Beauty vs. Brawn - A Multi Strain Multi Sponsor Grow Off For Bragging Rights

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Weekly Update: Tabletop Auto Grow
@SeedsMan and @Sweet Seeds @ViparSpectra
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The plants are five weeks old today. They all sprouted on the same day, with a slight lag in the Red Mimosa XL auto. That plant has remained diminutive and as such has not been given pride of place under the lights. According to the DLI charts, the light intensity is still within the desired range for an auto plant at this stage of growth.

The lights remain at 75 % intensity are giving me good coverage.

Watering has been a breeze. I am still high on Gee64's ol-lady-squeeze-test for the soil moisture at up-potting, because the plants have not needed much water at all up to the five week mark. Now that they are flowering they will want more frequent watering and I am monitoring that with the bamboo skewer method. When the skewers come out bone dry I feed with a solution of fish ferts and microbes to begin with, and then only the fish ferts solution going forward.

I top dressed at the right time it seems, because the plants remain consistently green and healthy.

I noticed some gnats on the Red Mimosa, and I dosed the plant with a root drench of Beauveria Bassiana and sprinkled DE on the surface to shred them as they try to escape. I sprinkled the Blueberry surface with DE too. That was two days ago and seems to have taken care of the buggers.

I don't know if I explained in my introductory post that I am using living organic soil that I rebuilt. I am beyond happy with the results. This is my first time using my own rebuilt soil. I want to add that all I have learnt about living organic soil has taken place in the Gee Spot, Gee64's perpetual thread. The Gee Spot can only be described as a gathering of some of the most erudite organic growers online in the world today. No exaggeration. If you have an interest in organics, that is the coolest place to hang out.

Blueberry Auto, left and Red Mimosa XL Auto, right. The third plant is not in the girlz vs boyz grow.

Thank you for looking and have an awesome Thursday!
Gorgeous ladies Carmen! The training is going great.

I have one plant that isn't measuring up to the rest also, we'll see if I can bring it around to joining the crowd. The leaves are a bit strange looking.

I love the recycled soil, I used to do that a few years ago. Like Happyhazmat88, I will check into the details and maybe start doing that again. The foxfarm stuff is outrageously priced here.

Good job on jumping on those gnats early too! 💞

hope everyone has a great day and a safe night.

Just a quickie update. Earlier this week I mentioned giving her a trim to open up her up a bit. This is how she looked before trim.

And After cherry picking a few select leaves this is the pile of the removed.

Fast forward two days and the results are fine like wine 👌👌👌 I have nearly doubled the amount of available bud zones....which are progressing fairly fast 😁. Any how here she is today in her fuzzy glory.
Okay, we're at Day 31 from sprout on all of these girls.

They are doing great with training and spreading out, other than Lucille. She had stretched a lot during the power outage and her leaves don't look that great. She looks better than a few days ago, so I'll give her a few more days and maybe give a half shot of nutes if I think she needs it.

They aren't drinking much water, but appear okay with that. I have to do a little leaf snipping to open Rita up, but I'll wait for now.
Edit: Forgot to add that the light is now at 75% power.

Without further a-do-do here they are:

Go Team Girlz!

Beautiful ladies miss ray 😁 and good work on the pests, 2 days to take them out is quick . I may take a gander over at gee's thread to see what the soil is about.... Could help save some cash in the future recycling my soil.
Thank you Happy! Definitely. Rebuilding used soil is a hobby in itself and is better for the environment I bet.
Gorgeous ladies Carmen! The training is going great.

I have one plant that isn't measuring up to the rest also, we'll see if I can bring it around to joining the crowd. The leaves are a bit strange looking.

I love the recycled soil, I used to do that a few years ago. Like Happyhazmat88, I will check into the details and maybe start doing that again. The foxfarm stuff is outrageously priced here.

Good job on jumping on those gnats early too! 💞
Thank you Lady Cannafan! Hang in there with Lucille. Hopefully it will grow out of this stage. Definitely join the recycled soil club, it really is worth it.

hope everyone has a great day and a safe night.

Just a quickie update. Earlier this week I mentioned giving her a trim to open up her up a bit. This is how she looked before trim.

And After cherry picking a few select leaves this is the pile of the removed.

Fast forward two days and the results are fine like wine 👌👌👌 I have nearly doubled the amount of available bud zones....which are progressing fairly fast 😁. Any how here she is today in her fuzzy glory.
Beautiful Happy! I love seeing how differently people grow their plants.
Okay, we're at Day 31 from sprout on all of these girls.

