Beateo's - Soil - Lemon Kush Feminized - 2014 - 1st Attempt

Some random photos from this morning... I got bored :)






next week it will look crazy those bud sites will shoot a shit load more pistols up towards the light.

removing big oversize fan leaves that block direct light should be on your weekly list of things to do . if u don't wanna remove some of the upper leaves just tuck them under somewhere.

i spent 2 hrs last night cleaning plants . pain in the ass but i love it !

i had temps all over the place this summer . i hit 108 one day ! this southern heat is crazy some times.. but now im dealing with low temps at night with the lights off .. im dropping 15-20 degrees every night and that's with a heater.i haven't seen any negativity out of the plants but it could be slowing them down some but i cant tell..

im gonna invest in some silica after this harvest to help with the temp spikes and drops .:high-five:
The transformation I've seen in my very 1st grow from veg to flower has been something that's hard for me to describe! Hopefully not sounding "corny" but the word I think best describes it is... MAGICAL... like a ugly caterpillar changing to a beautiful butterfly! It's a little embarrassing too.... my girls have hair now where they didn't have any before. lol They're starting to really get fuzzy looking... I'm thinking I need to do some trimming fan leaves that are blocking some of the pistils from direct light? Temperature this morning at lights on was 72F, humidity was at 39%. Gave them a really good soaking last night with their new nutes.
TIP: anyone who decides to build your own lighting "harness" like I did... probably a good idea to put the same strain plants under it because keeping it adjusted for different growth rates is a real pain in the ass! :) (when I say pain in the ass, I really mean labor of love)
I can't express enough appreciation for all of the help I've gotten right here on these pages!!! I have developed some really great (although anonymous) relationships here. I have one I would consider a mentor and several I consider to be my own personal go-to gurus! lol It's all been great fun so far. Thanks to you all. That's the coolest thing about this community.... we get tons of help from the more experienced among us and then we reach a certain level of knowledge ourselves and then get to start to help others in some small way! This site really is quite unique in that way I believe. The hardest thing now for me is to leave my plants the hell alone! I have to keep remembering one of the first things I learned was that we kill our plants with too much.. too much nutes, too much water, too much of what we think is love. Leaving them alone is tough. Ramblin' again..... Have a great day all! :peace:

Very well rambled Beateo - great post!! I think you just summarized the whole journey perfectly and indeed it is all about community and sharing. Although we don't have children (except for the four-pawed furry ones), I can only imagine that a good part of the game plan of raising children is exactly how you described the journey of gardening.

Btw, I'm keeping a close eye on my humidity and temps today during my 6-hour dark cycle. I've kept the ambient temp in the room at 62/63F and the humidity is creeping up but is only 54% compared to the last few days of 58F night temps and the RH was up to 63% and about made me hyperventilate when I went in the room to power on the lights since it was so wet. For comparison the room next to the wood burning stove right now is 69F and 37% RH. During lights on yesterday, the upper canopy was 82F and 36% RH. I think I'm happy with the daytime conditions but I'm wondering if I need to change anything in my dark cycle conditions. Back to some more research on the day/night temps and RH. Have a great day also Beateo and all!
What Range Should I Maintain For My Growroom Humidity & Temperature?

Hiya Beateo! above is a post I just found while conducting some reviews and I'd thought I'd pass it on fyi and any others. Tulip's post on page 2 is particularly excellent. One of the best discussions on temperature and humidity conditions I've ever come across. It's given me a lot to think about and I have work to do managing my next grow. There's not much I can do with this one since a box fan and one outside window are the only management tools I have right now. My next gro will definitely include some more robust ventilation components and air control. Hope this is useful.

Also, devils, thanks for your info - that is also useful. As my understanding of this topic evolves, it appears is that it's not the end of the world if temperature and humidity issues sway and or go through extremes; although that said, it also appears there are definitely sweet spots/ranges. The biggest immediate takeaway for my garden is that I'm going to raise the dark cycle temps to 68ish in order to minimize the day/night temp. flux to less than 15 deg. This should also help keep my RH down at night. Headed up to power on and start my garden chores. Cheers
What Range Should I Maintain For My Growroom Humidity & Temperature?

Hiya Beateo! above is a post I just found while conducting some reviews and I'd thought I'd pass it on fyi and any others. Tulip's post on page 2 is particularly excellent. One of the best discussions on temperature and humidity conditions I've ever come across. It's given me a lot to think about and I have work to do managing my next grow. There's not much I can do with this one since a box fan and one outside window are the only management tools I have right now. My next gro will definitely include some more robust ventilation components and air control. Hope this is useful.

Also, devils, thanks for your info - that is also useful. As my understanding of this topic evolves, it appears is that it's not the end of the world if temperature and humidity issues sway and or go through extremes; although that said, it also appears there are definitely sweet spots/ranges. The biggest immediate takeaway for my garden is that I'm going to raise the dark cycle temps to 68ish in order to minimize the day/night temp. flux to less than 15 deg. This should also help keep my RH down at night. Headed up to power on and start my garden chores. Cheers

Thanks.. I'll check that link out for sure! :peace:
Here are some pictures of my Lemon Kush and Haze with a little fan leaf trimming. It's only a start... I wanted to find out if I'm doing it right before I do the entire plants. :peace:




I didn't get any new pictures today but I did do a trim on my Sleestack Skunk since I seem to have done an ok job of it on the Kush & the Haze! :) I turned my grow room temp. up just a hair this morning.... single digits lows are coming this evening and for the most part of the week. Lights on temp was 71F and 44% humidity. Low 70s to mid 80s seems to be the range we're staying in. I think that must be good because everything is looking good so far.

One tip for anyone new who's following this grow..... I used landscaping fabric with about 2 inches of sand on top of it along with adding a little H2O2 and half a dozen pest strips to get rid of the fungus gnats I had in the beginning..... this method worked great. But, there is one drawback I didn't anticipate... I can't get to my soil to actually get my hands in it and FEEL it for dampness, etc. I have to do the "lift the plant and guess the weight" method to determine when to water. In the future I'll buy what I need to kill those damn gnats! I'm loving this new hobby so NOW for my next grow I won't have too much problem putting out a few bucks. :) :peace:
i have a moisture meter but i choose to use the lift method

i can tell when they are almost dry and when they are bone dry ..
Yeah, Beateo. You don't really need a moisture metre. Like Stealth and Devil said, just get the feel for it. Much more personal, moreso than shoving a cold metallic probe where the sun don't shine. Plants are looking good, b.
Here are some pictures of the Skunk after a bit of trimming and the Gifted Wild Child.. don't think she's ever going to need any trimming at all. This is now 2 weeks into flowering.

This is the Skunk:





And these are my wild girl! :)


Here are some pictures of the Skunk after a bit of trimming and the Gifted Wild Child.. don't think she's ever going to need any trimming at all. This is now 2 weeks into flowering.

OK... my pictures are all out of order. This is the ONLY problem I have with the way this site is put together.... you upload your photos and label them..... but once you try to put them in a post, all the photos come up but there are no labels. If you have several plants that look similar, this can be very confusing. It's a small thing considering that so much else here is just about perfect! :) That will be my ONE complaint for this grow! lol :peace:
lol i deal with the same problem...
Looking forward to seeing how the Skunk goes. I've just had 4 seeds sprout too.

Me too. So far, I'm just thrilled that it turned out to be female :cheer: She was from one of Herbie's free seeds and was a regular.... I guess that gave her a 50/50 chance on being either sex so I lucked out. :) It looks like she has plenty of buds on her so... fingers crossed! :peace:
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