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Flowering Day 24....

I'm being lazy as I have some dry trimming to do shortly. I'll let the pics do the talking for these....

This thing came at me again so I defended myself with a wooden spoon. It won and it's still there. It's making a mess now though so I shall evict her when I'm feeling brave enough....
These girls are working overtime pushing pistils there :ganjamon: You are real brave with the spiders Prof, I’m unfortunately one of those guys you may catch screaming like a girl if a spider creeps up on me. :rofl::laugh::hippy:
These girls are working overtime pushing pistils there :ganjamon: You are real brave with the spiders Prof, I’m unfortunately one of those guys you may catch screaming like a girl if a spider creeps up on me. :rofl::laugh::hippy:
Thanks Irie! To be honest I'm not that brave with them lol. As long as they keep there distance we don't have a problem. When I was a kid I had a pet tarantula and it flicked urticating hairs in my face. I was the first person on record in my local hospital to have a tarantula related injury lol.
Flowering Day 9....

We have some flowers forming. It looks like we may have another fast flowering plant. I've given the Phantom another spray this evening. The thrips are still low in numbers and will hopefully remain that way. I've given up on the idea of completely eradicating them and will continue to fight the long war. After the upcoming defoliation we should see some positive change. It looks like she's still enjoying the amount of feed that she's receiving and is healthy looking. If it wasn't for the thrip damage she'd almost be perfect. Here she is today....
When I was a kid I had a pet tarantula and it flicked urticating hairs in my face. I was the first person on record in my local hospital to have a tarantula related injury lol.
No ways! I’m sure from then onwards you weren’t so keen on the idea of pet spiders anymore lol
Flowering Day 9
She does seems fast flowering, she’s also got a good stretch to her. Have you concidered adding another fan to the tent? If the POG won’t mind it then do it, the thrips don’t like a breeze smacking them the whole time from my experience. I spray with Biogrow Pyrol and the thrips don’t come back for a couple weeks. When I went away in December I did drenching of all my pots before I left, and came back to thrips and aphids all over. A couple days of Pyrol spraying and they were gone. I know it’s a South African product, but if you could get it or have something similar your side I’m confident it would resolve your problem :yummy:
Everyone has their own feeling about pyrethrins on their weed, but in many of the legal states it's a banned pesticide for cannabis. It's approved for edible crops but not to be burned and inhaled.
Thanks for the info @InTheShed ill be sure to read up more about pyrethrins. Pyrol is one of the go-to & leading organic pesticides for cannabis growing in South Africa. I do not think I’d ever recommend spraying flowers that will be smoked :rollit:
One of the problems with the organic pesticides is they were all studied based on absorption through the stomach when eaten. Burning and inhalation is an entirely different method and there's not a lot of studies on it that I've found. When I saw that pyrethrins were banned by legal states I stayed clear. I'm good with castille soap to kill the thrips. It works really well and washes off at harvest.
No ways! I’m sure from then onwards you weren’t so keen on the idea of pet spiders anymore lol

She does seems fast flowering, she’s also got a good stretch to her. Have you concidered adding another fan to the tent? If the POG won’t mind it then do it, the thrips don’t like a breeze smacking them the whole time from my experience. I spray with Biogrow Pyrol and the thrips don’t come back for a couple weeks. When I went away in December I did drenching of all my pots before I left, and came back to thrips and aphids all over. A couple days of Pyrol spraying and they were gone. I know it’s a South African product, but if you could get it or have something similar your side I’m confident it would resolve your problem :yummy:
I do still have a pet spider but it's not a dangerous one lol. It's actually my daughters but she's only 2 so I have to water it

I haven't thought about adding another fan yet Irie but it sounds like a good idea. I've never heard of the Biogrow Pyrol before but I'm sure there's something similar in the UK. People are nuts about their gardens over here. The Achohol is keeping the numbers down but not taking them out completely. You'll see in the upcoming POG pics that there is still the odd larvae here's and there. After what Shed said though I'll probably stick to the ISO for now then get some soap soon
Infirmary News....

Look! We have a root! The BG has finally done it and should start to perk up soon hopefully....

However. The SL has yet to show any promising progress. It's edge of your seat stuff for her right now. She's gotten a bit smaller and can't have long left. Go strawberry lemonade!....
Flowering Day 10....

It's only the 10th day and she's really starting to feel like a bit of a beast. The thrips are still there though they aren't causing as much concern anymore. In fact I don't have any real concerns with her. The upcoming defol is both daunting and exciting as it's going to be a bit of an ordeal. I want to put the net in place but I'm enjoying being able to move her about. It's helping with the spraying and also checking whether the pot is light. It's going to make the trim much easier as well. I may try to bend her about and put the net in place after the defol. Here she is....
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