BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madness!

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

there is a 3rd video coming damn upload speed is dread ful its like 128kb but a stealth vert scrog vid is gonna be up today, the upload is why i dont do a full on show every week im a ham and love the video production

Looking forward to sure.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

very nice mate, looking good, i keep buying purps and they keep turning green, i did get one purpe and it was a purple auto, but tasted like crap and was unsmokable and ended up in my trim pile,

it was winter here at the time and at night i put the plant by an open window and after 2 weeks still no purple and i was getting close to harvest, it wasnt produce much bud so i decided to try something different, i thought about sticking it in the freezer, then i decided to stick it on my balcony for a couple of nights when it was snowing outside, the snow didnt get on them but it did turn a very nice purple, so i thought yes i got some damn purple at last, smelled ok to me, rolled a nice spliff and sat back to enjoy it, lit it up and coughed my guts up, it was the harshest bud i have ever smoked, id say it was like smoking a newspaper, thats how harsh it was, not that i smoked newspapers but you know when you have garden fires and the smoke blows in your face and chokes you, well this did the same thing, luckily it was not a huge loss as it only produced about 3 x 8ths, but damn it was harsh, couldnt smoke any of it, so its been turned into bubble hash, but at least i got a purple, just not the kind you can smoke, i think it would of been less harsh if i painted it purple then smoked it,

loving the vids BID
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

thank you for the videos.
thank you joo rock main!!!
The Great Firewall of China strikes again.
thats so tooopid i mad vid 2 mainly for sara (gotta pay the bills & props right!?)
A shame Sara can't see a couple good videos from you BID. Your plants are rockin'. If I must be honest, the music (which i like BTW) is a distraction in the 2nd vid. I'm more interested in your commentary, but struggle to hear it over the music on my "sound-challenged" laptop. Maybe it's just me.

Either way...BIG :thumb:
funny on my tablet,laptop and gameing rig (its tied into my sound studio) i set it to favor original audio too
did you try head phones? any way thanks when i finally get my shit together and process vids with vegas movie studio youll see a jump im quality and i will start performing my own music i have enough equipment (guitars,drums,bass,drum machine to do it all myself didnt spend all those years in a band and being a studio rat to be lame and use somebody elses riffs lol)

Lookin good BID

very nice mate, looking good, i keep buying purps and they keep turning green, i did get one purpe and it was a purple auto, but tasted like crap and was unsmokable and ended up in my trim pile,

it was winter here at the time and at night i put the plant by an open window and after 2 weeks still no purple and i was getting close to harvest, it wasnt produce much bud so i decided to try something different, i thought about sticking it in the freezer, then i decided to stick it on my balcony for a couple of nights when it was snowing outside, the snow didnt get on them but it did turn a very nice purple, so i thought yes i got some damn purple at last, smelled ok to me, rolled a nice spliff and sat back to enjoy it, lit it up and coughed my guts up, it was the harshest bud i have ever smoked, id say it was like smoking a newspaper, thats how harsh it was, not that i smoked newspapers but you know when you have garden fires and the smoke blows in your face and chokes you, well this did the same thing, luckily it was not a huge loss as it only produced about 3 x 8ths, but damn it was harsh, couldnt smoke any of it, so its been turned into bubble hash, but at least i got a purple, just not the kind you can smoke, i think it would of been less harsh if i painted it purple then smoked it,

loving the vids BID
that made me laugh "smoking some smooth paint huh?, yes i will do all i can to lock down the genetics of this urkle, a tease here i have a very special strain that i have been developing for over 5 yrs and i have never posted a pic nor mentioned its name in any of my journals its my uber secret project and it wont be until i am happy and positive its a stable ibl, im getting close btw :thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

I can use VPN then get on youtube, I just checked the vids, I like it very much. thank you.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey BigIrishDoode,

What LED light you using again?

How many square feet you feel it covers effectively?

What power HPS would you say it seems closest to at this point?

I know you are not done yet and can't give a definitive answer probably, just looking for what you feel at this point.

I'm getting ready to get mine from Sara as well.

Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Happy Almost FreeWeed day BID:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey BigIrishDoode,

What LED light you using again?

How many square feet you feel it covers effectively?

What power HPS would you say it seems closest to at this point?

I know you are not done yet and can't give a definitive answer probably, just looking for what you feel at this point.

