BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Great Weekend to you BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

your not wrong mate, vids are great with plenty of info,

very nice
thanks don, i just find myself skipping thru the cannabis music vids to see is any dialog on this, and rewatching the ones that are packed with info, and my mind goes mach 2 all the time so talking and adding annotations helps me get across all thats going thru my mind when im making the vids well sorta if i put it all on the screen you wouldnt see much of the plants! lol

Just caught up on your vids bid, love it - they give such a good perspective and do so much more justice to your grows than just photos. Fantastic mate, I really enjoyed watching them thank you
thanks doode im glad you liked it i was gonna do an all or mostly video journal once but there was mixed response and it was hectic, its easier now and life is less cluttered, i actually prefer the vids its less work and less time consuming except for the uploading and i think it shows the plants and setup better,my plan is to do more vids and pics for little things i only need a shot or 2 of:thumb:

Thank you for the welcome. I have read a lot of the journal but I started back at the very beginning when the contest was announced. I was mesmerized by your story. And to be honest, I got a little confused between you and the other person that was awarded a light as to which one had which. I found myself trying to skip over a lot of posts that had information less relevant and I probably skipped over to many.

Also, being outside the US, I've had Internet issues and was unable to look at your videos the last couple of days. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will be able to.

Thank you for the clarification. It definitely helps.

So one question I have been thinking about is… If you had a light with more power would that greater power simply give you more coverage space or would it actually helped the plants grow more efficiently?

And don't worry, I didn't read too much "snarkiness" into your response. :) We all have bad days and moments and hopefully we will get to know each other better. I should have gone more painstakingly through the posts but it was a little hard with the Internet connectivity as it was.

I'm looking forward to following along.

By the way, I cannot PM you yet as I don't have enough posts, could you PM me with the info on the negative ion generators? Thanks.
i think the larger lights are just a bigger core coverage area since its the same diodes my thinking is if you have 4 80x5w instead of 370x80w theres some advantages like if god forbid a light goes out its only 1/4 of your light rather than all of it also you can move them around to suit your setup,say you have 2 plants that insist on being taller you can adjust for that, and by overlapping the footprints you can have an overall larger area covered or tilt them to angle light in on the side, just seems more versatile. i hope that gets my thinking across properly

Hey Bid,

I was able to catch up with your videos from the last several days. OMG those are amazing.

And yes, you are right – the make and model are plastered all over the place all the time. :)

Great videos and great-looking lights. Sara is incredibly helpful. Soon as my car sells I will get my order placed. Hopefully in the next couple of days.

Can't wait to learn more from you.
see i told you! neener neener lol now you see why my reaction was like ,,huh? really? lol
my plan is to get enough to over cover my 4x4x7 with double the recommended light and just keep the small tent the way it is for breeding plants prob keep the t5 for veg to save me some cash,and it works really well,then someday i'll do a huge tree grow with all the leds 2 600watt and a 400w hids prolly do 2 hps 600s and a 400mh and leds inbetween them in a 12x12 room, but thats down the road, you have to go back to my last journal to see my dual 600 watt setup in the 4x4 that was cool and i may set it back up after winter sets in but the heat nearly ended that grow, i'll pm you the neg ion stuff tomorrow,remind me if i dont, i have alot of pm traffic and i forget stuff :rofl::thumb:
Great Weekend to you BID :thumb:
and to you as well my friend!!:cool::tokin:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Congrats on the Purple Urkle genetics BID! Just seen the video, I am interested in the negative ion contraption as well. Will do some background research, goodday!

:peace: CA
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

wow that last vid was cool... the first two did not play but for 20 seconds or so but this last one made me go :yahoo:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Stonerday BID :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hi BID:ciao:
Just doing my rounds and watched your vids. Great job buddy!! + reps from me.
Plants are looking great.
keep up the good work :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

wow that last vid was cool... the first two did not play but for 20 seconds or so but this last one made me go :yahoo:
That might be cuz they were in edit,they seem fine for everybody else hmmm
Hi BID:ciao:
Just doing my rounds and watched your vids. Great job buddy!! + reps from me.
Plants are looking great.
keep up the good work :thumb:
been a min since I saw your mugg gtsu IM having funny fun fun making vids again
Makes my butt pucker with happy happy joy joy!
Thanks for the likes everybody,

Man I had a long night was up till 5:30am working & playing, it's finally gotten cool enough in the shop for me to be in there more than 30 sweating like a fat man in a port a potty! So I did some mild defol,got some colloidal silver brewing,took some purple Urkle &pineapple skunk clones after totally sanitizing the cloner & it's area, lol took like 12 urkles & 5 ok in case some die, I used dip n grow for the first time, I like that it's a liquid you soak in and can control the strength and comes with a dip cup with markings for the different strengths you add the same amount of solution everytime then add water according to your needs if it works it's gonna be my new favorite,it's cheap 10 bones and has both of the main hormones used in all cloning products
I need to have mercy on the chem dawg and harvest her she's 8weeks in flower now and not improving so she comes down within the week she smells very chemmy and under the dried out leaves she's got some beauty full nuggetry
I also got my sc2 " heart of the swarm" expansion installed took 6 hrs to install & update, so yeah I got some hardcore screen time to put in :thumb: if u play that software u should tell me, IM not so good I have not even finished "wings of liberty" yet my PC at the time could barely handle it on lowest graphics now IM running on ultra uber hella mega! That's about it for the moment I'll slap a couple pics up in a min or 42 :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

couldnt agree more about the vids, theirs been many times ive had to turn the sound off just so i could see the plants and the set up, some have the music louder than their talking and you cant hear anything their saying, so im sure most lose subs due to this
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

the preface

I am drinking some white Merlot with a couple (or so) shots of tincture...

