Beateo's - Soil - Lemon Kush Feminized - 2014 - 1st Attempt

An update: This is 3 weeks in flower for all 4 of my girls.

The first 2 pictures are my Sleestack Skunk:


Next 2 are Lemon Kush:


Now 2 Critical Haze:


And finally, some of my Gifted Wild Child..... She still looks like some kind of sick yard bush, but I love her :love:


That's it for now... room temperature is at 81F, humidity at 37%... temp drops down to around 70F with the lights out and humidity rises a little... not much though. :peace:
Well, less than an hour ago I took the pictures above. Now, my Sleestack Skunk doesn't look anything like that picture! I built the frame for my lights to hang on and knew the design wasn't the best..... the Skunk was about 6 inches shorter than the Kush and the Haze so I had to put it up on a box to raise it up. Yep... it did a back flip and nose dived into the floor!! :oops: For some reason, I went back into the grow room and found her upside-down. Two large branch broke off, one was attached all the way at the bottom of the stem and kind of peeled it down the side a little. I trimmed all the damage off and now I guess I'll just wait and see if she lives. Hope she's not :rip:
Well, less than an hour ago I took the pictures above. Now, my Sleestack Skunk doesn't look anything like that picture! I built the frame for my lights to hang on and knew the design wasn't the best..... the Skunk was about 6 inches shorter than the Kush and the Haze so I had to put it up on a box to raise it up. Yep... it did a back flip and nose dived into the floor!! :oops: For some reason, I went back into the grow room and found her upside-down. Two large branch broke off, one was attached all the way at the bottom of the stem and kind of peeled it down the side a little. I trimmed all the damage off and now I guess I'll just wait and see if she lives. Hope she's not :rip:

lol on my first grow i did the same thing to the same plant twice ..i freaked out the first time and apologized to her so many times .
You can tape up damage to a plant/tree to stop moisture escaping. I used gaffer tape on a tree that had split in half at the top (bloody kids!) and it's still going strong years on (gaffer tape is actually still on the tree). I've heard of this same technique being used in you bend a branch too far while supercropping. Hope all goes well.
Well, less than an hour ago I took the pictures above. Now, my Sleestack Skunk doesn't look anything like that picture! I built the frame for my lights to hang on and knew the design wasn't the best..... the Skunk was about 6 inches shorter than the Kush and the Haze so I had to put it up on a box to raise it up. Yep... it did a back flip and nose dived into the floor!! :oops: For some reason, I went back into the grow room and found her upside-down. Two large branch broke off, one was attached all the way at the bottom of the stem and kind of peeled it down the side a little. I trimmed all the damage off and now I guess I'll just wait and see if she lives. Hope she's not :rip:

Same thing happened to my grow I'm on now it ended up benefiting me so i hope it does you to. Good luck just a bump in the road you got this
Thanks everyone for the concern.... I just checked on her and she really doesn't look too bad. I guess I was shocked at first because of the branches she lost.... it seemed like a lot. But after really looking close, doing a bit of trimming, and having to tie her up so she's straight, I think she's going to be fine and everything I cut off most likely wasn't going to yield anything anyway.
Instead of explaining what my skunk looks like, here are 2 pictures:



I'm thinking she looks just fine now... a little different from yesterday, but like I said, I don't think she lost any yield at all. :peace:
They are pretty tough. I don't think there is anyone here that hasn't had the same thing happen to them. Seems like everyone has a story that starts , "Holy Shit! You shoulda seen what happened....." She will be fine, B.
They are pretty tough. I don't think there is anyone here that hasn't had the same thing happen to them. Seems like everyone has a story that starts , "Holy Shit! You shoulda seen what happened....." She will be fine, B.

Hi Beateo, and very well said too old! Amen to 'you shoulda seen what happened...' - or in many of our cases right now - 'you should frickin' see what's happening'. lol I think one of the wonders of growing cannabis is that it is so fulfilling on those turns where they respond, rebound, and reward!

