Beateo's - Soil - Lemon Kush Feminized - 2014 - 1st Attempt

Thank you! I could just sit and look at them all damn day! lol I have never gotten a chance to ask the guy who gave my dad that Wild Child if he has any idea what strain she is... or anything about her. He has a camp where ours is and I've actually never met him but I will make a point of it this summer. I need to thank him and share some bud!

Looking good Beateo! Great pictures and profiles. It's amazing how different cannabis looks from different perspectives. You've got some really nice buds developing and looks like good spacing too. That Wild Child is one wiley Sativa - can't wait to see what she is going to do!
Hayuh Beateo! Say, are you still dealing w/ low RH during lights on? I just put a small humidifier in my room tonight and omg what a difference. Plants felt like sandpaper this morning but are smooth, succulent and silky again w/ the warm mist humidifier! Like angels (maybe even cherubs) singin' on high! Hope you are good! Cheers
LOL! Yeah... it's still low. It's in the low-mid 30% range. I think this may be a little low.... I read somewhere that too low can cause stress and too high can cause mold so what do you do? I guess we'll have to keep it just right. :) :peace:

Hayuh Beateo! Say, are you still dealing w/ low RH during lights on? I just put a small humidifier in my room tonight and omg what a difference. Plants felt like sandpaper this morning but are smooth, succulent and silky again w/ the warm mist humidifier! Like angels (maybe even cherubs) singin' on high! Hope you are good! Cheers
LOL! Yeah... it's still low. It's in the low-mid 30% range. I think this may be a little low.... I read somewhere that too low can cause stress and too high can cause mold so what do you do? I guess we'll have to keep it just right. :) :peace:

Hi Beato, obviously every strain and gro room condition is different - just wanted to share my experience since we both have very low humidity. My lights off RH has been 50-60% but my lights on has been way down to 30-35%. Last night about 20 minutes after I turned the lights on and setup the humidifier, I walked back in to the room and with both large box fans running half power (which is enough to fly a kite in there) the RH was holding in the 50s% and stayed there all night w/ lights on where normally about 1 hour after the lights came on the RH crashed to less than 35%. The average temp in the canopy also maintained at 76-78F instead of 79-81F. The leaves literally stretched out, lifted upward and the plants felt fat and silky. I'm slowly flushing right now because I'm 3 weeks from harvest. Not saying the RH and air control is the cure all, but I will contend that it is a huge buffer to extreme low RH - especially when plants are having osmosis and/or nute issues (i.e. excessive salts and/or unbalanced pH in the soil). For my gro room, I wish I had setup a humidifier from the start to keep the humidity above a minimum of 45% at all times. Sorry for the long discussion, just couldn't help but pass this along and share my good news. Cheers brother! have a great day
Running all damn day! Shopping, car needed a brake job to pass inspection.... I did manage to get to a local head shop and get a G Pen vaporizer... It was only $50 and I could afford that even with a mechanic charging a fortune for a brake job. The pen is charging now and in another hour I am going to hit the hell outta that thing. :) I did find a review on it before I bought.... older ones sucked, the newer ones seem to be popular. Everything is always subject to upgrade when the finances are right! I ran so much today I actually didn't finish until my girls were already lights out! I was supposed to water and nutes today but I'll be a day late. Obligations suck. lol
Cars are expensive! I just did my suspension and that was heaps more than I was expecting too.

Keep an eye on Massdrop for vaporizers (Drop: Passions lead here). Where I am, there is a huge price difference (~$100) buying from them compared to locally.

I'm sure your new G Pen will do the trick though :grinjoint:
Sam, that's sure as hell right!!

To all of my friends, countrymen, contacts, mentors, admirers, those I admire, and good people everywhere.. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
I got my water/nutes schedule back on track so all is good. Today I have to trust my girls will behave when I'm gone and try to be a great father & grandfather so here we go. :) :peace:
Re: Beateo's Soil, Lemon Kush Feminized 2014 1st attempt

I'm not sure if I'm screwing this up or not???? It's been about 2 weeks since I transplanted seeds into the soil mix and there are a few more leaves but the plants are generally the same size. They seem to be just sitting there doing nothing. I started 1/2 strength nutes yesterday so I'm hoping I start seeing some growth. At this rate I'll be buying my weed until the snow's flying! lol
I'm not really getting a whole lot of feedback here...feel like I'm winging it... so I'm just going to work under the premise that what I'm writing in this journal may help someone new in the future. If nothing else, maybe show them what not to do?? :peace:
I'm catching up just now ... I had this same issue .. it was PH too high for my coco .. and thus no nutes available to the plants.
Hey B - can't wait to see what that Wild Child is up to. Hope your garden and you are growing happily! Cheers

I'm bored so here's a photo update! :)

First my brain damaged sleestack skunk... actually not looking too bad.



Next 2 pictures are of my Lemon Kush:



2 of my Critical Haze:


Now my favorite Gifted Wild Child :)




Room temp today.... 81F, Humidity... 46% (that's up about 10%??)
Thanks for looking. :peace:
Not a whole lot has changed since the last update. The skunk the I dropped on her head seems to have made a full recovery. Still has some leaves curled under... I can't figure out what's causing that since every element is the same for all of my other girls?? I am just gonna chalk it up to her wanting to be different.... still seems healthy enough. So, I took some random pictures today:






I'll do a better update on Tuesday when I water/nutes and move lights. :peace:
I've lurked on a ton of marijuana sites .. still do .. this is the only one where I bothered to create an account, and feel compelled to share whatever it is I learned here, because this is truly the only site I know of where people want to see each other succeed, vs compete against each other.

This site and it's members, rock!
I've lurked on a ton of marijuana sites .. still do .. this is the only one where I bothered to create an account, and feel compelled to share whatever it is I learned here, because this is truly the only site I know of where people want to see each other succeed, vs compete against each other.

This site and it's members, rock!

Well said PlanetJ! Buds are looking fantastik B yum yum yummers! Thanks for the update, needed my fix :) Cheers
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