the revelation

We are weirdly very similar in a different dimension


some weird twilight zone music playing softly in the background... it grows louder for the viewers


I am going to get some more of THIS! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey bid!!!! Subbed!!!! Freaking awesome so far, started reading from the beginning and just oooed and Ahhhed by the progress. Right now I'm vegging under a 2ft 8bulb t5 and will be going all the way with the t5s. I am a noob grower and have been reading and researching and it never seems to end ever. Hahaha. I have a 3x3 tent and the biggest reason I am going with a t5 is just due to the fact of $$$ spent on electricity and heat issues. Kind of scared to get my 1bdrm apt set on fire that would be bad news bears! After reading your journal I think I'm going to pull that trigger and purchase one of these lights from Sara! Thanks for all the hard work and effort you've put into this test I'm a true believer!!!!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

the preface

I am drinking some white Merlot with a couple (or so) shots of tincture...

the revelation

We are weirdly very similar in a different dimension


some weird twilight zone music playing softly in the background... it grows louder for the viewers


I am going to get some more of THIS! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Well ah ha ha halrighty theeeeeeennnnnnnn! I like this blackberry merlot i tried a couple cases of,back when i still drank have not had a drink in like 9 yrs
Hey bid!!!! Subbed!!!! Freaking awesome so far, started reading from the beginning and just oooed and Ahhhed by the progress. Right now I'm vegging under a 2ft 8bulb t5 and will be going all the way with the t5s. I am a noob grower and have been reading and researching and it never seems to end ever. Hahaha. I have a 3x3 tent and the biggest reason I am going with a t5 is just due to the fact of $$$ spent on electricity and heat issues. Kind of scared to get my 1bdrm apt set on fire that would be bad news bears! After reading your journal I think I'm going to pull that trigger and purchase one of these lights from Sara! Thanks for all the hard work and effort you've put into this test I'm a true believer!!!!

Awesome welcome aboard glad you dig it, the light is surpassing my expectations! Tell sara i said hi! T5 is nice but i think this led will beat it at over 100watts less power and alot less heat,led is the future my friend! The tech will only get better & cheaper! Stay tuned more to come
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Clones,,,game,,,purple urkle,,,cs sprayed buds,,,and nekkid chicks

Yeah i took a few clones of that urkle im in love here :thumb::love::circle-of-love::love:

Can ya digg it baby ! Ungh!! Ungh!!

So the cs i was using till tonight was old like 3 months, and it was 15-20 ppm but it loses potency over time and tested at 9ppm the stuff i made tonight was reading 14-17ppm but fresher is always better should become a nanner fest on there soon tomorrow i will post a few more oics of my homade cs making gadget using but im to tired to do it tonight im sitting here nodding off so im out for now:peace:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Awesome welcome aboard glad you dig it, the light is surpassing my expectations! Tell sara i said hi! T5 is nice but i think this led will beat it at over 100watts less power and alot less heat,led is the future my friend! The tech will only get better & cheaper! Stay tuned more to come

Hey BID you said a 100 watts less? Isn't your LED 400w? Maybe I read them wrong when it says 80w x5w led I take 80w times 5 equaling 400? Sorry I'm super noob when it comes to LEDs. Lol such a shame. Unless it just means yea it's 80w and the have 5w LEDs. Right now I'm at 192 watts for my t5 if the LED us truely 80w I will order now! :). Thanks again BID can't wait too see the final weight with the new toy!
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hi wreched75, actually, there are 80 diodes that are 5w diodes. Theoretically that would mean 400w, yes, but the actual draw is much less. Here is the link to the actual light BID is using. It states it's draw as between 195-205 80x5w - $315.88 : TOPLEDGROWLIGH, Solutions Limited,LED GROWLIGHT,LED BULB,LED TUBE,grow lights,t5 grow light,hps grow light,fluorescent grow light,grow light bulb,grow light bulbs,marijuana grow light,growing light,cfl grow light,indoor grow light,g
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hi wreched75, actually, there are 80 diodes that are 5w diodes. Theoretically that would mean 400w, yes, but the actual draw is much less. Here is the link to the actual light BID is using. It states it's draw as between 195-205 80x5w - $315.88 : TOPLEDGROWLIGH, Solutions Limited,LED GROWLIGHT,LED BULB,LED TUBE,grow lights,t5 grow light,hps grow light,fluorescent grow light,grow light bulb,grow light bulbs,marijuana grow light,growing light,cfl grow light,indoor grow light,g

hey Mentchz!! Thanks for the link and the info. For an LED pulling the same amount of watts as my T5 and looking at BID current grow i think i gotta take shots of my T5 and and sell it off hehe!
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