Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Came across this little bugger yesterday. Figured I would share. LoL

Thought about relocating it to my grow.... Haha! Sike! No F-N way!!!
SHARING IT!!!!!!!!. Well i suppose we get a leg each with a bit of abdomen!. How the fook do you live with these monsters around. I would need a frigging dome and army of spotters.
Just a quicky on this Orange sherbet. She is growing great guns now but what is with the double pointed leaf and its opposing twin ? @Dutchman1990
Those leaves are beautiful GG! She's a stunner. Looks like they're doing great again after your trip away
Wow the stretch is real with the GZ :rofl: Looks like the orange sherbet wants to focus more on flower production than keeping up with the GZ. They are looking healthy and happy Prof :bravo::ganjamon:
I love the OS! She has some good potential. The GZ needs a little more work but I. Happy with her so far
She’s looking great Prof! The Gz is getting her stretch on and it looks like some colour and trichomes are just starting to make way as well! Beautiful!
Apparently both of these can go purple under the right conditions. My night time temps are around 17C still which is good. Later in the year I'll struggle to keep it below 20C. Thanks Dutch!
Hey 420! Just got back from work and will do an update shortly. I've been in and checked the grow room and for the most part everything is good. My only concern is wether the Blue Gelato will produce roots before she runs out of energy. The roots are still coming but the leaves are still fading. It's going to be a close one. The rest still look great despite the thrip invasion. I've used the alcohol on the Phantom OG maybe 4 times now and still the thrips continue their relentless onslaught lol. Now that I know about the soap I can continue to battle them throughout flower. Back soon :)
Infirmary News....

Here is the 2 younglings. Still we wait for them to recover. I really didn't think that this would work so I'm quite happy that they're still standing. The BG41 will have to have those leaves removed soon so that they don't go mouldy. I think they'll be ok for a couple days yet though. I haven't seen any more thrips in here which is good but there's not much food for them. I was surprised to see that they did find them before though so I'm checking all the time now. The SL is still trying to push out that little growth but it's slow. That's something I had expected. She's still looking good though so I'm not as concerned about her....

Blue Gelato 41....

Strawberry lemonade....
Flowering Day 4....

The POG's doing well. She's recovering well from her minor issue concerning her apparently large appetite. She's just about to take off now and I can see her starting to open up. I'm not quite sure how I'm going to use the net just yet but it'll probably be more for support rather than using it to get her down low. I can't wait to see how she looks in a few weeks time. I was looking at some pics of the Phantom OG in late flower and she has some awesome colas. Hopefully this one will have some too....
Those leaves are beautiful GG! She's a stunner. Looks like they're doing great again after your trip away

I love the OS! She has some good potential. The GZ needs a little more work but I. Happy with her so far
Apparently both of these can go purple under the right conditions. My night time temps are around 17C still which is good. Later in the year I'll struggle to keep it below 20C. Thanks Dutch!
It was the shape of the double pointed leaf below. Never seen one do that before !!!. Not a worry just an observation. I am thankfully getting them all in their final pots tomorrow. I up potted on of the GZ as it was in such a small bottle it had no growing room. It has now gone past the other three GZ after 1 day in a bigger pot. All the 5th's are showing now so i tip spreaded them all to see if i can limit the node spacing before i snip it out for the quads. I am hoping that i can get them settled and possibly get them into flower 2 weeks after that. I am surprised how they are trying to get moving with such restricted pots so expect good
Infirmary News....

Here is the 2 younglings. Still we wait for them to recover. I really didn't think that this would work so I'm quite happy that they're still standing. The BG41 will have to have those leaves removed soon so that they don't go mouldy. I think they'll be ok for a couple days yet though. I haven't seen any more thrips in here which is good but there's not much food for them. I was surprised to see that they did find them before though so I'm checking all the time now. The SL is still trying to push out that little growth but it's slow. That's something I had expected. She's still looking good though so I'm not as concerned about her....

Blue Gelato 41....

Strawberry lemonade....
So glad to see them keeping at it. Nice doctoring Prof. New ideas and ways abound for these ladies.
Flowering Day 17....

I didnt get around to bending these 2 down today but the weekend is nearly here so I'll definitely do it then. They continue to grow nicely and don't appear to have any problems other than those pesky thrips. They must be feeding on these plants somewhere but I can't seem to find any. There's also no evidence of their activity on the leaves unlike the Phantom OG which has the silvery slug trail marks. The leaves on these 2 are coming back nicely and the plants are beginning to look more like bushes again after their trim. It's actually starting to smell in the tent as well. Here we are today....
It was the shape of the double pointed leaf below. Never seen one do that before !!!. Not a worry just an observation. I am thankfully getting them all in their final pots tomorrow. I up potted on of the GZ as it was in such a small bottle it had no growing room. It has now gone past the other three GZ after 1 day in a bigger pot. All the 5th's are showing now so i tip spreaded them all to see if i can limit the node spacing before i snip it out for the quads. I am hoping that i can get them settled and possibly get them into flower 2 weeks after that. I am surprised how they are trying to get moving with such restricted pots so expect good

So glad to see them keeping at it. Nice doctoring Prof. New ideas and ways abound for these ladies.
The GZ has excellent root growth. So far it's a really impressive strain

I'm checking the BG every chance I get and hoping to see some good news. I'm always filled with worry every time I open the tent in the morning and after work lol. We can do this
Remember that platform currylato was on? Time to break it out for Orange Sherbert!
Lol. I do. I'll raise her when I tame her, either tomorrow evening or on the weekend. Oh the Currylato :rolleyes:
Did you lollipopped the GZ?

