Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

For the first time in quite a while the Phantom OG is the least interesting plant...well technically the Strawberry Lemonade is but you know what I mean. It's officially flowering day 1 for her though so that's quite exciting. For the most part she looks great but I'm going to up her feed on the next watering. I'm not used to MegaCrop quite yet and I'm also not used to the needs of such large plants. I think that she'll be a heavy feeder so as long as I keep an eye on her I think we'll be ok. For a change the small amount of deficiency that she's showing is familiar and simply indicates that she is hungry. Here she is....
Hey 420! I think that today's updates are all positive. Even the clones/veg plants seem to be doing ok. I'll start with them as there has been a development....a possible root development that is....sorry. The first tent I always check when doing my rounds is the veg tent. Today when I opened it up my first thought was "oh no". The Strawberry Lemonade looks great still but the Blue Gelato 41 is going a bit limp and a tiny bit pale. I assumed that it was because she is slowly dying after such harsh treatment but then I looked underneath. I wasn't expecting to see anything but to my surprise there are little tiny white bumps starting to appear in places on the stem. Now I've not done an amazing amount of cloning before but I've done enough to know that those bumps are the first sign of roots beginning to push through. I hope I'm right and it's not some new kind of mould lol. I didn't get any pics of it because it's so small at the moment and I don't want to stress them out too much but I may try and get some later if I'm feeling more steady handed. I took a bit of a gamble with these but it looks like it may actually pay off....

Strawberry lemonade....

Blue Gelato 41....
bang on the money Prof. new nodules for deffo. see them every grow trying to burst a root out low down near the base. i have covered them before and kept them moist and POW , new root. Makes sense with how they grow in the ground after snapping off too. resilient Love comebacks with a passion. My barneys screw ups on last run gave me so much satisfaction after a close call on scrapping it. You got this mate
The OS got a good trim but I left the GZ. I really like what I can see on the inside. There are so many budsite most of which were beginning to go all twisted and scrawny because of lack of light. I've saved them and now they'll grow and hopefully keep up with the top buds....
thick and supportive branches too. They will hold some weight before they buckle.
I decided that "you know what? I'm just gonna do it!

The new and improved OS and GZ!....

Orange Sherbert....

Gorilla Zkittles....

BANG! and the leaves are gone!

Now all that's left to do is to get these 2 bent down and opened up to a bit more light though penetration isn't a problem at the moment. I love defol day and normally I'd try to wait until day 21 but I felt that would be asking for trouble with the OS. The GZ was purely impulse lol. It won't hurt her
Another lesson for me here matey. I will share any prizes i win with the resulting teachings with you too mate. Love it
Phewww almost fell behind a couple pages there :rofl: looking great @ProfessorFlora!
The GZ & OS ae pushing pistils like crazy, nice job on the defol, they sure are going to explode the next couple days!! :headbanger::ganjamon:
Good sight seeing those micro roots coming through on the young ones, that's looking promising.
All seems well in the Flora garden :bravo:
Looking great @ProfessorFlora where can I take your courses on growing? Is it online or do I have to come to a classroom? Lol
Hey professor I got a question.
How do I know when to start the flush? I hear it's a 2 week process but how do I tell when to start. What's the down side of starting too late or too early? I haven't been noticing any changes lately in the size or shape of the buds. I have been checking the trics with a jeweler's loop I am not 100% sure on how they are supposed to look but I notice cloudy and clear trics no amber yet. Thanks
How did you get rid of your spiders?

Did you dress like a sexy spider and lure them out? Arrange for a night out at the pub and then change locks? I imagine that spiders are pretty gullible.

Plants are looking great and I totally see new roots coming in on your clones!!!!!!
I wonder if you could do this to very young sprouts?
bang on the money Prof. new nodules for deffo. see them every grow trying to burst a root out low down near the base. i have covered them before and kept them moist and POW , new root. Makes sense with how they grow in the ground after snapping off too. resilient Love comebacks with a passion. My barneys screw ups on last run gave me so much satisfaction after a close call on scrapping it. You got this mate
I was pretty surprised to see them to be honest especially as I didn't use any rooting hormone or make a decent cut on the stem. Fingers crossed for the SL now!
thick and supportive branches too. They will hold some weight before they buckle.
The OS could probably hold up more bud than she could grow but the GZ is a bit more floppy. I'm expecting to have to find a way to support her towards the end. She's got some budsites though GG!
Phewww almost fell behind a couple pages there :rofl: looking great @ProfessorFlora!
The GZ & OS ae pushing pistils like crazy, nice job on the defol, they sure are going to explode the next couple days!! :headbanger::ganjamon:
Good sight seeing those micro roots coming through on the young ones, that's looking promising.
All seems well in the Flora garden :bravo:
Lol thanks Irie! It's all happening now. This time 2 months ago it felt like everyday brought with it a new problem that I just didn't need. Now when I enter the grow room it's like my place of peace again. I'm not letting my guard down though lol
Looking great @ProfessorFlora where can I take your courses on growing? Is it online or do I have to come to a classroom? Lol
Hey professor I got a question.
How do I know when to start the flush? I hear it's a 2 week process but how do I tell when to start. What's the down side of starting too late or too early? I haven't been noticing any changes lately in the size or shape of the buds. I have been checking the trics with a jeweler's loop I am not 100% sure on how they are supposed to look but I notice cloudy and clear trics no amber yet. Thanks
Lol my internet connection can be temperamental so It may take a long time to master anything.
Well that all depends on which side of the flush debate you're on. Personally I don't flush anymore after trying the no flush method and not noticing any difference in taste or effect. The science behind it suggests that no chemicals get absorbed into the flowers meaning that you don't consume any. InTheShed has a couple links to the info in his signature if you pd like to check it out. If however you don't like the idea of that then I'd usually start my flush around week 8 when trichs are mostly cloudy. I used to try to aim for a 2 week flush or when my plants had enough amber which back then used to be about 20-30%. Nowadays I just slow up on the nutes around week 8-9 in order to try to keep the plants looking as healthy as possible right up until the end. For me It's much easier not flushing lol. Thanks Dragoond