They are doing great with training and spreading out, other than Lucille. She had stretched a lot during the power outage and her leaves don't look that great. She looks better than a few days ago, so I'll give her a few more days and maybe give a half shot of nutes if I think she needs it.

They aren't drinking much water, but appear okay with that. I have to do a little leaf snipping to open Rita up, but I'll wait for now.
Edit: Forgot to add that the light is now at 75% power.

Without further a-do-do here they are:

Go Team Girlz!

Such gorgeous plants Lady Cannafan! Crossing fingers that Lucille grows out of the crinkled look soon. May the new leaves come in fine.
Happy Independence Day :420:!!

Update: 38 days.

while waiting on the sun to go down, Alaska is getting a long overdue transplant to a 3 gal pot. I had planned on doing a 5 gal but I bought some seeds that'll be here Friday that I'm saving the big pots for. Don't worry you will all get a proper introduction.


Reused soil and the bag was washed it's just ugly. Opium from Delicious Seeds.
I've decided she is going to grow naturally, since she's been a slow grower as it is.
*Did I mention this plant is a regular? Not feminized. So there's a 50/50 we get a boy. This is my 1st regular seed to ever grow. 🌈💚 To be honest I usually expect to see more growth on the lower nodes at this point. We just gotta wait to find out.

Happy Fourth of July ladies and gents!

I hope everyone has had a great day!


Getting into the swing of things now. The ladies are picking up and taking off! They were placed in 2.5 gal Biodegradable bags yesterday. They swam in a tray for awhile soaking in some premium nutrient solution. Then put back into shake and bake! Let's get it going y'all 😁

Some tunes to set the mood!

Strain: @Original Sensible Seeds Black Orchid

Age: 29 days above soil

Stage: Veg

Measurement above soil:

Kali -
7/04/24 - 7 in tall x 8.5 in wide
6/26/24 - 4 in tall x 6 in wide

Morrigan -
7/04/24 - 5.5 in tall x 8.5 in wide
6/26/24 - 3.5 in tall x 6.5 in wide

Medium: Coco, Perlite, Biochar, Cannibalized Soil

Pot Size: Biodegradable bag 2.5 gal

Space: 4x8 grow tent

Temperature: 73f

Humidity: 50%

VPD: 1.56kPa

Light: @ViparSpectra ks2500

Light Height: - 12 inches

Power Level: - 50%

DLI: 28-29

Time: 18/6

Watering amount: 💦 plants were potted in 2.5 gal bag, then back flooded in tray. With nutrients/H20. Left for a few hours 2-3. Then put on rack to drip excess. Back under the light.

PH Water from well source: 7.78

Feeding: TPS Nutrients, A-B, silica, calmag, billions bacteria

PH after nutrients: - 6.89

PH down: 1ml/gal

Final PH: 6.45

Pest: None

Deficiency: None









Update: 38 days.

Delicious Candy @Delicious Seeds

(Rita Bagaz is a famous French Canadian Drag Queen.) and she's absolutely Delicious 🏳️‍🌈 🥰

Rita (Candy) stands at 10 inches
Alaska (Opium) stands at 8 inches


Group shot of the whole baby squad.

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Happy Independence Day :420:!!

Update: 38 days.

while waiting on the sun to go down, Alaska is getting a long overdue transplant to a 3 gal pot. I had planned on doing a 5 gal but I bought some seeds that'll be here Friday that I'm saving the big pots for. Don't worry you will all get a proper introduction.


Reused soil and the bag was washed it's just ugly. Opium from Delicious Seeds.
I've decided she is going to grow naturally, since she's been a slow grower as it is.
*Did I mention this plant is a regular? Not feminized. So there's a 50/50 we get a boy. This is my 1st regular seed to ever grow. 🌈💚 To be honest I usually expect to see more growth on the lower nodes at this point. We just gotta wait to find out.
Ooh how exciting! A potential breeding project? Or, will you cull males?


Happy Fourth of July ladies and gents!

I hope everyone has had a great day!


Getting into the swing of things now. The ladies are picking up and taking off! They were placed in 2.5 gal Biodegradable bags yesterday. They swam in a tray for awhile soaking in some premium nutrient solution. Then put back into shake and bake! Let's get it going y'all 😁

Some tunes to set the mood!