I am in day 11 of flowering with my Blue Cheese cross right now. Bud site looks allright since the supercropped and trained main tops aligned properly. Do you guys think I can consider lollipopping after this point? I already trimmed everything in the dark area but left the fan leaves on the top. They are blocking light but on the other hand they are working for flowers.

Another controvertial subject I guess :smokin:
Did you lollipopped the GZ?

I am in day 11 of flowering with my Blue Cheese cross right now. Bud site looks allright since the supercropped and trained main tops aligned properly. Do you guys think I can consider lollipopping after this point? I already trimmed everything in the dark area but left the fan leaves on the top. They are blocking light but on the other hand they are working for flowers.

Another controvertial subject I guess :smokin:
I've not lollipop'd any of these. Just heavy defols on strong growing plants. The thing is I actually like having a bit of fluff. It helps the trim jar fill up faster which then usually gets used for edibles. Mainly butter for brownies because the Mrs loves them. You certainly can go for a lolly popping at the stage that you're at though I'd wait until after the stretch to see what there is to work with. If it was me I'd consider losing the fan leaves over lolly poping but that very much depends on what the plant structure is like. I'll be over shortly to check out the journal
Hey 420! I thought that I'd get these 2 out of the way first. Well it's getting closer. To what I'm not sure but the tension is high lol. The Blue Gelato 41 is running out of steam and the Strawberry Lemonade has still barely started to push out the roots. The SL is starting to fade so she needs to hurry up. I'm itching to plant some backup seeds as my thoughts are screaming at me saying that this is a failed experiment. My heart is making me push on though and I'm not giving up. I'm going to introduce nutrients to the tank as I want the BG to have something to feed on as soon as she is able to use her roots for feeding. The pics are making them look a bit more vibrant than they actually are and I'm considering removing the BG's dying leaves soon....

Blue Gelato 41....

Strawberry lemonade....
Flowering Day 6....

The Phantom OG is doing well. Now with this one I may actually do a little lollipop. There is going to be plenty of growth that won't see the light of day so I'll get rid of it. She'll have a good trim as well. Her only problem currently is the continued thrip attack. There is no way near as many now though which is good but they'll return for sure. I've got to keep up with the spraying or I'll have another full scale invasion on my hands. Other than that she's pretty happy right now. I think 18g of MegaCrop is ok for now. There was a little bit of tip burn but nothing too drastic. Here she is today....
Flowering Day 20....

We are coming up to the end of the third week of flower for these 2 and both are looking great. I've done some more trimming on both but have yet to bend the branches down. I have raised the Orange Sherbert though. I'm going to try to get into the grow room this evening before lights out and see if I can get some training done. The Gorilla Zkittles is going to need some serious support by the end of flower. The OS is solid and it'll be interesting trying to bend the branches on her. I'll do some more pics of these later after some more tampering....

Gorilla Zkittles....

Orange Sherbert....

Here she is now. That's better....
Flowering Day 20....

We are coming up to the end of the third week of flower for these 2 and both are looking great. I've done some more trimming on both but have yet to bend the branches down. I have raised the Orange Sherbert though. I'm going to try to get into the grow room this evening before lights out and see if I can get some training done. The Gorilla Zkittles is going to need some serious support by the end of flower. The OS is solid and it'll be interesting trying to bend the branches on her. I'll do some more pics of these later after some more tampering....

Gorilla Zkittles....

Orange Sherbert....

Here she is now. That's better....
brilliant updates prof. They all look so mad for it now. loving the golf balls everywhere. watching with a watering mouth lol. I am seeing great growth with my babies now. they love the big pots and have responded great. Do love Barneys seeds for their healthy look.

How about putting the Bg and sl into a plug with plenty of rooting gel. They are so close to surviving. Folier mist and rooting gel might rescue them ???. such a shame to get this far with them. Their loss will send ripples around the world.
brilliant updates prof. They all look so mad for it now. loving the golf balls everywhere. watching with a watering mouth lol. I am seeing great growth with my babies now. they love the big pots and have responded great. Do love Barneys seeds for their healthy look.

How about putting the Bg and sl into a plug with plenty of rooting gel. They are so close to surviving. Folier mist and rooting gel might rescue them ???. such a shame to get this far with them. Their loss will send ripples around the world.
Looking good GG! I'm just about to post some pics of the OS and GZ. Man, both have some good frost already. I've been tinkering as well!

I don't have any rooting gel at the moment but misting them with water may help. They could go back under the humidity dome I guess but I'm not sure if it would help at this stage. Don't worry GG. We won't be holding a minutes silence just yet. Maybe tomorrow lol
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