Beauty vs. Brawn - A Multi Strain Multi Sponsor Grow Off For Bragging Rights

Tats look good are you filling completely with color?
Yea Im burying all the dark "cheese skin" pattern (I let a friend do🤦‍♂️) after I lighten it with white or grey. And then yea all full color reaper,Charon,and Cerberus to compliment solid black flames.

Thanks for taking interest 🙏 I appreciate it.
You do it own tattoos. Cool, are you ambidextrous? or just have one arm no tats. looks professional like done with a gun not needle an thread like a prison tat. your plants look amazing by the way and ur definitely in the lead... unless the gals show off a few tats, I mean more pics of their plants
Yea I'm kinda ambidextrous....I still struggle with angles from left hand....but I manage lol both arms and legs are tatted 40+ tattoos 😅

And thanks Chris this lady struggled but I think she turned out all right 😉
You do it own tattoos. Cool, are you ambidextrous? or just have one arm no tats. looks professional like done with a gun not needle an thread like a prison tat. your plants look amazing by the way and ur definitely in the lead... unless the gals show off a few tats, I mean more pics of their plants
I swear this phone changes words on me, instead of it. it should be your. I think unless another word fits better. I feel like Beavis and Butthead... ahh words, words
This is F.Y.I. for all of our 420 Magazine members:

Rob's Mom has suffered a stroke recently, and that has led to surgeries and a host of other very serious complications. He is spending a ton of his time attending to her and trying to keep up with Medical staff of different areas to get her well. She is in a facility very far from him, so driving time is taking up many hours a day.

Renee is also dealing with the aftermath of the recent death of her Mom, trying to get estate issues settled and helping the rest of the family during a difficult time.

They ask that everyone please be patient, send your love and support, and try your best to continue to be respectful of each other and keep dramas out of our forum so they can concentrate on what's really important. They need your positive support more than ever right now.

Please share with others.

Thanks everyone! ❤️
Thats one of the funniest part of being the small fry snake, gotta put on a big front to look tough! I've always found the rat snake to be the most aggressive of the non venomous group.
They'll strike/bite multiple times. As a pet they calm down and get conditioned to handling and don't really mind it at all. Happy Saturday!! 😎✌️🎶
Yea Im burying all the dark "cheese skin" pattern (I let a friend do🤦‍♂️) after I lighten it with white or grey. And then yea all full color reaper,Charon,and Cerberus to compliment solid black flames.

Thanks for taking interest 🙏 I appreciate it.
Ah, Charon, the most important and overlooked underworld diety.
You’ve gotta pay the ferryman!
He stands ready in my own personal portal to the underworld. (Basement bathroom) welcoming unsuspecting visitors.

Life got crazy and I didn’t get to update my update with pics that actually loaded but, here they are from last week, and I’ll get some today for a current update.
The tent extension barely fit. Even bent the ceiling track a little forcing it in but, it’s done.



Life got crazy and I didn’t get to update my update with pics that actually loaded but, here they are from last week, and I’ll get some today for a current update.
The tent extension barely fit. Even bent the ceiling track a little forcing it in but, it’s done.



Nice the extension looks awesome....I didn't know they made extensions for tents .

And you got that right he is the most important first step to the underworld..... Love the statue
Is this
Ah, Charon, the most important and overlooked underworld diety.
You’ve gotta pay the ferryman!
He stands ready in my own personal portal to the underworld. (Basement bathroom) welcoming unsuspecting visitors.

Did you make this? Looks awesome

Good Sunday morning.😁

Miss banana blaze is up and at em with a rocky start 😅🤦‍♂️ ....*grumbles to self*..... She knocked the helmet off noooooo problem, but for what ever stupid reason the membrane never released 🤦‍♂️ with some careful surgery with a needle and razor blade I helped her out. Was a yellow nightmare for a day there... But we have some new green first leaves emerging 😁. So I'm hopeful for a smooth grow from this point on.
Update 78 days 1st full week of flower.
Delicious Candy & Opium
From Delicious Seeds

Strain: Delicious Candy

Genetic Makeup: Cheese x Caramelo, Indica and Sativa phenotypes

Expected Yield: 850 g/m²

THC: 19-20%

Harvest Time: 60-65 days

Strain: Opium

Genetic Makeup: Afghani landrace x Brazil Sativa

THC: 23%

Expected Yield: +600 g/m²

Harvest Time: 50-60 days

Pot/Bucket Size: 3 gal. fabric

Grow Space: Frankenstein Box

Environment: Central Illinois–Continental. Warm summers, cold winters, windy, rainy and humid.

Stage: Flower --> Harvest

Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Soil, Happy Frog Potting Soil

Lights: @Mars Hydro tsw2000
@VIVOSUN vs1000e
Light scheduled at 12/12
DLI set at 35 + 40

Pests: occasional gnats. Controlled with @Sierra Natural Science 209/203 and sticky traps.

Nutes/Water when needed.

Find these and other wonderful seeds @Delicious Seeds

Today's humidity is 83%
Dew point: 62°
Currently 68°f

I love these cooler mornings 💚

Rita Baga--Delicious Candy
27 inches

Alaska Thunderfuck--Opium
17.5 inches

Update 78 days 1st full week of flower.
Delicious Candy & Opium
From Delicious Seeds

Strain: Delicious Candy

Genetic Makeup: Cheese x Caramelo, Indica and Sativa phenotypes

Expected Yield: 850 g/m²

THC: 19-20%

Harvest Time: 60-65 days

Strain: Opium

Genetic Makeup: Afghani landrace x Brazil Sativa

THC: 23%

Expected Yield: +600 g/m²

Harvest Time: 50-60 days

Pot/Bucket Size: 3 gal. fabric

Grow Space: Frankenstein Box

Environment: Central Illinois–Continental. Warm summers, cold winters, windy, rainy and humid.

Stage: Flower --> Harvest

Medium: Fox Farm Ocean Soil, Happy Frog Potting Soil

Lights: @Mars Hydro tsw2000
@VIVOSUN vs1000e
Light scheduled at 12/12
DLI set at 35 + 40

Pests: occasional gnats. Controlled with @Sierra Natural Science 209/203 and sticky traps.

Nutes/Water when needed.

Find these and other wonderful seeds @Delicious Seeds

Today's humidity is 83%
Dew point: 62°
Currently 68°f

I love these cooler mornings 💚

Rita Baga--Delicious Candy
27 inches

Alaska Thunderfuck--Opium
17.5 inches

Thanks for the update! Yes, the mornings are cooler here as well.
Do you have all female plants? Specifically the Alaska Thunderfuck - Opium. Is that female or male? The close up pic looks ball-ish to me.
Of course, I could be a little high this afternoon........:lot-o-toke:
Hi Jiggi they look lovely and I enjoy seeing this transition into flower. I agree with Lady Cannafan in that I think the Alaskan Thunderfuck looks like balls. Can you show us some more pics please.
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