Beemerbill's Indoor/Outdoor Multible Strains Grow Journal

great pics wish I could do outdoors
houses so close you can hear the neighbor fart lol

It is really nice to grow outside just to be able to sit amongst the girls and watch them grow under natural light. I only have one neighbor that I can see and he could care less if i grow. Nice to have good people living around you.
Your ladies look all prim and proper in their flower dresses. Green thumb showing again. How many ladies in your harem ? Here we can only have 12 plants growing at one time. How`s your special lady, you know, your better half doing ? I know you take good care of all the ladies in you life. Time for me to get busy around here. Later.

Peace & Great Growin`
Morning YR and thanks for the nice comments. I may have one or so to many plants but I have 6 in flower with two of them really close. We can have 15 plants. With the new rooted clones I have way to many but you have to be prepared. :) Without the clones I have 16 adults.
Gave a few grams of the Bubblelicious to a couple of friends and I got the report this morning at work. One said his weedend was really nice until he pulled 4 good pulls off his bong and his weedend ended for about 5 hours. He loved it both taste and high. The other guy said about the same. It's good to get a report like this. It's getting close.
Good weed report........gotta make for a good day. It`s always good to get someone else`s thoughts about your crop. Sounds good. Congrats beemer.

Peace & Great Growin`
Good weed report........gotta make for a good day. It`s always good to get someone else`s thoughts about your crop. Sounds good. Congrats beemer.

Peace & Great Growin`

Morning YR this was one of colas that had a little mold in it so I chopped it off. Dried it and gave a little away. Smells like pink bubblegum
Heya bill, hope y'all are doin well over there today :Namaste:

morning rune, It will be as good as it can at work. but it's weednesday so that is good.
Happy Weednesday Bee:)
Just think Bill, just a few more months and you can unwind with a nice joint or some canna-garlic-herb butter on a slice of bread, or whatever... home stretch my friend ;) :Namaste:

Getting close and yes it will be fun. :circle-of-love:
Been raining like crazy here for the first time in about a month. thunder and lightening also. i was in the greenhouse enjoying the sounds. The Auto Bubblelicious is getting pretty ripe with mostly cloudy with about 1% amber so i will be chopping her tomorrow or Friday. Buds didn't fill in like i wanted but they are still pretty dense. porn

Happy Thurweedsday Bee:)
nice one on the auto!
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