Beateo's - Soil - Lemon Kush Feminized - 2014 - 1st Attempt

I'm not 100%, so take this accordingly. Colour change in pistils is just an age thing (for the pistil), it's just another part of the flower. I think it has something to do with guiding the male pollen into the female flower. It seems that there are always old ones being replaced by new ones. But I'm no botanist.
Also, that colour change is normal. It shows progression of the bloom stage. I'm not sure exactly why it is interesting to notice, given we harvest by trichrome color and breeder information mostly .. but I guess an experienced grower could gauge how far along they are based on the coloured pistils, and use it to determine feeding routine for instance.
Hey BEATEO, the girls are looking great! From I saw from my outside grow this past summer the pistals turned reddish as the plant matured. Then the trichs started getting cloudy and started turning amber. Exciting times for sure!
This is why I love this place! :love: Ask a question or express some concerns and you guys (& gal) are ALL OVER IT! I KNOW I'll have a successful harvest with all of you in my corner! :) :thanks: :peace:
Unless you make a spectacular fuckup now, like use the nutes I did on my first grow (general lawn fertilizer pellets ... a lot of them), you are already guaranteed a successful harvest. :goodjob:
Oh, PlanetJ......that must have hurt.

Well ... I was pretty pissed at myself for doing that .. but it taught me a lot about the limits of the plants. I think it was a proper chastising for me, given the fact that I was so careless with their diet. I did not think it through properly, went 'ah, fuck it', and paid the prize for it :)

I will never, ever, make the mistake of over-fertilizing again :p Trying to save them gave me an appreciation of how hard flushing in soil is, and how much water is involved. Noticing the flushing only made things worse taught me that fertilizer pellets are a bad way of adding nutrients.

I took it as a learning experience the whole way, and did not expect any results whatsoever, I was experimenting like crazy and testing the limits of the plants. The seeds where free .. I would have loved to be able to save a clone or get some bud, and have been calling myself all sorts of things, but it did not really hurt as the expectation was 0.

If this where to happen to my current grow, now that would hurt.
I'm not 100%, so take this accordingly. Colour change in pistils is just an age thing (for the pistil), it's just another part of the flower. I think it has something to do with guiding the male pollen into the female flower. It seems that there are always old ones being replaced by new ones. But I'm no botanist.

Hiya B, great pictures and updates yesterday - budz are looking great and tasty! My understanding too old is exactly what you described. The pistil turning color is a sign of that flower's maturity stage. If no pollen comes in to contact with the pistil, then the calyx eventually goes in to reproductive stage (swelling/fattening of budz) w/o making a seed. The pistol turning color is merely a maturity stage for that individual flower and not necessarily a determining criteria for peak quality of the bud which I think is mostly determined by the trichome development and transition. I've noticed that when pollenating for seed production that the pistil will start drying up w/in 48 hrs of contact w/ pollen.

:popcorn: Getting exciting B!
Good day Beateo. I have the day off from work and have spent nearly all of it taking in so much from this community. My thoughts right now probably smell like danky skunk lol. I just noticed that you now have a badge as a hospitality team member - that is so kewl brother. Since I've joined I've watched you give a lot of inspiration, welcome, and sincerity to so many and I think it's absolutely awesome that 420 acknowledged this and then 'put a broom in your hand' tee hee. Well done and most deserving sir. Cheers!

Thanks so much for the kind words! :) In only a few short months this community has given so much to me that I'm honored to be able to give a little bit back. I don't try to badmouth any of the other cannabis sites but not one of them comes even close to this one. I only hope I can do a good job as a team member. :peace:

Good day Beateo. I have the day off from work and have spent nearly all of it taking in so much from this community. My thoughts right now probably smell like danky skunk lol. I just noticed that you now have a badge as a hospitality team member - that is so kewl brother. Since I've joined I've watched you give a lot of inspiration, welcome, and sincerity to so many and I think it's absolutely awesome that 420 acknowledged this and then 'put a broom in your hand' tee hee. Well done and most deserving sir. Cheers!

Re: Beateo's Soil, Lemon Kush Feminized 2014 1st attempt

I got the seeds from Herbies (not sure if that's the breeder or just the seller?), if that's not the breeder then I don't know? I don't know about top or fim either? I just looked up "fim" and still have no idea what the hell that even means? I need to look harder I guess because everything I looked at so far told everything about fim except what it actually is! lol There's also something about bending the tops that might be interesting.. LST, Low Stress Training? The guy that used the LST said that topping and fim put a lot of stress on a plant?? I read one opinion that said more colas don't equal more weed... just more buds that are smaller... overall the same amount of pot. I don't know what to believe. What have you had luck doing? Maybe some others can chime in too... I'll look at searches and other journals in the mean time. Is the idea to get multiple colas? How tall should I try to grow my girls before flowering? :peace:

Herbie's is the seed bank and not a breeder.

! Buy Cannabis Seeds - Worldwide Delivery - Herbies Marijuana Seeds

FIM stands for F@ck I Missed that describes the technique perfectly! I prefer to use Topping and Low Stress Training to grow plants that produce many colas and have higher harvests in the same amount of space. How tall you decide to grow your plants is determined by the maximum amount of space per plant and height from the top of the soil medium to the space available for the light from the top of the canopy minus the minimum hanging distance for the light source. Usually an Indica dominant cannabis strain will grow 2x in height and a Sativa dominant cannabis strain can grow up to 2.5x-5x in flower.

You can see several of my Grow Journal and Review that I use Topping and Low Stress Training to produce cannabis plants with multiple colas with larger harvests.

KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

KingJohnC's Twilight Groups LED 432W Spider COB Seed Cabinet Grow Journal & Review

KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Lumenator 2x Black Widow Grow Journal & Review
Re: Beateo's Soil, Lemon Kush Feminized 2014 1st attempt

I may have a chance to get an Earth Worth 600 Watt Gorilla Grower Grow Light Kit High Pressure Sodium Bulb Kit for Hydroponics. Is this kit ONLY for hydro or could I use it with a soil grow? Also, one thing that has confused me about lighting... with something like this kit... how many plants could be grown under it? Surely people aren't paying hundreds of dollars to buy a light like this for only 1 plant? :peace:

Grow lights are not specific to the medium that the cannabis plants are grown in, it is a product description.
Re: Beateo's Soil, Lemon Kush Feminized 2014 1st attempt

Can someone tell me what I'm looking at.. not just the two big pointy things but the smaller one above them?? lol :peace:

OK... my girls are looking great to me. I am going into yet another area of the unknown (flowering)... I have so much still to learn! I tried to use the search function to find an illustration of all of the plant's parts that I keep reading about.... I'll be honest, I don't know a "fan leaf" from a "pistil" from a "trichnome"?? I typed in "photos of plant parts" and got results but none of any illustrations so... do any of you know where I can find one? Or.. even if I'm typing the wrong thing in the search?? Maybe I'm slow on the uptake?? But something with an arrow pointing right at the different parts to the point of ZERO ambiguity would be great! lol Thanks :) :peace:

The cannabis plant in your photograph does not have any pistils yet indicating a female cannabis plant.

Here are male and female cannabis plants


Here is the female pre flower

I'm using Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 30-10-20 but only for about 2 weeks so far... before that was miracle gro plant food. They're all in organic potting soil mixed with perlite, and plain old dirt from my wooded area. I have no idea about ppm but I'm guessing that's another meter. My ph in and out has been good... between 6.5 and 7.

For flowering a N-P-K of 10-30-30 or 15-45-45 dry nutrient formula would be better for growing cannabis than a 30-10-20 as the 30-10-20 has too high of nitrogen for flowering cannabis. High nitrogen in flowering can cause delayed flowering and small bud formation.
I'm using Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 30-10-20 but only for about 2 weeks so far... before that was miracle gro plant food. They're all in organic potting soil mixed with perlite, and plain old dirt from my wooded area. I have no idea about ppm but I'm guessing that's another meter. My ph in and out has been good... between 6.5 and 7.

You want pH 5.8 for hydroponic and soiless (peat moss and coco coir) and pH 6.5 for soil.

Here is a nutrient availability chart


Here is a cannabis leaf deficiency chart


here is the Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver and the Plant Abuse Chart

Cannabis Plant and Pest Problem Solver: Pictorial

Plant Abuse Chart
Re: Beateo's Soil, Lemon Kush Feminized 2014 1st attempt

I'm really hoping for some advice on this pest problem I'm having. They're getting much more numerous but they still don't look like they're at all interested in the plants... just seem to hang out in the soil??? They are really small and winged... if I had to guess I'd call them fruit flys or gnats?? Is there a way to get rid of them without hurting my plants? :peace:

Fungus gnats will eat the plants root system and kill plants. For soil insects I use diatomaceous earth on top of the soil as a barrier, it cuts them as they move through it. I bought my diatomaceous earth from an animal feed store, do not use the type meant for pool filters. Mosquito dunks can also be used as a soil drench for fungus gnats. Sierra Natural Sciences also makes a soil drench called SNS-203 for fungus gnats and other soil insects. earth Mosquito Dunks 6 Pack natural-pesticides sns-203
Here are some pictures of my Lemon Kush and Haze with a little fan leaf trimming. It's only a start... I wanted to find out if I'm doing it right before I do the entire plants. :peace:





I would allow more fan leaves to remain on the plants when you defoliate so that their growth is not stunted as much by the removal of a large mass of plant matter.

I have a much different understanding of defoliation applied at the proper time line to enhance vegetative growth and flowering. You can see examples of how I defoliate and train my plants in my Grow Journals and Reviews. I would defoliate in vegetative growth 10-14 days before flowering to remove excess fan leaves and open more light to branches and nodes that become bud sites and colas. I defoliate in vegetative growth by removing any fan leaves that are excessively shading the branches and nodes to encourage the nodes to grow larger and produce more colas. I use Low Stress Training to tie the branches of my plants to the outer edge of the rim of the pots and each branch becomes its own bud site and cola. When I defoliate in preparation for flower I leave no more then 4 fan leaves at each growing top and remove the majority of the fan leaves, any fan leaf that shades a top and lower growth, this is a perfect time to select cuttings to root as clones from the plants you are about to place into flower. I defoliate in flower at days 21-25 of flower when the stretch phase has ended by removing lower growth that will not produce anything except for popcorn bud and any fan leaf that shades a bud site and again if required at day 45.

KingJohnC's 400 Watt LA Confidential Seed Cabinet Soil Indoor Grow Journal

KingJohnC's Brainstorm Haze Soil Indoor Grow Journal

KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Dominator 2x Soil Indoor Grow Journal & Review

KingJohnC's Lush Lighting LED Lumenator 2x Black Widow Grow Journal & Review

There is a good example of how I defoliate in this Grow Journal and Review

KingJohnC's Twilight Groups LED 432W Spider COB Seed Cabinet Grow Journal & Review
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