How did you get rid of your spiders?

Did you dress like a sexy spider and lure them out? Arrange for a night out at the pub and then change locks? I imagine that spiders are pretty gullible.

Plants are looking great and I totally see new roots coming in on your clones!!!!!!
I wonder if you could do this to very young sprouts?
A bit of genital persuasion was all that was needed

Apparently you can pretty much clone any part of a plant if you know what you're doing. I don't but I got lucky lol. You can clone leaves, stems and roots. I don't see why you couldn't .It seems to have worked out for solving root rot (for now)
Thanks VG!
Looking great @ProfessorFlora where can I take your courses on growing? Is it online or do I have to come to a classroom? Lol
Hey professor I got a question.
How do I know when to start the flush? I hear it's a 2 week process but how do I tell when to start. What's the down side of starting too late or too early? I haven't been noticing any changes lately in the size or shape of the buds. I have been checking the trics with a jeweler's loop I am not 100% sure on how they are supposed to look but I notice cloudy and clear trics no amber yet. Thanks
simple answer is NEVER. lol have a look into why no flush is needed. I will happily do a quick explain but cant hog thisbrhread as there are so many debates around it. Abridged version
When near to the final week
Stop any additional feeding and only add ph'd water to any made up mix ( if using res) This will tail off the available nutes in the root zone and signal her to use her stores ( same as flushing 2 weeks too early during her bud swelling phase !!!!)
Continue adding just water until harvest day.
Remove intact with no cuts ,chops, trimming , nada
Slow dry her for minimum of 10 days in a cool ( below19°c) , fresh air exchanged place with lower rh as possible ( dont panic as slow drying doesnt require a desert ) Keep checking her for mould and food air exchange until snap dry.
Remove ALL leaf matter ( save for hash, rosin etc...)
trim amd store for a week and she will be perfect and at her full potential. #NoFlushSquad. just sayin. lol. please research for a more in depth logic and explanation, it is my always way now.
Thanks for the input professor and ganja.
welcome mate. All opinions and personal preferences but you will find what works well for you and in your time frame for harvests ect. Trimming is hateful at best so dry or wet is still hatefull. Industry saves millions yearly on 2 weeks less nutes for flushing but we use so little compared to them the yield loss to us matters more on our small scale too. Good luck mate
Love the multiquote answers mate dont know how u
I wonder about the lineage of the O.s . Its not like my other seedlings for growth seems to have a leaf profile from every stage within 3 @Dutchmann1990 would pay handsomely for this mutant to join his travelling freak show.?.heehee
other girls need new pots i think now. the roots hitting bottom and showing up all over interior too. lots of sites is good to read too. maybe found a keepèr pheno for yield. My Gz look good and tall , i am using silicon max to give them a strong stem ready for the beating to come hopefully. Cookie Kush is behaving as a kush should and looks good ( will have to watch this lady for sneaking up in size too)
Am enjoying the game so far.
Loving watching your live grow of the hopefuls i have too.
But you bought dinner first, right??!!

You should be gentle, spiders seem delicate.
No time for dinner VG! I'm a busy bee....another one of my disguises
Thanks for the input professor and ganja.
My pleasure Dragoond. I didn't know about it until I joined 420 am due at first it seemed like one of those things but after I looked into it things made more sense. Definite worth a go
Lol damn auto correct!
Love the multiquote answers mate dont know how u
I wonder about the lineage of the O.s . Its not like my other seedlings for growth seems to have a leaf profile from every stage within 3 @Dutchmann1990 would pay handsomely for this mutant to join his travelling freak show.?.heehee
other girls need new pots i think now. the roots hitting bottom and showing up all over interior too. lots of sites is good to read too. maybe found a keepèr pheno for yield. My Gz look good and tall , i am using silicon max to give them a strong stem ready for the beating to come hopefully. Cookie Kush is behaving as a kush should and looks good ( will have to watch this lady for sneaking up in size too)
Am enjoying the game so far.
Loving watching your live grow of the hopefuls i have too.
I need to check as I have forgotten the genetics in the OS. I think it's Cherry pie x Purple Urkle x Orange Cream but I can't be certain. I'll get back to you.....yep it is. I think she would make a perfect sea of green candidate. Short, fast and packed full of budsites. Though I hadn't noticed until the trim just how many budsites the GZ has. I'm liking the look of your BG41. I'm going to be looking to you for that one. The only thing I know about mine is that she's incredibly easy to clone lol. Plants are looking great GG
No time for dinner VG! I'm a busy bee....another one of my disguises

My pleasure Dragoond. I didn't know about it until I joined 420 am due at first it seemed like one of those things but after I looked into it things made more sense. Definite worth a go

Lol damn auto correct!