I'm getting ready to get mine from Sara as well.

firstly welcome to 420mag and my journal, umm IM really not trying to be snarky here, but I just posted a vid last night with all my LED lights stats plastered all thru it,and numerous times I've put it on the pics,it seems if you have read very much of my journal you could not miss it!! Anyway here is a link to the exact light IM using, 80x5w - $315.88 : TOPLEDGROWLIGH, Solutions Limited,LED GROWLIGHT,LED BULB,LED TUBE,grow lights,t5 grow light,hps grow light,fluorescent grow light,grow light bulb,grow light bulbs,marijuana grow light,growing light,cfl grow light,indoor grow light,g ,I feel it could cover 3x3 feet very well and giving it's penetration power IM willing to say it might do 3.5x3.5 ft ,maybe even 4x4,, with smaller clones /seedlings on the outer edges,IM in a 20inch by 3foot by 6ft tall tent and it's covering every inch with ease,, I can't make comparisons to hps at this point not till I get dry weights in, but it seems to be as strong as a 400watt hps at least,just judging by how they look for their age and the pot size they're in (1 &2 gal smartpots) they also seem to be maturing faster as well, I talk in detail about my thoughts pretty much thru the whole video you should check it out,thanks for stoppin' in Sara will treat you right be sure you say hi for me,IM sure she'll hook you up nice:thumb:

Happy Almost FreeWeed day BID:thumb:
and to you to as well kind sir:lot-o-toke:

can you explain why you are using a negative ion generator for your flower room?

Couple reasons negative ions are soothing to all living creatures,it cleans the air and makes dust and pollen fall out of the air and stick to the nearest metallic item (rather have that stuff stick to the floor,poles and walls than my plants) it also neutralizes odors, I also sleep with one above my head smells like the Forrest after a spring rain, I get those cheap 6$ usually pm me if you want the site, put 6-7 in a 4x4 and I net you have nearly no odors,I really like them,not to be confused with ozone, I also have an oreck xl air cleanser best 300 bucks I spent that year,no filters to replace just rinse the Truman cell off once in a while,
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Sup BID. Props on the third vid too. Sooooo helpful, informative and enjoying to watch.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Sup BID. Props on the third vid too. Sooooo helpful, informative and enjoying to watch.

Thanks Mr chz I try to put at least 1 or 2 informative things in every video, no offence to the guys that crank up the hip hip music and pan around the buds telling us how bomb they are,those are fun to watch too but I make vids that I think I would want to watch to the end cuz IM learning stuff , while still trying to make it at least a little fun and at some point I will makes some "budmetal" vid a just for poopz & chuckles:thumb:
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Just caught up on your vids bid, love it - they give such a good perspective and do so much more justice to your grows than just photos. Fantastic mate, I really enjoyed watching them thank you
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

firstly welcome to 420mag and my journal, umm IM really not trying to be snarky here, but I just posted a vid last night with all my LED lights stats plastered all thru it,and numerous times I've put it on the pics,it seems if you have read very much of my journal you could not miss it!!

Thank you for the welcome. I have read a lot of the journal but I started back at the very beginning when the contest was announced. I was mesmerized by your story. And to be honest, I got a little confused between you and the other person that was awarded a light as to which one had which. I found myself trying to skip over a lot of posts that had information less relevant and I probably skipped over to many.

Also, being outside the US, I've had Internet issues and was unable to look at your videos the last couple of days. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will be able to.

Thank you for the clarification. It definitely helps.

So one question I have been thinking about is... If you had a light with more power would that greater power simply give you more coverage space or would it actually helped the plants grow more efficiently?

And don't worry, I didn't read too much "snarkiness" into your response. :) We all have bad days and moments and hopefully we will get to know each other better. I should have gone more painstakingly through the posts but it was a little hard with the Internet connectivity as it was.

I'm looking forward to following along.

By the way, I cannot PM you yet as I don't have enough posts, could you PM me with the info on the negative ion generators? Thanks.
Re: BID 6.0 Featuring: TopLED - Coco High Brix - JDL - Highly Mineralized Myko Madnes

Hey Bid,

I was able to catch up with your videos from the last several days. OMG those are amazing.

And yes, you are right – the make and model are plastered all over the place all the time. :)

Great videos and great-looking lights. Sara is incredibly helpful. Soon as my car sells I will get my order placed. Hopefully in the next couple of days.

Can't wait to learn more from you.
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