Beemerbill's Indoor/Outdoor Multible Strains Grow Journal

the pictures are a little small but here is a little bud porn for you all. Auto Bubblilicious

good weed bee:circle-of-love:
they may be small but they are huge with beauty:):thumb:
good weed bee:circle-of-love:
they may be small but they are huge with beauty:):thumb:

Thanks fishy. That like girl is going to put out for me. :;): the buds are getting tighter and fatter
i like the color on those buds..i got my worm ranch going for some to find out how to raise and keep ladybugs..

Thanks miwa.. I've been wanting to put together a worm farm just for all of the compost that could be turned into castings. I have all the things to make it, just been to dam lazy to do it. Go figure. After you said you wanted to raise ladybugs or at least see if you could, I went online and looked it up. It can be done and there are starter kits you can get. One article I read was about buying ladybugs. It was saying that most of the affordable ladybugs are caught in the wild and can bring diseases and parasites to the local ladybugs and she was really bad mouthing it. There are commercial ladybugs raised but cost quite a bit more and most homeowners won't pay the price. I guess what I'm saying is that it is probably a good idea to raise your own and sell a few at the local garden store.
get ready for the sticky icky:thumb:

Sticky icky OH YA All I have to do is touch the bud and go in the house and the wife says wash your hands. heehee

Thanks Cronic
Ok I went out and took some more pictures. Friggin spider mites seem to be under control and we are at day 33 since the flip. Seem to be doing pretty good.

The outside girls are growing nicely

In the greenhouse, which can get a little warm, HOT, they seem to be doing good also. have to water them every day.

the little Auto bubblelicious is getting as Cronic says Sticky icky and the buds are getting really nice. trichs are still all clear and there are a lot of them.

and here are some babies that I need to find homes for.
plants looking good..i see some long colas....yep..i want a L B house in my garden..worm castings in my pots and tea..get my compost tea right i won't have to buy nutes..hope i'll be ready for next summer...:bravo::goodjob:

Thanks miwa, let us know if you start raising L Bs That would be cool to be able to follow along. :thumb:
good morning bee and a fine weed to you and the Misses:)
good morning bee and a fine weed to you and the Misses:)

Howdy fish. hope you and the family are doing good also. sucks about your grow but have faith and all will be good.
Heya bill, hope your girl is doing better still now that she's home... I know all "your other girls" are doing well... you, like most of us, baby your bebes, ;) :Namaste:

Question for you bill, since you're fairly close and just one climate zone away... do you find it necessary to use heat mats when germing in this climate? All seeds I germ inside seem to take 1 to 2 weeks, even presoaked... once they pop, they grow fine, but it doesn't seem to matter where the seeds come from, seedbank, breeder friends, bag seed, etc. I've been avoiding getting one until I see a clearance sale.
Heya bill, hope your girl is doing better still now that she's home... I know all "your other girls" are doing well... you, like most of us, baby your bebes, ;) :Namaste:

Question for you bill, since you're fairly close and just one climate zone away... do you find it necessary to use heat mats when germing in this climate? All seeds I germ inside seem to take 1 to 2 weeks, even presoaked... once they pop, they grow fine, but it doesn't seem to matter where the seeds come from, seedbank, breeder friends, bag seed, etc. I've been avoiding getting one until I see a clearance sale.

My sweetie is doing really pretty good. Went and saw a doctor today and she got her meds adjusted and the doctor thought she was doing very good. She is going to actually start weaning her off the meds. We will see how it goes.

I use rooting riots plugs and i have a rooting riots tray and dome. I also use a heat mat with a thermostat set at 80 while I'm germinating or rooting cuttings. Usually takes about 4 days for seeds to pop give or take and cuttings vary. When I'm rooting cuttings I will let the plugs almost dry out before I rewater. Seems to help and i will also after a few days let the top or dome tipped back for a few hours. I've done somewhere around 70 or so cuttings and only have lost around 5 or 6. I have had some that won't root and have pulled them out to see what was happening and the stem was rotting. So I cut it back off and scrap the stem put some clonex on and back in the plug. I have had at least a 50/50 take do that which helps in loses. I'm not one for being the cleanest but it seems to work for me.
Thanks bill, I figured I'd end up needing to get a heating pad... I figured the temp shifts down in the evening are slowing the actual sprouting... right now I'm keeping them on the edges of the HPS in the tent for the heat, lol.

I'm glad to hear she's doing well... that's some great news and you have to be feeling better as well now :) :Namaste:
I had to cut one of the colas out of the little Auto Bubblelicious because of a little mold. So I dried it and man does smell like bubble gum, pink bubble gum. so cool.
Good Morning and a great weed to you and yours bee:circle-of-love:
Time to move on to my next victims. no hope left for the girls except for hash or oil:)
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