I need to check as I have forgotten the genetics in the OS. I think it's Cherry pie x Purple Urkle x Orange Cream but I can't be certain. I'll get back to you.....yep it is. I think she would make a perfect sea of green candidate. Short, fast and packed full of budsites. Though I hadn't noticed until the trim just how many budsites the GZ has. I'm liking the look of your BG41. I'm going to be looking to you for that one. The only thing I know about mine is that she's increasingly easy to clone lol. Plants are looking great GG
Thanks prof , means a lot mate. Am happy with how they have responded to the light and their own mix. They feel like plants now tbh , not the delicate spider silk they seem when first up.
I thought similar when u said about amount of sites but not seen many here mention scrog over quads etc. depends on how much weight they pack on for bud really. if too heavy ,second net maybe but hate the restriction of scrog with coco. suppose if trained right and set well then that would be a done deal for movement anyways. My bg41 is smaller than the others so far but seems to be trying to get up there with them.
Lokking forward to repotting to get them set for the longer haul. Not been a fan of multi potting up and usually go straight into the biggest from the 1st not sure if this has ever been an issue over yield or not but what is the upshot on multi up-potting if roots are doing ok and not bound yet. always thought of one in the ground natural and how they just get on with it from fallen seed ?.
Thanks prof , means a lot mate. Am happy with how they have responded to the light and their own mix. They feel like plants now tbh , not the delicate spider silk they seem when first up.
I thought similar when u said about amount of sites but not seen many here mention scrog over quads etc. depends on how much weight they pack on for bud really. if too heavy ,second net maybe but hate the restriction of scrog with coco. suppose if trained right and set well then that would be a done deal for movement anyways. My bg41 is smaller than the others so far but seems to be trying to get up there with them.
Lokking forward to repotting to get them set for the longer haul. Not been a fan of multi potting up and usually go straight into the biggest from the 1st not sure if this has ever been an issue over yield or not but what is the upshot on multi up-potting if roots are doing ok and not bound yet. always thought of one in the ground natural and how they just get on with it from fallen seed ?.
Personally I prefere starting in the final pot. Then it just comes down to being patient and careful with the watering. When I started growing I only did Autos for the first year or so and soon realised that up potting was a bit of a risky move. Then I started growing multiple Autos in 5ltr pots and realised that they weren't getting that big either. They would out grow the pot and stop growing. Then I moved onto Autos in those 5 gallon pots which are 19ltrs. That's when I started having more success with them and began getting more than 2oz from a plant. I haven't done many but Autos love hydro systems. If done right they can grow to there full potential without much hinderance or stress from root problems, potting up or overwatering. I too would like to see what nature I should capable of. I've often thought about starting an auto then putting it in a nice sunny spot somewhere out in the wilderness. The only problem is that there's not too much wilderness left which isn't heavily patrolled or owned by some farmer. Plus I don't want to do it too close to home if you know what I mean
Personally I prefere starting in the final pot. Then it just comes down to being patient and careful with the watering. When I started growing I only did Autos for the first year or so and soon realised that up potting was a bit of a risky move. Then I started growing multiple Autos in 5ltr pots and realised that they weren't getting that big either. They would out grow the pot and stop growing. Then I moved onto Autos in those 5 gallon pots which are 19ltrs. That's when I started having more success with them and began getting more than 2oz from a plant. I haven't done many but Autos love hydro systems. If done right they can grow to there full potential without much hinderance or stress from root problems, potting up or overwatering. I too would like to see what nature I should capable of. I've often thought about starting an auto then putting it in a nice sunny spot somewhere out in the wilderness. The only problem is that there's not too much wilderness left which isn't heavily patrolled or owned by some farmer. Plus I don't want to do it too close to home if you know what I mean
Glad to read that Prof. Less is more and that. Spirals until roots fill out then i love to soak them to the edges and the bags cascade a little water down the sides. have always then dried them for a while(not light to lift but moist ish) Mainly to save constant runnoff dumping. This time round i want these girls to get the best so need a new regimin. I will be using the nft tanks for standing on and want to go drippers as we mentioned before . just whether 1 feed or multi feed in 24 hours to figure out.
will be using the plagron coco and power roots for main , golden tree , cal mag, occasional Superthrive (drops until flower). Then onto the Shogun range for flowering. Have good feeling about this one Prof.
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