Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Looking great Prof!! The flower tent is bursting with fat resin coated buds! Another promo harvest is in your future!

Now throw that chef hat on and get to it haha
Thanks Dutch! Things are falling into place again now. The problems seem to come in waves and at the moment the sea is calm lol. I thought that the final yield was going to be considerably smaller than the previous round but now I'm not so sure. We've still got some swelling to do before the end and they're already decent nugs. I thought 7oz between the 4 sounded about right but I think it might be more than that now.

I got the chef hat out and we did have an uninterrupted curry! Hooray! We had the Profs special sweet banana and beef curry with peshwari naans and mango chutney dip. Good times. Hope you're well brother
Lookinf great Prof. picture paints a thousand words
Thanks GG! And that's why I thought I'd do lots of pictures. No time for words last night lol. Time for more pics later though!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. I've done some more work in the grow room which I'll explain later today.

Happy growing everyone
I've just run into an unexpected problem. I can't seem to find any MegaCrop for a reasonable price. I got my previous bag from amazon but they've sold out of the smaller bags and only have the 10kg sack which is very pricey. eBay is similar except they have some of the smaller bags but are more expensive than they should be. I've googled it and no uk sites seem to sell it which is annoying. I've had a look around for similar products and come up with a few alternatives but none seem to be as easy to use as MegaCrop and most are multi part feeds. The reason I like MegaCrop is because it's a complete feed which works very well. I don't want to have to go back to having separate feeds for veg and flower and then again for hydro and soil. MegaCrop does it all and it's by far the best nutrients I've used as far as results go. One alternative I've found is something called MasterBlend but it seems you need to add a few other things for best results. Green House Seeds seem to have released a powered water soluble feed but it looks expensive and you need one for flower, one for veg and apparently (I don't understand this next bit at all) one for hybrid strains?!. Any suggestions for an alternative would be awesome or if anyone from the uk knows where I could get some more without taking out a loan lol. If I have to I'll buy the 300g bag on eBay for £25 but that's £10 more than the 700g pack I had before.
I can't seem to find any MegaCrop for a reasonable price.
Go to the Greenleaf Nutrients website,they've got all sizes back in stock,and now they offer a 500g free sample.
2500g size is $25.74
I forgot you're in the UK-I guess the shipping would probably triple the price,so probably not a viable option....
Hey prof you could try Pure blend pro grow and bloom it's made by Botanicare it's an organic based synthetic fertilizer. It's a one part grow and one part bloom they also have Liquid Karma which is their micro. I have used it in the past with good results. Saw it on Amazon UK for 22£. Can be used in soil and hydro.
you should be ashamed of yourself advertising like that !!.
Terrible, ain't i lol
Go to the Greenleaf Nutrients website,they've got all sizes back in stock,and now they offer a 500g free sample.
2500g size is $25.74
Yep, tried that though the sizes I was interested in were apperently not available to me. Maybe it's a location thing
I forgot you're in the UK-I guess the shipping would probably triple the price,so probably not a viable option....
I didn't get that far but I guessed as much.
Hey prof you could try Pure blend pro grow and bloom it's made by Botanicare it's an organic based synthetic fertilizer. It's a one part grow and one part bloom they also have Liquid Karma which is their micro. I have used it in the past with good results. Saw it on Amazon UK for 22£. Can be used in soil and hydro.
I don think I saw that one on my travels. I did however make a purchase. I went with the MasterBlend kit as it works in a similar way to MegaCrop but it's a 3 part mix that you can use from start to finish. Man I'm a bit annoyed but my options were to buy a massive amount of MC for more money than I own or buy a small amount for almost twice the price. My third option was to get something different and after spending half the day researching different nutrients I settled with the MasterBlend for now. I think it's highly unlikely to win me over and I'll be back on the crop as soon as stocks are available but it's probably an interesting option. Thanks for the help though N and I'll be sure to check it out as I'm always open to new options and ideas
Soo with Badazz being harvested I only had Pink Kush going from Barney’s! With how well BadAzz did and seeing what Pink is looking like so far I had to continue the party!
-3x Glookies
-3x Purple Punch

Really look forward to comparing our PPunch Prof!

