Beauty vs. Brawn - A Multi Strain Multi Sponsor Grow Off For Bragging Rights

Weekly update: Day 56

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This week all three of my plants experienced a K deficiency and so I gave them banana concentrate in solution. I doctored them with other goodies which are detailed in the table. Today two of the plants are green again and the Blueberry got another dose of potassium with fish ferts today, as it is still showing some yellowing of the upper leaves.

The plants continue their vertical growth and have blossomed with bud sites. They will pack on weight now.

Thank for looking and have a super duper weekend ahead.

I heard a rumor that the guyz are saying that the galz's plants are "DEI" plants and that if they win the competition it will only be because of their "looks."

Well, DUH? 😁
Looking mighty fine, Lady C! :Rasta:
Short Update:

These girls are going to get flipped to flower in about two weeks, maybe even one. I may have to put the second light to use on these kids to keep some room around them. I don't want crowded this time.
They are all doing okay, a leaf problem here and there, but nothing out of control. I have a couple of branches to train down to keep the canopy as level as I can.

Not in any order are: Rita, Gilda, Whoopie, and Lucille



So, we’re just gonna ignore Earthworm Jim hanging out here in the foreground?
Not cool man!… I see ya Jim,…I see ya.
Trying to make up my mind here, maybe you all have some thoughts.
After topping, quading and up potting, they recovered very well. and I now have 4 distinct main stalks.
In My past two grows, I just trained them out to fill the tent before flipping, which resulted in me having to super rip them like mad to keep them under my lights .
This time, I’m thinking about topping all four of these stalks again, now, and going to 8 main stalks.
Do you all think that would help keep the overall height shorter?

Do you all think that would help keep the overall height shorter?

I can just talk from my experiences... - I topped one of my Blue Sunset Sherbert and finally it grew to the same hight as the other two did, that I didn't topped
This time, I’m thinking about topping all four of these stalks again, now, and going to 8 main stalks.
Do you all think that would help keep the overall height shorter?
I think it depends on when you flip after the toppings. My guess is not much difference because they still have to stretch after flip so whatever that is will be.
DAY 37 of flower.

Hey all just a quickie update.....or I should say just a photo dump. 😅. There isn't to much to update on currently so I'll be brief.

The deficiencies have stopped, and she seems to have leveled her self out. I left a few of the damaged leaves to allow for any further feeding needed.

Buds are stacking and swelling daily, and all of the nugs are super solid and tight. Which prompted me to do a little trimming at the bud zones and removed some of the sugar leaves that were covering lower parts of the colas.

No new concerns have come up so we're on coasting mode until she is finished ...ehh... Maybe 😅. She may need something in a week or two..... we'll see.

And last but not least I will be starting the banana blaze auto flower germination process tonight. I figure I have a couple weeks left with this girl so I need to get started on the other.

Now photos.



Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing everyone else's updates.

:headbanger: Go Team Guyz. :headbanger:


DAY 37 of flower.

Hey all just a quickie update.....or I should say just a photo dump. 😅. There isn't to much to update on currently so I'll be brief.

The deficiencies have stopped, and she seems to have leveled her self out. I left a few of the damaged leaves to allow for any further feeding needed.

Buds are stacking and swelling daily, and all of the nugs are super solid and tight. Which prompted me to do a little trimming at the bud zones and removed some of the sugar leaves that were covering lower parts of the colas.

No new concerns have come up so we're on coasting mode until she is finished ...ehh... Maybe 😅. She may need something in a week or two..... we'll see.

And last but not least I will be starting the banana blaze auto flower germination process tonight. I figure I have a couple weeks left with this girl so I need to get started on the other.

Now photos.



Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing everyone else's updates.

:headbanger: Go Team Guyz. :headbanger:


Nice! Thanks for the update.

You better count yer buds. That little Gnome's bottle of joy is probably empty by now, and your buds will be ready for him to sneak a taste anytime.
DAY 37 of flower.

Hey all just a quickie update.....or I should say just a photo dump. 😅. There isn't to much to update on currently so I'll be brief.

The deficiencies have stopped, and she seems to have leveled her self out. I left a few of the damaged leaves to allow for any further feeding needed.

Buds are stacking and swelling daily, and all of the nugs are super solid and tight. Which prompted me to do a little trimming at the bud zones and removed some of the sugar leaves that were covering lower parts of the colas.

No new concerns have come up so we're on coasting mode until she is finished ...ehh... Maybe 😅. She may need something in a week or two..... we'll see.

And last but not least I will be starting the banana blaze auto flower germination process tonight. I figure I have a couple weeks left with this girl so I need to get started on the other.

Now photos.



Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to seeing everyone else's updates.

:headbanger: Go Team Guyz. :headbanger:


Just in time to get Blazin!

Weekly Update: Day 63

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My Blueberry plant has proven to be a bit of a potassium hog and I've had to dose with my banana concentrate at every feed since this plant has been in flower. Flower started quite late with the Blueberry so it is still forming pompoms whilst the Red Mimosa XL is putting on the frost.

Here are the plants today on day 63.

Thanks for looking and have an awesome weekend.

Weekly Update: Day 63

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My Blueberry plant has proven to be a bit of a potassium hog and I've had to dose with my banana concentrate at every feed since this plant has been in flower. Flower started quite late with the Blueberry so it is still forming pompoms whilst the Red Mimosa XL is putting on the frost.

Here are the plants today on day 63.

Thanks for looking and have an awesome weekend.
Looking nice there Carmen.
I really need to get a potassium solution mixed up.
You have an awesome weekend too!
Go Team Girlz!
Hey Guyz, it's never too early to begin drafting concession speeches! 😁
Looking nice there Carmen.
I really need to get a potassium solution mixed up.
You have an awesome weekend too!
Go Team Girlz!
Thanks LC. The potassium was simple to make. I chopped up banana peel, filled the jar with dechlorinated water and a teaspoon of earth worm compost and let it rot for several months. I add a teaspoon of EWC one a monthish and this is what I have been using at 2 teaspoons per liter of water. It seems to work pretty well.

Go Team Girlz!
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