Beauty vs. Brawn - A Multi Strain Multi Sponsor Grow Off For Bragging Rights

A lot happened over the last couple days.
Iā€™ve evicted the tenants from the flower tent and added a 1 foot extension to allow a little breathing room on the lights.
Iā€™ve up potted from the one gallon to their 5 gallon SIP so, they should hit their stride in a couple days.
Hereā€™s a quick photo dump before I start my shift.
Shoulda did the dump before the wake and bake? :laugh::hookah:
Naw, my connection at work is just short of a smoke signal.. pics will have to wait till I get home apparentlyā€¦
Coincidentally, a few days ago I opened my garage door to step out and a garter snake was swirling around right at my opened toed sandals feet. Despite my nudging, it wouldn't go back out the door, I finally had to pick it up and toss onto the lawn.

I seriously had thoughts of putting it in the grow for a photo.........but losing it in the house was probably going to be the outcome. :lot-o-toke: šŸ˜†


Garder snakes are so nice, you can just pick them up and cup em in your hand. They like the warmth. They're good to keep around they eat slugs and bugs and baby vermin.
Iā€™ve always been a huge snake lover and have had a great many as pets but, garter snakes are my least favorite.
For me, they are always way to aggressive for their size and for some reason stink horribly. (Maybe just meā€¦lol)
Spicy snakes aside, my fav is probably the speckled king snake. Treat one of them well, and you wonā€™t have other snakes or rodents to deal with.
Naw, my connection at work is just short of a smoke signal.. pics will have to wait till I get home apparentlyā€¦

Iā€™ve always been a huge snake lover and have had a great many as pets but, garter snakes are my least favorite.
For me, they are always way to aggressive for their size and for some reason stink horribly. (Maybe just meā€¦lol)
Spicy snakes aside, my fav is probably the speckled king snake. Treat one of them well, and you wonā€™t have other snakes or rodents to deal with.
Thats one of the funniest part of being the small fry snake, gotta put on a big front to look tough! I've always found the rat snake to be the most aggressive of the non venomous group.
Thats one of the funniest part of being the small fry snake, gotta put on a big front to look tough! I've always found the rat snake to be the most aggressive of the non venomous group.
True enough, rat snakes can be grumpy.
And the water moccasinā€¦ most snakes run from ya but, they will cross a whole lake just to add some chaos to your day .. lol
True enough, rat snakes can be grumpy.
And the water moccasinā€¦ most snakes run from ya but, they will cross a whole lake just to add some chaos to your day .. lol
'most snakes'? Sod that, I'd shit my pants

'most snakes'? Sod that, I'd shit my pants

We have a large variety of snakes here. Most common on my property are the garters, and the hognose or "zombie" snake.
If ya wanna chit yourself...encounter a zombie snake that you think is dead because it has rolled over on it's back with it's tongue hanging out of it's mouth. It's a trick. Watch out, if it gets really peeved it will roll back over, coil up and flatten it's head out like a Cobra and give a nasty hiss.

Many a kitty and puppy here has made that mistake. šŸ˜†
Okay, it's time for a couple photos. We are on Day 4 of 12/12 flowering schedule.

I did wind up hanging the 2nd ViparSpectra light this morning, because I want the plants to have some space.

Whoopie up front is really spread out with fullness, and will go through some defoliating in the next couple of days. Actually all of them will, I am just too tuckered out to do it today.

Gilda in the back left is growing straight up despite the attempt at keeping them down. I've had to put two of the plants (Lucille and Whoopie) up higher to try to stay level.

Lucille is doing good, but I had to supercrop a couple of the branches that were reaching for the sky the last few days.

Rita is doing okay too, she had some yellowing on her leaves last week but today it looks much better.

The stretch is on! They have grown about an inch a day, I'm pretty sure.

They are all confirmed female, all showing pistils. That's always good to know. LOL


Okay, it's time for a couple photos. We are on Day 4 of 12/12 flowering schedule.

I did wind up hanging the 2nd ViparSpectra light this morning, because I want the plants to have some space.

Whoopie up front is really spread out with fullness, and will go through some defoliating in the next couple of days. Actually all of them will, I am just too tuckered out to do it today.

Gilda in the back left is growing straight up despite the attempt at keeping them down. I've had to put two of the plants (Lucille and Whoopie) up higher to try to stay level.

Lucille is doing good, but I had to supercrop a couple of the branches that were reaching for the sky the last few days.

Rita is doing okay too, she had some yellowing on her leaves last week but today it looks much better.

The stretch is on! They have grown about an inch a day, I'm pretty sure.

They are all confirmed female, all showing pistils. That's always good to know. LOL


They're beautiful and verdant :cheer:
That's a nice full house Lady C! :Rasta:
I may be leaning towards the gal's, being an independent I guessing my vote is very saught after. and I'm open to a bit of coercion, maybe a few likes here an there. can I vote early in case I get sick or die ? is voting twice fround apon. how about folks who aren't members or just make profiles to swing the vote one way or the other. I joke, I will vote for the best, in my opinion
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