Here’s a few photos of Pink Kush as well!

Hell yeah boi! Now we get a Purple Punch comparison and the Glookies! Look forward to seeing that one. The Badazz looks amazing. I'm yet to catch up on your thread. How did the 2 Badazz compare?
Veg Tent Update....

Things are moving ahead nicely in this here. I've managed to top the Purple Punch and the 3 soil plants so we're nearly where we want to be. The Purple Punch now has 64 separate growth tips and the other 3 have 16"still but it won't be long. After the next top that's it. We are ready for flower. I'll give them a little bit of time to recover well before the flip to 12/12, they should only need a week or so. PP is coming back to life and is beginning to grow well again. Hopefully we have her issues behind us for now and she can get some decent growth in before flower....

Purple Punch....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....
Flowering Tent Update....

Day 49 and all is well. I'd say there is around 2 weeks left for the BG41's and the SL's. They may go a little longer but it won't be much if they do. We're all waiting on these now and once they're harvested it will free up and move things on for the whole room. Will the MegaCrop last until the end of the grow? They haven't started to slow up on the drinking yet and are still having to be topped up every 2 days. I expect that by next weekend they'll be drinking less and will start to slow down a bit just before they're ripe for the picking....

Blue Gelato 41's....

Strawberry Lemonade's....

Hell yeah boi! Now we get a Purple Punch comparison and the Glookies! Look forward to seeing that one. The Badazz looks amazing. I'm yet to catch up on your thread. How did the 2 Badazz compare?
Haven’t smoked either yet but from the smell and looks #2 may be the winner!

Veg Tent Update....

Things are moving ahead nicely in this here. I've managed to top the Purple Punch and the 3 soil plants so we're nearly where we want to be. The Purple Punch now has 64 separate growth tips and the other 3 have 16"still but it won't be long. After the next top that's it. We are ready for flower. I'll give them a little bit of time to recover well before the flip to 12/12, they should only need a week or so. PP is coming back to life and is beginning to grow well again. Hopefully we have her issues behind us for now and she can get some decent growth in before flower....

Purple Punch....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....
I’m going to be doing some of your extreme defoliation with these upcoming seedlings! They are going to get worked hard!
Hey Prof! Looking great in there my friend :bravo: Purple Punch is looking strong! And it's getting damn exciting in the flower tent there, some big frosty nugs! Alright i'm off to go catch up on your 7 strain 1 pot grow! :passitleft:
Have a great week brother. Happy growing
Haven’t smoked either yet but from the smell and looks #2 may be the winner!

I’m going to be doing some of your extreme defoliation with these upcoming seedlings! They are going to get worked hard!
After checking out your journal earlier I can see why. She looks lovely!

I look forward to the HST. Most plants I seem to grow can handle some sort of heavy punishment. All the Barneys strains in this thread have handled high street well with the exception of the Ayahuasca Purple maybe. She might just be a smaller and slower growing veg plant though. Get on and give them the Sweeney Todd!
Hey Prof! Looking great in there my friend :bravo: Purple Punch is looking strong! And it's getting damn exciting in the flower tent there, some big frosty nugs! Alright i'm off to go catch up on your 7 strain 1 pot grow! :passitleft:
Have a great week brother. Happy growing
Things are looking up again Irie. The PP is getti better by the day and the plants in the flowering tent are just turning a nice shade. The SL 1 has red tips appearing on her main tops. Time for another update!

Flowering Tent Update Day 50....

Blue Gelato 41's....

These two are doing well. The BG1 looks to be slowing in her growth and has fewer pistols appearing now. The BG2 looks to still be going strong. There's a few foxtails appearing in places and she continues to feed like a pig. Both have a very fruity smell that has a floral, chemical tang to it. The first pheno is still the strongest smelling plant....

Blue Gelato 41 1....

Blue Gelato 41 2....
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