Beateo's - Soil - Lemon Kush Feminized - 2014 - 1st Attempt

I think they all look pretty good? Except... why is there always an "except" lol the Skunk has its leaves curled under? I'm going to ASSume that it's not a big deal since all the same conditions apply to it as my other girls.... I'm probably wrong to ASSume that though. :)
Maybe just something going on that is related to that particular strain?? I won't even know what it is until it either grows balls or buds I guess! Any comments, criticisms are appreciated.. no bitchin' or whinin' tho! lol
Hey B - there's a good article here somewhere from Medical Marijuana explaining mysterious disappearances. I think it's in the FAQ. Good read. Also, pretty sure you can pick the lower leaves, just not too many at a time. Pretty safe to open her up, just not to stress.

Hey too old! :thanks:... I found that article and it was interesting to say the least! :thanks: :peace:
I think they all look pretty good? Except... why is there always an "except" lol the Skunk has its leaves curled under? I'm going to ASSume that it's not a big deal since all the same conditions apply to it as my other girls.... I'm probably wrong to ASSume that though. :)
Maybe just something going on that is related to that particular strain?? I won't even know what it is until it either grows balls or buds I guess! Any comments, criticisms are appreciated.. no bitchin' or whinin' tho! lol

I've seen some leaves curl under on my plants at the later stages and haven't really worried about it too much. However if it starts becoming a predominant characteristic then it could be indicative of a soil/water chemistry issue i.e. over doing something whether its feed or H20 but if the plant overall is vigorous and healthy with just a few here and there I wouldn't worry about it too much - and I definitely wouldn't whine or bitch about it lol! Cheers Beato
These first 3 pix are of my Lemon Kush after I trimmed. I hope I didn't cut too much off and delay the bud production. :)




These next 3 pix are of my Critical Haze also after trimming:




The following 3 pictures are my Sleestack Skunk from reg. seed so... who knows?? :)




The next 2 are of my Gifted Wild Child and instead of worrying about why this plant looks so spindly and different, I just decided to have fun with her and learn all I can from her.



The following are just some general photos of my grow space and maybe give an idea of my overall set-up.... I believe the first picture is of the MOST IMPORTANT piece of equipment any of us should have!!!

those plants are growing fast . the lemon kush at about 6 weeks in starts to stink so good ..your entering my favorite part of the grow . so many changes to watch .. damn u have allot of room to to get bigger and upgrade!!!
DL... any thoughts on the skunk leaves curling like they are? And I'm having a BLAST doing this man!! :) :peace:

N tox causes dark green leaves and pans to curl under like a "crows claw", common name for it. They will start at the tips curling under and if you keep topping up with Nitrogen the whole leaf will curl under from the center and become really skinny.

or leaf curling is from over watering but crows claws, where the leaf not only curls from the center like a droop but also curls sown from the margin is an N tox. First the leaves go really dark green , then they start to curl under from down the length of the center not the width of the leaf.
N tox causes dark green leaves and pans to curl under like a "crows claw", common name for it. They will start at the tips curling under and if you keep topping up with Nitrogen the whole leaf will curl under from the center and become really skinny.

or leaf curling is from over watering but crows claws, where the leaf not only curls from the center like a droop but also curls sown from the margin is an N tox. First the leaves go really dark green , then they start to curl under from down the length of the center not the width of the leaf.

Thanks man. Just seems pretty much like it's limited to the tips curling under. I started this grow in the middle of August... that's 3 months ago and my girls have gotten nothing but water mixed with Miracle-Gro plant food this entire time. I've realized that it's time to run with the big dogs or stay on the porch so I'm gonna PRY some money out of my wallet tomorrow and go buy some Jack's Classic bloom booster. I've done a little research and it seems people have been happy with it. It meets my number 1 criteria.... it's CHEAP! lol
I do have to say this though... I've read nothing good at all on this site about Miracle-Gro and almost everything about it has been negative. I will have no problem at all using it again for veg. if I find myself in a financial bind like I was when I started this grow! My plants look pretty darn good and I'm happy with it. Having said that, I think once I started to flower, Miracle-Gro has reached its limit. I look at a ton of journals and although my plants are looking good in general and are putting on some mass, they're not doing it nearly as fast as most grows that are using more.... "specialized"... nutes. Any how... it can't hurt to use a proven product.... so off I go as soon as I wake up at the crack of noon. :peace:
Hey Beateo I started my first and only outdoor grow with MG soil and although I heard negative about it my plants did fine with it. After a couple months though I did go and get some "recommended nutes" and my plants did well. We do what we can do right :)
Hey Beateo I started my first and only outdoor grow with MG soil and although I heard negative about it my plants did fine with it. After a couple months though I did go and get some "recommended nutes" and my plants did well. We do what we can do right :)

nhteatime, "We do what we can do"... my philosophy exactly! :) If I had thousands in unused dollars sitting around, I would be going big with every aspect of my grow but that's just not gonna happen. The best I can hope for is to get some buds and keep moving on maybe added a little better equipment, even if only 1 piece, at each new grow. I have noticed a lot of people here are in similar fixed income situations as I am so I have a lot to fall back on! :peace:
I went to the Jack's Classic website last night and found all retailers within a 50 mile radius of where I live. Who would have thought that in the middle of November damn near all of the garden type centers would be closed for the season? I was planning on a 5 mile trip this morning and now it's a 40 mile trip! Out of a long list I found ONE place that still had Jack's Bloom Booster. I'm heading out the door now... me and my moldy $9 ! :) :peace:
OK.. I'm back from the garden center. It was my first time there and they have just about EVERYTHING I'm going to need for this new hobby of mine :) I want everyone to take notice that I actually sprung the $$ for the larger container! lol :peace:

OK.. I'm back from the garden center. It was my first time there and they have just about EVERYTHING I'm going to need for this new hobby of mine :) I want everyone to take notice that I actually sprung the $$ for the larger container! lol :peace:


hell yea b !! im on a fixed budget since im on disability . if u can pull off miracle grow than do that shit.. im glad u got something that will help your girls flower ..
So those buckets are what like an all in one pot? Basically plant it and forget it or is it more involved? I have just a DWC right now, but am looking to expand outdoors next summer and am looking at every option I can. I love the details and responses you give to your threads. Thank you and keep it up!!


P.S. how do I get more smilies? I see some pretty cool ones. Are those custom ones members make or what??
So those buckets are what like an all in one pot? Basically plant it and forget it or is it more involved? I have just a DWC right now, but am looking to expand outdoors next summer and am looking at every option I can. I love the details and responses you give to your threads. Thank you and keep it up!!


P.S. how do I get more smilies? I see some pretty cool ones. Are those custom ones members make or what??

Thanks Khraevyn! Do you mean the pots my plants are in? If that's what you're asking, those are old pots my Apple and Pear trees came in.. I'd say 3-4 gal..... disinfected of course. I have the one big Sativa in a regular hardware store 5 gal. bucket. I'm hoping to do an outside grow this summer too. I figured with the set up I have now, I could easily get a few started in maybe April and transplant them to the outside. :peace:

How are you getting your smilies? I just hit the icon above and there is a "more" button on that... although I did find a list of them somewhere on here... can't find the damn thing again!!
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