Beauty vs. Brawn - A Multi Strain Multi Sponsor Grow Off For Bragging Rights

I’ll do this one as a bit of a two part.
The birds are doing really well surprisingly lol.
I normally have them a little beat up by this point but, so far so good!
The fifth node is up so, it’s time for topping and an up pot.
Instead of rushing my other grow, I’m going to up pot these young ladies to 1 gallon pots for now and get em topped. They can stay in the nursery for a while yet.
I’m using Fox farms Strawberry Fields for germination and will use the same in the 1 gallon. It will be Fox Farms Ocean Forest in the SIP.
Then we can start training!


I’m sure you saw my last split on the banana jealousy grow. The band aid worked well and easy enough to do for peace of mind.
I love the grow room idea. In fact, I considered it once again this morning lol.
I just have no way to seal the room up to control odors.
Great update!

I was thinking maybe wood glue or some kind of natural tar/sap?!

Yea the grow room was a last minute decision and the 25ft roll was on sale for like $30 😅 could pass it up.

And thanks I look forward to you and the others updates as well. 😁
I was thinking maybe wood glue or some kind of natural tar/sap?!

Yea the grow room was a last minute decision and the 25ft roll was on sale for like $30 😅 could pass it up.

And thanks I look forward to you and the others updates as well. 😁
Hey, HH ("ham-handed"), regular white Elmers glue works fine. :)
Hey, HH ("ham-handed"), regular white Elmers glue works fine. :)
Hahaha I prefer Hap-hazard thank you very much 😂.

And thanks if I feel it may not hold I'll def use the glue
Looking good guys n girls. Splits, splints and all.

I accidently split one of the banana jealousy's while adjusting their positions. Most of them have super flopped and they're so damn leggy, like wrestling with a giant sticky green octopus!!
It split right down the middle, so i had no choice and topped off the branches and some counter parts. No biggie.
Update: 51 days.
Delicious Candy & Opium

@Delicious Seeds
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Rita and Alaska are both growing well. No deficiencies. They've been getting watered once a week, they share a gallon.
Using Reefertilizer Grow,

I've changed how I mix up the dry amendments. Before I would just set up my gallon jugs, add half a cup of warm water, the dry nutes, one scoop per a gallon. Shake til dissolved, and top the jug off with cold water. The jugs sit for an hour with tops off to allow the chlorine and whatnot to evaporate before feeding time. I do it all the same way except now adding the dry stuff to an orange juice bottle for the dissolving (I don't fill the OJ bottle up, just enough warm water to dissolve the fertilizer). With a measuring cup, evenly distribute the mix into the gallon jugs, top it off, boom. And it's been such a better method!
*Doing it this way has really made a difference in how the plants react the following days after feeding.

I've noticed the reused soil seems to hold onto water better than right outta the bag new soil, perhaps it's all the different soils combined?
*ProMix-Seed Start (moss and soft stuff)-Happy Frog Potting soil-Happy Frog Ocean floor.*

The girls were topped again. Mostly to see if it would help get the Opium to grow out, she's just been growing UP not OUT and once that top got popped off, them little lower leaves decided to activate.
Delicious Candy is covered tip to top in new growth. Plus I chopped off the lower branching cuz I don't want her to become as unruly as my seedsman banana jealousy.

Delicious Rita Candy, 14 inches.


I plan on vegging these girls for a bit, they're tent mates are outgrowing them by a lot!!! Except for wee-man Danny Beard, he's the baby (auto Big Demon). 💚

Is there any rules about growing plants under a blurple light? They're still under 2 12w (=150w) miracle grow purple bulbs, topless.

Alaska Thunderfuck ⁵⁰⁰⁰ Opium, 10 inches.

Once the banana jealousy are harvested, These girls will take their place in
🎶 The Frankenstein box. 🎶
Update: 51 days.
Delicious Candy & Opium

@Delicious Seeds
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Rita and Alaska are both growing well. No deficiencies. They've been getting watered once a week, they share a gallon.
Using Reefertilizer Grow,

I've changed how I mix up the dry amendments. Before I would just set up my gallon jugs, add half a cup of warm water, the dry nutes, one scoop per a gallon. Shake til dissolved, and top the jug off with cold water. The jugs sit for an hour with tops off to allow the chlorine and whatnot to evaporate before feeding time. I do it all the same way except now adding the dry stuff to an orange juice bottle for the dissolving (I don't fill the OJ bottle up, just enough warm water to dissolve the fertilizer). With a measuring cup, evenly distribute the mix into the gallon jugs, top it off, boom. And it's been such a better method!
*Doing it this way has really made a difference in how the plants react the following days after feeding.

