Beemerbill's Indoor/Outdoor Multible Strains Grow Journal

Good Morning and a great weed to you and yours bee:circle-of-love:
Time to move on to my next victims. no hope left for the girls except for hash or oil:)

Well it's almost bed time but not to late to say have a good weed day tomorrow. Sad day fishy losing your babies. It maybe just me but I'm not liking the remarks over on your journal. I don't think they have ever lost something a person works hard at. Just me being an old fart. :love:
love the smell of bubble gum in the morning..good weed day Bee...glad to hear your better half is doing good..:bravo:

I was really surprised to smell it. Buds are starting to firm up a little. Getting close. Thanks for the nice comments.
Happy Frieday bee:)
Well it's almost bed time but not to late to say have a good weed day tomorrow. Sad day fishy losing your babies. It maybe just me but I'm not liking the remarks over on your journal. I don't think they have ever lost something a person works hard at. Just me being an old fart. :love:
Reckon I will have to look at my journal. its always the last on my list and I had 48 others to respond to this morning. really dont matter much to me either most folks put me up on some pedestal or thought I was something more than I ever claimed to be:):circle-of-love:
I like you fish but I see you down here with us normal folk
stop putting fishy on a pedestal everyone!:thumb::rofl:
I like you fish but I see you down here with us normal folk
stop putting fishy on a pedestal everyone!:thumb::rofl:
I am Normal! I am Normal! I am Normal!
Kind of anyway:)
Good Weed and a fine Sativaday bee:circle-of-love:
good morning fishy and good Sativaday to ya and yours also. :love:
Morning MC how the heck are you? happy Sativaday to ya
Here's a little bud porn for ya.
From the tent

and my little auto Bubblelicious with pistol that looks like it's lookin at you
Ah heck i love looking at the girls, hell i like looking at every ones girls. Took a few more pictures of the ladies. The only problem with taking so many pictures they always seem to look the same to me. but who cares we love out girls and we will keep on taking them and showing. In the tent the girls are at day 38 since the flip and are starting to fill in.

Outside I sprayed last night for our beloved spider mites and I hope I got a good kill for the first spraying
Afghani bullrider

two Pakistan Chintral Kush/Afghani Bullrider


Royal Medic

Sour Kush


Cream Caramel

My mutant Jack Herer

Auto bubblelicious

and finally the Querkle
I wanted to be the 14th person to say what a wonderful grow you have bee. seems that I just cant wait that long. I want stuff done now Darn it:)
Awesome garden man! Lovely update!

Keep em green!:high-five:

Thank you Lester. Coming from you it means alot.

wanted to be first to say great garden:bravo::thumb:

where is that little bugger that stared at me all night in my dreams?

Thanks bozzo just trying to keep up with a fellow greenhouser. Nightmares.

I wanted to be the 14th person to say what a wonderful grow you have bee. seems that I just cant wait that long. I want stuff done now Darn it:)

thanks fishy. Waiting is tough. But with the tent and an auto it breaks it up.

Gods bill, they're looking absolutely lovely... you've got such a beautiful garden there man... +reps :Namaste:

Thank you rune. Still got hot out there. Just got done transplanting and i need to go get some more soil. Never ends.
great pics wish I could do outdoors
houses so close you can hear the neighbor fart lol
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