Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

Strawberry Lemonade 2....

The second Strawberry Lemonade is a larger plant but has a similar structure and bud formation as the BG41's. She has some solid and swollen nugs and they're only going to get bigger. This is a good example of a runt coming back and stealing the show. This plant was covered in thrip damage early on and looked a bit sad compared to the other 3. She was also the smallest plant for all of the veg period and early flower. Her smell is more consistent with the other SL despite her looking quite different. She's been an impressive and easy plant to grow so far....
Purple Punch....

The Purple Punch is just about holding out. She has seen better days and looks a little stressed. Her leaves are growing noticeably slower than before but they are still growing. I've changed her res again and checked for light leaks. I've also checked the temp in res which is still in the safe zone. Time will tell if she will be ok or not but I've not lost faith in her yet....

Still the fastest growing of the 3 soil plants and not looking too bad at all. She has a better colour than she did the other day and seems to have responded to the nutrients well. My mistake when I last topped them was I trained them too soon. I should have given them a bit more time to establish a bit more growth before removing the leaves which is what im going to do this time....
Ayahuasca Purple....

This rounds squat specimen. She's not actually growing that badly, just not quite as fast as the others. Also her nodes are tight and I have a feeling that we may be looking at the next Orange Sherbert. Her leaf stems are a beautiful dark purple and I'm hoping her buds follow suit. It looks like I'll be leaving her alone for a little while yet as she continues to grow. The marks that she had on her leaves at the beginning of the grow have returned all of a sudden. I'm sure it's the plant and not me this time around. I think she'll be alright when we hit flower....
Vanilla Kush....

When you look at this one the first thing that comes to mind is just how dark her fan leaves are. They look like they're made of plastic. They feel normal but they're really dark. It's hypnotic. She's growing well and is just behind the Shishkaberry. It's a similar story with this one. Wait a bit, then top. I have to do a good job with this one as Mrs Flora wants it as a Christmas present lol. Keep it up VK!....
Congrats, you cheesy little dumpling!!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
There can be only one and the POG reigned supreme. Great work.
Cheesy little dumpling? I'm normally called a silly little sausage! The POG really was the queen. PP has a hell of a lot to live up to now lol
Congrats on the NOTM win prof! I always knew the Pog was picture perfect.
thanks N! With so many great entries to win by that much was emotional. The POG was awesome and is now cemented in my memory....provided I don't smoke too much indica lol
Of course POG gets NOTM, congratulations Professor!!
she's officially award winning now! It doesn't get much better for the Barneys thread. Thank you for the support HH!
Nice job with the POG NOTM Prof! She was a beauty!
Thanks Dutch! Its just dawned on me though that I can't enter again until January :eek:
I'll have a lot of nugs saved up by then

Thanks everyone! The POG was awesome and will be remembered for some time but now we must continue our adventure and grow more and more and more buds lol. Happy growing everyone!
I'm not going to be able to stay away from this journal,Prof-so you'll
see me in here a lot, if that's ok... (I'm usually pretty well behaved)

And at the risk of sounding repetitious,Congrats on the win !
I'm not going to be able to stay away from this journal,Prof-so you'll
see me in here a lot, if that's ok... (I'm usually pretty well behaved)

And at the risk of sounding repetitious,Congrats on the win !
I don't think you have to worry about your behavior. He lets me come back.
I’ll wait for professor’s official ruling, but I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed here...
No shit, right?!

These "Sanctuary Treads" are perfect for outlaws like me to hide from the mods.

Ssshhhhhhhh. LoL
I'm not going to be able to stay away from this journal,Prof-so you'll
see me in here a lot, if that's ok... (I'm usually pretty well behaved)

And at the risk of sounding repetitious,Congrats on the win !
Lol. It's good to have have you here. I wouldn't tworry too much about behaviour. Have you seen who frequents these pages. GG, VG and Mr S! It reminds me of "one flew over the cuckoos nest" sometimes
I’ll wait for professor’s official ruling, but I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed here...
It's already sorted
So I started harvesting my BadAzz Kush today! These ladies have some serious buds with some mega weight! Extra sticky and a strong kushy gas smell there will be some serious buds to come! Between the 2 phenos im choosing from #2 looks to be the best so far but a smoke test will tell the true results! Here’s a few photos from today!

The other 2 phenos are coming down tomorrow so more pictures to come!

Hope you and the family are well Prof!
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