Strain: @Original Sensible Seeds Black Orchid

Age: 29 days above soil

Stage: Veg

Measurement above soil:

Kali -
7/04/24 - 7 in tall x 8.5 in wide
6/26/24 - 4 in tall x 6 in wide

Morrigan -
7/04/24 - 5.5 in tall x 8.5 in wide
6/26/24 - 3.5 in tall x 6.5 in wide

Medium: Coco, Perlite, Biochar, Cannibalized Soil

Pot Size: Biodegradable bag 2.5 gal

Space: 4x8 grow tent

Temperature: 73f

Humidity: 50%

VPD: 1.56kPa

Light: @ViparSpectra ks2500

Light Height: - 12 inches

Power Level: - 50%

DLI: 28-29

Time: 18/6

Watering amount: 💦 plants were potted in 2.5 gal bag, then back flooded in tray. With nutrients/H20. Left for a few hours 2-3. Then put on rack to drip excess. Back under the light.

PH Water from well source: 7.78

Feeding: TPS Nutrients, A-B, silica, calmag, billions bacteria

PH after nutrients: - 6.89

PH down: 1ml/gal

Final PH: 6.45

Pest: None

Deficiency: None









Beautiful little plants with excellent nodal spacing! Nice!

Update: 38 days.

Delicious Candy @Delicious Seeds

(Rita Bagaz is a famous French Canadian Drag Queen.) and she's absolutely Delicious 🏳️‍🌈 🥰

Rita (Candy) stands at 10 inches
Alaska (Opium) stands at 8 inches


Group shot of the whole baby squad.

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Lovely, sister sledge:high-five::cheer:

Happy Fourth of July ladies and gents!

I hope everyone has had a great day!


Getting into the swing of things now. The ladies are picking up and taking off! They were placed in 2.5 gal Biodegradable bags yesterday. They swam in a tray for awhile soaking in some premium nutrient solution. Then put back into shake and bake! Let's get it going y'all 😁

Some tunes to set the mood!

Strain: @Original Sensible Seeds Black Orchid

Age: 29 days above soil

Stage: Veg

Measurement above soil:

Kali -
7/04/24 - 7 in tall x 8.5 in wide
6/26/24 - 4 in tall x 6 in wide

Morrigan -
7/04/24 - 5.5 in tall x 8.5 in wide
6/26/24 - 3.5 in tall x 6.5 in wide

Medium: Coco, Perlite, Biochar, Cannibalized Soil

Pot Size: Biodegradable bag 2.5 gal

Space: 4x8 grow tent

Temperature: 73f

Humidity: 50%

VPD: 1.56kPa

Light: @ViparSpectra ks2500

Light Height: - 12 inches

Power Level: - 50%

DLI: 28-29

Time: 18/6

Watering amount: 💦 plants were potted in 2.5 gal bag, then back flooded in tray. With nutrients/H20. Left for a few hours 2-3. Then put on rack to drip excess. Back under the light.

PH Water from well source: 7.78

Feeding: TPS Nutrients, A-B, silica, calmag, billions bacteria

PH after nutrients: - 6.89

PH down: 1ml/gal

Final PH: 6.45

Pest: None

Deficiency: None









Great looking plants Papa OG
Ooh how exciting! A potential breeding project? Or, will you cull males?

Beautiful little plants with excellent nodal spacing! Nice!

Lovely, sister sledge:high-five::cheer:
Actually I was wanting to see if there's a difference in the potency of the smoke between that of an auto vs feminized vs regular. I'm curious if there is a potency difference in the three.
Great looking plants Papa OG
Thanks SniperX Were just getting started over here. I appreciate you stopping by! Feel Free to check out my other current journals! Lots to see!
Actually I was wanting to see if there's a difference in the potency of the smoke between that of an auto vs feminized vs regular. I'm curious if there is a potency difference in the three.
I have noticed a huge difference in photo vs auto. Major Yield and Potency difference's.
Well, as typical with my work, it went from unemployed to 60 hours a week with 24 hours of drive time. Then with all the rain the river is up so the project is on hold and we are back to zero. That leaves me plenty of time to catch up my journals and give these girls the attention they need for early training.
So, y’all can expect a little more from me for a bit.
I know it’s still early but, so far, I couldn’t be happier. I’ve missed a couple waters but, they haven’t seemed to mind.
We have true leaves!


@Olddog Newtrick

You okay out there? Hope you had a nice holiday! 💞
Haha what timing… lol you musta been typing as I was posting!
Oh and if y’all find a good recipe for recharging soil, share that sh!t.. I’d love to try it!
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