I've noticed the reused soil seems to hold onto water better than right outta the bag new soil, perhaps it's all the different soils combined?
*ProMix-Seed Start (moss and soft stuff)-Happy Frog Potting soil-Happy Frog Ocean floor.*

The girls were topped again. Mostly to see if it would help get the Opium to grow out, she's just been growing UP not OUT and once that top got popped off, them little lower leaves decided to activate.
Delicious Candy is covered tip to top in new growth. Plus I chopped off the lower branching cuz I don't want her to become as unruly as my seedsman banana jealousy.

Delicious Rita Candy, 14 inches.


I plan on vegging these girls for a bit, they're tent mates are outgrowing them by a lot!!! Except for wee-man Danny Beard, he's the baby (auto Big Demon). 💚

Is there any rules about growing plants under a blurple light? They're still under 2 12w (=150w) miracle grow purple bulbs, topless.

Alaska Thunderfuck ⁵⁰⁰⁰ Opium, 10 inches.

Once the banana jealousy are harvested, These girls will take their place in
🎶 The Frankenstein box. 🎶
Nice update and looking good there team mate!
Rules for lighting? If it grows under it, use it.

We don't need no stinkin' rules....... 😆
I had to feed and water the girls today, and I took a quick shot of the Boo-Boo branch on Lucille.
It's all fixed up. It grew about 4" this week and has a few side shoots going on the branch.
I think I will leave it be for another few days and then try to bend it down a bit so I don't have one big long branch to deal with. There's a nice knot forming at the broken area.

The Faith Healer slapped her forehead and yelled "Let you now be healed!!"

I had to feed and water the girls today, and I took a quick shot of the Boo-Boo branch on Lucille.
It's all fixed up. It grew about 4" this week and has a few side shoots going on the branch.
I think I will leave it be for another few days and then try to bend it down a bit so I don't have one big long branch to deal with. There's a nice knot forming at the broken area.

The Faith Healer slapped her forehead and yelled "Let you now be healed!!"

The Faith Healer reference had me buckled over with laughter LadyC! :rofl:

It took me back to HERE.
Update: 51 days.
Delicious Candy & Opium

@Delicious Seeds
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Rita and Alaska are both growing well. No deficiencies. They've been getting watered once a week, they share a gallon.
Using Reefertilizer Grow,

I've changed how I mix up the dry amendments. Before I would just set up my gallon jugs, add half a cup of warm water, the dry nutes, one scoop per a gallon. Shake til dissolved, and top the jug off with cold water. The jugs sit for an hour with tops off to allow the chlorine and whatnot to evaporate before feeding time. I do it all the same way except now adding the dry stuff to an orange juice bottle for the dissolving (I don't fill the OJ bottle up, just enough warm water to dissolve the fertilizer). With a measuring cup, evenly distribute the mix into the gallon jugs, top it off, boom. And it's been such a better method!
*Doing it this way has really made a difference in how the plants react the following days after feeding.

I've noticed the reused soil seems to hold onto water better than right outta the bag new soil, perhaps it's all the different soils combined?
*ProMix-Seed Start (moss and soft stuff)-Happy Frog Potting soil-Happy Frog Ocean floor.*

The girls were topped again. Mostly to see if it would help get the Opium to grow out, she's just been growing UP not OUT and once that top got popped off, them little lower leaves decided to activate.
Delicious Candy is covered tip to top in new growth. Plus I chopped off the lower branching cuz I don't want her to become as unruly as my seedsman banana jealousy.

Delicious Rita Candy, 14 inches.


I plan on vegging these girls for a bit, they're tent mates are outgrowing them by a lot!!! Except for wee-man Danny Beard, he's the baby (auto Big Demon). 💚

Is there any rules about growing plants under a blurple light? They're still under 2 12w (=150w) miracle grow purple bulbs, topless.

Alaska Thunderfuck ⁵⁰⁰⁰ Opium, 10 inches.

Once the banana jealousy are harvested, These girls will take their place in
🎶 The Frankenstein box. 🎶

I had to feed and water the girls today, and I took a quick shot of the Boo-Boo branch on Lucille.
It's all fixed up. It grew about 4" this week and has a few side shoots going on the branch.
I think I will leave it be for another few days and then try to bend it down a bit so I don't have one big long branch to deal with. There's a nice knot forming at the broken area.

The Faith Healer slapped her forehead and yelled "Let you now be healed!!"

Well done team mates! :cheer: Your plants all look great! :cheer:
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Update: Day 44-ish from sprout.
Here's all the girls today. They are looking pretty wild because I redid all of the training tie downs. I had to untangle a few branches and expose some others.

They all got full nutrients feeding and watered yesterday and they seem to have loved the increase on the nutes. The light is still at 75% until they get switched to flower schedule.

Lucille is coming along fine, even with the funky azz leaves, I think she'll do me okay.





All Four

Go Team Girlz!

You've got those well-set to put on a show, LadyC!