Looking good Beateo and thanks for sharing. I recommend keeping an eye on those curling leaves - to me it appears to have progressed from your last photos from a few days ago. Cheers!!
Looking good Beateo and thanks for sharing. I recommend keeping an eye on those curling leaves - to me it appears to have progressed from your last photos from a few days ago. Cheers!!

colorfuldayze, I'm not sure what's up with those leaves? Like I said when they first happened... I'm doing everything the same (except having the other 3 fall on their heads)... I can't think of what might be causing that to happen and not knowing that, no idea how to correct it? Any ideas from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks. :peace:
colorfuldayze, I'm not sure what's up with those leaves? Like I said when they first happened... I'm doing everything the same (except having the other 3 fall on their heads)... I can't think of what might be causing that to happen and not knowing that, no idea how to correct it? Any ideas from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks. :peace:

I'm not sure what you're using for nutes and what your soil setup is - I made a quick scan back through your journal but couldn't hone in on it - probably on the one page I didn't scan over... All systems are different but this is what I ran in to the last week:
Two weeks ago I had an extra dark green canopy with all succulent and turgid straight leaves. However I was slowly getting concerned that I was over fertilizing. My canopy was getting too hot during the day and too cold during the night so I tweaked the HVAC mainly by quadrupling the air flow both day and night. Got my temps down in the mid/upper 70s during the day, and mid 60s at night and the humidity was better, between 40-60% day and night respectively. I also followed up with testing the runoff water from my pots. I'm growing in a mix of pro-mix and loamy mineral soil and fertilizing w/ a mixture of tap water (7.6 pH and 135ppm) and Miracle Gro 16-24-16 - adding miracle gro to the tap water in the range of 540-580ppm and a final pH of 6.3. My runoff water test results were shocking - they were all in the 1150+ to 2000ppm range and pHs in the 5.8+/- range - YIKES! So I started watering with just tap water. It's been about 5 days that they've had only tap water and they are looking better - showing some N deficiency but depending on the runoff tests I'll do today, I intend to start slowly adding fert. back in either today or tom. in the 400ppm and with a finish pH of no less than 6.5. What I think happened in regards to the leaf curling and tightening was a result of the excess salts combined with the increased air I added to lower the temps. I think the increased air was actually the final straw which although it improved the temp. conditions, it dramatically reduced my humidity during both night and day cycles. That said, I know you are also dealing w/ low humidity because of your wood burning furnace. I'm considering adding a humidifier for the daytime cycle and have it shut off about an hour or so before night cycle. The ambient RH in the rest of the house right now w/ the wood burning stove going all day is about 38% and we need to start running humidifiers. Tired of waking up in the morning with my face feeling like it's going to crack apart if I yawn lol. Cheers brother!
Hi Beateo, below a couple of shots from my plants this morning. The one up close shows the one plant with the worst leaf curling/tightening condition although I will say it has drastically slowed and even improved since I flushed and decreased my daytime temps. The other pic shows the rest of the garden which has also slowed in curling and the plants have really started to fatten up. I am still dealing with a 20-30% RH swing and a 15-20degF temp swing between day/night cycles. Based upon what I've researched I think adding a humidifier during the day to get the RH in the 50s% (instead of 33-40% RH currently in the canopy during lights on) and keeping the temps above a minimum of 68F at night will be beneficial to the garden. (ps hope the pics come through in the post - still new to posting - if they don't I'll repost :)

auto NLxAfghanxRuderalis-Skunk curling leaves - 420 Magazine Photo Gallery
auto NLxAfghanxRuderalis-Skunk curling leaves - 420 Magazine Photo Gallery
I'm using Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 30-10-20 but only for about 2 weeks so far... before that was miracle gro plant food. They're all in organic potting soil mixed with perlite, and plain old dirt from my wooded area. I have no idea about ppm but I'm guessing that's another meter. My ph in and out has been good... between 6.5 and 7.
I'm using Jack's Classic Blossom Booster 30-10-20 but only for about 2 weeks so far... before that was miracle gro plant food. They're all in organic potting soil mixed with perlite, and plain old dirt from my wooded area. I have no idea about ppm but I'm guessing that's another meter. My ph in and out has been good... between 6.5 and 7.

Awesome in/out pHs. I want to try something alternative to MG like the Jack's and ween away from the MG in my next gro(s) - I wasn't sure if I should try it at this point in this gro. My flowering seems to be just ahead of yours and I only have 30 days left to gro and then it is what it is and all has to come down (traveling). Crossing my fingers they'll make it. The lowered temps and increased daytime humidity in my garden has definitely helped. My humidifier is fried so off to the schtore to get another one! Also, I have a handheld combo pH, conductivity, TDS(ppm), and temp. meter. Lifesaver and must have IMHO. Cheers
I'm bored so here's a photo update! :)

First my brain damaged sleestack skunk... actually not looking too bad.



Next 2 pictures are of my Lemon Kush:



2 of my Critical Haze:


Now my favorite Gifted Wild Child :)




Room temp today.... 81F, Humidity... 46% (that's up about 10%??)
Thanks for looking. :peace:
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