Beateo's - Soil - Lemon Kush Feminized - 2014 - 1st Attempt

I just want to shout out to everyone who voted for me for Member of the Month.... THANKS!! No one can dispute the fact that this month's winner was absolutely deserving. COorganics was one of the very first people on this site to offer help to me. I also must say that although it is a fun thing to be involved in..... the contest can become a distraction if you let it! :) Thanks again. :peace:
Late to the party, but I subscribed. Looking forward to the end game.
Trichomes look to be getting more opaque than clear. How much longer do you reckon - Christmas present?
Well done 1st attempt for sure Beato!
Better late than never bro!! Happy to have you here and thanks. :) Like you said... well done "1st attempt"... so I really don't know how much longer! :) Like almost everything I've done so far, I'll rely on my friends here to help me decide when they're done. I've said this before and I mean it more now than ever.... I could never have gotten anywhere near this far without the help of the great people on this site! From the "top dog" admins right down to the new members like yourself, I've gotten SO much help and knowledge from you all! I won't name anyone in particular because I know no matter how I try, I WILL forget to list someone who has been very important in my progress. I really feel like I know 1000 times more than when I began but not yet 1/1000th of what I need to know! lol Thank God for my retirement and for finding this site.

Late to the party, but I subscribed. Looking forward to the end game.
Trichomes look to be getting more opaque than clear. How much longer do you reckon - Christmas present?
Well done 1st attempt for sure Beato!
I noticed that the trichomes on my wild child have a few strands that look like they've turned a reddish color. Not sure if this is normal for whatever strain it is or if there is something up? Otherwise she looks as normal as she ever has. :peace:
I noticed that the trichomes on my wild child have a few strands that look like they've turned a reddish color. Not sure if this is normal for whatever strain it is or if there is something up? Otherwise she looks as normal as she ever has. :peace:

Hiya B, based on my current research and another grower's current journal, you want to harvest when a certain percentage of the trichomes have progressed to amber; that percentage is based upon the quality you prefer. So, normal on the trichomes turning color. My understanding is they will start to change color on the leaves first, then eventually on to the calyxes. Sounds like many growers go for 50% amber over the whole plant. I am eagerly awaiting arrival of my handheld magnifier. Cannot wait to look at the world I've been 'overlooking' for so many years. Cheers!

It is clear that there are several ways to gain knowledge on this site. One is certainly to take some initiative and use the search to find what you need. Another is to browse through numbers of journals looking for what you need. The easiest way for someone like me (lazy) :) is to just post a question. That leaves options as well... Ask in the frequently asked questions or ask here in my journal? I'm also someone who doesn't abandon something that works for me... so... I ask questions and have conversations right here because you guys and gals have yet to let me down! I'm already at a point in my 1st grow that I never really thought I'd make it to. My trichomes are starting to get color and I'm starting to see a real possibility of a harvest coming soon! I take credit for one part of this whole endeavor... I TOOK YOUR ADVICE!! I did what more knowledgeable and more experienced members of this site advised me to do (at least the things that were within my price range), and here I am. I honestly can't recall one piece of bad advice from this site? It truly is like a tight community all trying to help each other be successful growing, healing, being politically active, etc.... I love it here! :love: :)
So... all that leads me to a few things.... how important is it to flush my plants before harvest? It seems like it's something just about everyone is doing and with like a week left? I'm not even sure how to know how long my girls have left? (This part seems like you need to be a seer to know that?) The trichomes on 3 of my girls color hasn't done anything but the one I lovingly call wild child has trichomes that are becoming more reddish each day. (photos soon) So that's about the biggest thing gnawing away at my brain tissue at the moment... life is good! :peace:
You do not want any fertilizers in your end product, so you flush a week before you harvest to force the plant to feed on it's stored resources. Normally you can go on strain information. A 6 week bloomer should be flushed around the end of week 4, depending on how often you water. This so you can also end on a dry period for the plant (both to burn the stored sugars and starches that would negatively affect taste otherwise, flushing to get rid of nutrients as well.).

Just playing a parrot atm ..
I will make sure I flush. :) I have heard about some people using molasses. What I read led me to believe that it was for organic growing and was a food for the microbes, not for the plants... unless I got confused again? lol :peace:

Yup definitely flush before harvest. Did you ever use any molasses or hear about it Beateo?
Hey Beateo - the colour change in wild child, is it the trichs you are looking at or the pistils?

Just noticed you changed your avatar!! WHOA!!!!!! FLASHBACK!!!!!!
See too old... lack of knowledge can mess ya up!! :) It is the pistils! Thank you for correcting that. Oh.. .yeah, some newbie stole my avatar. Apparently he's not aware that an avatar is, at least to me, a unique representation of oneself to allow them to be identified among others... I explained that if you google "hippie picture" you get like a MILLION of them... but I guess he needed the one I had more than I did? :) :peace:

Hey Beateo - the colour change in wild child, is it the trichs you are looking at or the pistils?

Just noticed you changed your avatar!! WHOA!!!!!! FLASHBACK!!!!!!
I tried to find an avatar, but the only one that I could come up with looks like the old guy that hangs with Jeff Dunham.
I think you'd make a dandy Walter! lol I'm under orders if Jeff Dunham ever does a show locally, my wife wants tickets.... imagine that show stoned! :)

I tried to find an avatar, but the only one that I could come up with looks like the old guy that hangs with Jeff Dunham.
Here are a few pictures of my Wild Child PISTILS (not trichomes... thanks too old)




Now I really don't know what the color change means?
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