Beateo's - Soil - Lemon Kush Feminized - 2014 - 1st Attempt

I just went back and looked at some old pictures from when my girls were small.... OMG!! It's like looking at photos of my kids when they were little! lol... not really... but kind of. :) It's amazing how they start out so slow then keep gaining momentum until they're making you raise your lights every day. I am a really cheap s.o.b. by nature and hate to spend a dime that I don't have to... but I'm enjoying the hell out of this whole growing experience so much I'm going to have to keep improving my set-up little by little... I LOVE this stuff!! :love:
I'm seeing a bunch of people feeding their girls molasses (I think 1 tsp/gallon?) when they're in flower... is this necessary or just something extra you crazy perfectionists do? lol :peace:

Unsulfered molasses is a popular ingredient in many cannabis nutrient formulations. Unsulfered molasses can add aroma, flavor and potency to cannabis plants. Unsulfered molasses can be added at 1 tablespoon per gallon to soil/soiless mediums during vegetative growth and flowering. Unsulfered molasses can be used a a harvest flush at 2 tablespoons per gallon. I would not add unsulfered molasses to a Aeroponic/Hydroponic systems unless it is part of a Heisenberg Tea.
Finally able to test ph. Got some strips at wallyworld.... mine was right around 8 in my water today and I know it should be somewhere around 6.5. Does this mean I need to make it more acidy or less? I always get that confused :) :peace: I was going to post some pictures showing the girl's progress but my daughter is visiting and she doesn't know her old bedroom is a grow room now... shhh... don't tell her! :) :) :) I'll post later tonight. :peace:

pH up is acid and pH down basic. Usually pH up is potassium hydroxide to raise pH and pH down is nitric acid to lower the pH levels.
What KingJohnC was responding to was something I posted back in July. With my new nutes my ph has to be corrected each week by just a tiny bit. I've been using about a 1/2 tsp of baking soda/gallon each time I water... that's been getting it between 6.5 and 6.8 The ph of my untreated well water is normally around 8. It also is run through a water softener.... adding salt. So I started taking my water from the well before it hits the water softener and once the nutes are added it's a whole different deal. Yeah ph isn't something that has worried me at all since damn near the beginning. :) :peace:

Ph in soil self-corrects ... you do not seem to have Ph issues atm, do not fix what aint broken.
Baking soda has too high of sodium levels to be used with cannabis to raise the pH of the nutrients, Baking soda is used to neutralize acids because it is a base and will raise the pH of a liquid.
uh-oh.. I've been using baking soda to raise ph and vinegar to lower it... I haven't had to lower it since before I started adding nutes so I've only used the vinegar a couple of times... but I've been using the baking soda EVERY time I water!! I'm gonna need a cheap Wallyworld equivalent to potassium hydroxide to replace my baking soda at least until my next check at the end of the month when I can order the real thing. The only other thing I can think of to do is to add just enough nutes to lower it to 6.5. My water is normally at about 8 but adding the prescribed amount of nutes drops it well below 6.5 so I was using the baking soda to raise it. That may be a temporary ph fix but it also will mean my plants aren't getting enough nutes??? Just when you think you're catching on to it all!~ lol :peace:

Baking soda has too high of sodium levels to be used with cannabis to raise the pH of the nutrients, Baking soda is used to neutralize acids because it is a base and will raise the pH of a liquid.
Another boredom photo update! :)
I think I have these in some order? The first 3 are my wild child :love:... the whole plant, some bud porn, and then the 3rd is after I tied her all together.... it was getting crazy trying to get the lights on her sprawling all over the place.




Next are 2 of Lemon Kush :love: :



And finally, 2 of my Critical Haze :love: :



Thanks for looking! :) :peace:
Hi nhteatime! Tinsel is a great idea.... I need to think of a way to put my living room on 12 & 12 lighting and move her next to the fireplace! :) She's over 3 feet tall from the floor to her top buds.... definitely a Sativa :) Yeah everything looks really great to me... as a novice grower, I'm pretty damn happy I must say!! I didn't take any pictures of the Sleestack Skunk today... she STILL has some of her leaves curled under but no other noticeable problems. I don't know what's wrong but other than the curls she seems healthy and her buds look good so I'll do the smartest thing I can think of and leave her alone! I really believe the very best early advice I got was to NOT overdo stuff.... most new growers kill their plants by trying to correct every blemish on every leaf and I did not fall prey to that. Thanks for looking.... a pleasure as always and my wife STILL raves about how effective your tea is on her back pain!! THANKS! :peace:

Love boredom updates :) Wild child is looking crazy as ever, i think she needs a little tinsel on her for the holiday season - how tall is she? Kush and Haze are both filling out nice! :cheer:
Looking really good Beateo, great job and nice update. They have really filled out in two weeks or so since you trimmed them and it looks like it's getting really frosty. I think you're rounding the last turn and coming down the stretch with the Critical Hazes. Well done sir, have a great day and thanks for the update! Cheers
WOW!! I'm so glad I just, for no real reason, scrolled back through a page.... I have no idea how I did it but I totally MISSED a crap load of postings, charts, and graphs from KingJohnC!! I'm first gonna say :sorry: KingJohnC!! I wasn't ignoring your posts. I'm going to spend some time reading and studying on what was posted before I respond. And Thanks for the welcome to the team sir! :peace:
Im following that same advice - Less is more when it comes to growing. I learned that over the summer and it worked out surprisingly well. I have to admit in the beginning I was stressing myself out trying to follow all kinds of different advice then I found 1 person on here that really made a big difference. Relaxed Lester. His style was just let them be. So i did and I found that I relaxed too.
You are making Frosty the snowman proud with the girls, keep it up!

So glad the tea is making a difference with the Mrs. Not the greatest tasting but it works awesome!

Hey Colorfuldaze hows that forest holding up? Waiting on an update :)
colorfuldayze... you pointed out that KingJohnC turned my journal into something much better than it was and I completely missed what you were really saying!! DUH!! It is good stuff and THANK YOU KingJohnC for such great additions to my journal! :peace:

Wow B, your journal was already interesting and fun, and now it's a complete repository of killer information. That is really awesome KJC, thank you for sharing. Beateo, your journal is now loaded w/ a mini 'fundmentutorial'. Good stuff! cheers

colorfuldayze... you pointed out that KingJohnC turned my journal into something much better than it was and I completely missed what you were really saying!! DUH!! It is good stuff and THANK YOU KingJohnC for such great additions to my journal! :peace:

And I would just add B that it wasn't that KJC's posts made it better than it was because your journal was already over-the-top IMHO. It was that your already kind and danky journal know...KJCd! Cheers B
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