique situation with weird shipping needs.

I'm glad to hear that you are still happy with your lights.

Hey, would you mind sending me a private message in response to your words here, "and nutes i cant mention 3 part sys with bloom boosters and garden lime,azomite". Would love some specifics from you about your nutes etc.

Seeing your reports weighed pretty strongly on my mind and helped me to move forward.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Thank you for the info. I'm sorry I cannot respond via instant message as I haven't posted enough.

I'll get there soon I'm sure. :)
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Thurweeday BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Sup? tearing the shit out of the place? :cheesygrinsmiley:
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