Looking forward! :Rasta:

Alright I've been absent for a minute but not to much has changed on my end. Milky Way is doing pretty good, she still showing rusting on the leaves but it is not progressing as fast as it was before.... So I may up the Cal-mag a touch next water and see what happens.


And now for the sore thumbs in the photos 😅. So she is still cannibalising her oldest leaves, it's not pretty to leave them on but she is using what she needs from them. Which means I must also increase the fertilizer amount a touch as well as she's telling me she is still needing more.

Again not pretty but they get to stay until fully depleted....better those then the new 😌.

Alright moving past the issues..... Her buds are doing great so far, producing more pistils and showing noticable swelling daily. Each cola is about as round as a quarter currently, give or take a couple bigger a couple smaller...not including the little ones lower. So we're on day 23..... Genetics data says 43-45 days in flower.... From her looks I'ma say much longer and she's going to show out 😁..... hopefully 😅.

That's all for now on this end have a great rest of your week and have a great weekend everyone! 😁

Update: Day 44-ish from sprout.
Here's all the girls today. They are looking pretty wild because I redid all of the training tie downs. I had to untangle a few branches and expose some others.

They all got full nutrients feeding and watered yesterday and they seem to have loved the increase on the nutes. The light is still at 75% until they get switched to flower schedule.

Lucille is coming along fine, even with the funky azz leaves, I think she'll do me okay.





All Four

Go Team Girlz!

Looking great lady 🤩🤩🤩 they really perked up the last week or so ....and taking off :headbanger:

Alright I've been absent for a minute but not to much has changed on my end. Milky Way is doing pretty good, she still showing rusting on the leaves but it is not progressing as fast as it was before.... So I may up the Cal-mag a touch next water and see what happens.


And now for the sore thumbs in the photos 😅. So she is still cannibalising her oldest leaves, it's not pretty to leave them on but she is using what she needs from them. Which means I must also increase the fertilizer amount a touch as well as she's telling me she is still needing more.

Again not pretty but they get to stay until fully depleted....better those then the new 😌.

Alright moving past the issues..... Her buds are doing great so far, producing more pistils and showing noticable swelling daily. Each cola is about as round as a quarter currently, give or take a couple bigger a couple smaller...not including the little ones lower. So we're on day 23..... Genetics data says 43-45 days in flower.... From her looks I'ma say much longer and she's going to show out 😁..... hopefully 😅.

That's all for now on this end have a great rest of your week and have a great weekend everyone! 😁

I'm waiting for some pretty colors to start in those buds. So we can all say "Ooooooh" "Aaaaahhh". :)
I'm waiting for some pretty colors to start in those buds. So we can all say "Ooooooh" "Aaaaahhh". :)
Me too 😁. I'm not sure if she'll be colorful but it would be a nice site.

The banana blaze I'm starting soon, I believe will show some nice colors.
Update: Day 44-ish from sprout.
Here's all the girls today. They are looking pretty wild because I redid all of the training tie downs. I had to untangle a few branches and expose some others.

They all got full nutrients feeding and watered yesterday and they seem to have loved the increase on the nutes. The light is still at 75% until they get switched to flower schedule.

Lucille is coming along fine, even with the funky azz leaves, I think she'll do me okay.





All Four

Go Team Girlz!



Alright I've been absent for a minute but not to much has changed on my end. Milky Way is doing pretty good, she still showing rusting on the leaves but it is not progressing as fast as it was before.... So I may up the Cal-mag a touch next water and see what happens.


And now for the sore thumbs in the photos 😅. So she is still cannibalising her oldest leaves, it's not pretty to leave them on but she is using what she needs from them. Which means I must also increase the fertilizer amount a touch as well as she's telling me she is still needing more.

Again not pretty but they get to stay until fully depleted....better those then the new 😌.

Alright moving past the issues..... Her buds are doing great so far, producing more pistils and showing noticable swelling daily. Each cola is about as round as a quarter currently, give or take a couple bigger a couple smaller...not including the little ones lower. So we're on day 23..... Genetics data says 43-45 days in flower.... From her looks I'ma say much longer and she's going to show out 😁..... hopefully 😅.

That's all for now on this end have a great rest of your week and have a great weekend everyone! 😁

Looking great Happy! Your flowers seem to be ahead of mine with pistils already turning brown. I hope you get your deficiency sorted quickly!
Weekly Autos Update:

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The Blueberry is having issues moving water and is showing early K deficiency. Gee64 has given me a recommendation for a regimen that he hopes will restore balance in the pot. Effectively, it's a myco boost, kelp and fish ferts, with a calmag feed included in the cycle.

I was just mentioning in my own journal, that it really would have been lucky had my reconditioned soil not had issues. It's the first time I am reconditioning my own soil, so there will be lessons to learn!

Thanks for looking and have an awesomely freaky Friday and a very happy weekend!

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