Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More


Hey 420! Back again with another strain review. This time it is the Phantom OG from Barneys Farm that we shall be reviewing. The Phantom OG is a cross between OG Kush and Phantom Cookies and is a balanced indica/sativa hybrid. The pheno I grew was a strong growing plant that had a good bud to leaf ratio and long appealing colas. She was a very easy plant to deal with and was resistant to the moderate stresses that I exposed her to. She consumed a lot of nutrients and drank her 10 gallon pot dry regularly resulting in some accidental dry periods. She also had a severe thrip infestation early on which was managed but not elimated. This didn't faze her one bit and she looked healthy and vigourous throughout flowering. She had a rather plain look in regards to colour for much of her life. Then in the last few weeks completely changed and went from being pale to covered in many different flecks, speck and shades. Great plant to grow as she is quite forgiving and interesting to watch. She was done in 9 weeks from the flip making her quite fast for an impressively sized plant. The finished buds are of excellent quality, having awesome bag appeal and heavy feel to them. They are very dense and have a satisfying cracking sound when you break them open. The smell is a familiar OG with spicey hints of pepper and burning sugar. I found the taste to be surprisingly different from the smell. It is more on the Cookie side with a creamy sweetness and nutty tones. The Kush is still there but the musky dessert flavour is dominant. It grinds up beautifully and burns without any problems whatsoever. The smoke is thick and flavoursome and will certainly turn a few heads. The effects are fairly strong which is to be expected with her lineage. They are well balanced and can be utilised for daytime use as well as for relaxing. I prefer something more sleepy past 9pm so I've been using her during the early evening after work and on weekends. I've been functional and not at all lazy yet dreamy and relaxed in my ways when using it. I found it great for going on walks with my partner as we both found it to be a bit dreamlike but with just enough energy to get you there and home again. I found it to be perfectly fine for socialising with friends as it also has some good appetite stimulation. A dinner party strain. A centrepiece for consumption which will certainly be the talking point of the party. I loved this strain from beginning to end and enjoyed having her in my garden. She'd make a great choice for new growers as she is an easy strain to grow and if looked after will reward you with a beautiful bounty. She has the flavour profile and effects that would be appreciated by connoisseur growers as well. Solid strain which I recommend to anyone looking for something reliable and impressive. Here she is....

Your accuracy makes muh weenie tingle!


Like a fucking champ!
Hey Prof, looking great mate.
Just the names make my mouth drool.....
lol. Going well man.
Your accuracy makes muh weenie tingle!


Like a fucking champ!
Thanks P! Best compliment I've had all week. I'm glad I can have that kind of an effect on someone so far away lol
Hey Prof, looking great mate.
Just the names make my mouth drool.....
lol. Going well man.
Hey Lowrider! How's it going buddy? I've got some more juicy pics on the way now. The Strawberry Lemonade's are starting to catch my eye more and more
Omg, that PP! :eek: You truly are a Mad Professor!!
Someone has to do it HH. I know what you mean though. I'm being nice to her from now on...sorta :)

It's a bit over a photobomb night I'm afraid. The pics are not too bad though....
Veg Tent Update....

Not a lot more has happened in here yesterday. I did however remove the lower fans on the Shishkaberry and the Vanilla Kush. Purple Punch is still a bit yellow and her roots are similar to yesterday. I'm going to continue with the res treatments and hope for the best really. She's still growing though so hopefully she's strong enough to pull through. The Ayahuasca Purple looks pretty good though she's going to have to work hard to keep up with the others. Today I gave them their first watering since transplanting them....

Purple Punch....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....
Hey 420! I've had a move around with the lighting in the grow room. I decided to red/blue cobs from the flowering tent and use them for the single pot grow. To keep the power up in the flowering tent I've removed the 200w high bay light from the veg tent and added that to the 200w cobs already in there to give us the 400w of white light. The veg tent is now using the 7000k 100w flood light but I'm going to add the 3000k light as well for better coverage. It's nice having a bit of a shuffle. The flowering plants have better lighting for pics now and the single pot grow will actually have some power behind the lighting. The veg plants will be fine under less power. I vegged the POG using this light and she turned out pretty good. More updates to follow shortly. Work is over for me now and it's time for the weekend and that means more gardening. I have short list this but fixing PP is is one of the items so fun and games! Hope everyone is good am I'd hope to see you all on your journals over the next couple days. More catching up to do for me lol....

The Veg Tent....

The flowering Tent....

The Now 7 Strain, Single Pot Grow....
Veg Tent Update....

First up today is the vegging plants. My current major problem is in this tent just mocking me. Tomorrow I'll be doing another res change for the Purple Punch. I noticed that there were small gaps around the rim of the pot she's sat in and light I see getting into the res. This could actually be the root of the problem. Yes, I just went there. I've put some card over the net pot to block out the light. I have another huge problem that I discovered today and that is my ph pen has broken. I was hoping it was just the batteries but no. It's definitely broken. I've ordered a new one which will hopefully be here tomorrow. If i were only running the soil plants then i wouldn't be to concerned but the hydro plant will notice. She won't be happy for very long at all if I don't get it right. The other plants are doing well so I'm just going to let them grow for a week or two before there next and potentially last round of toppings. The Ayahuasca Purple is growing differently from the other 2 and will be treated differently. I may not top her at all any more and just allow her to gain some size before the flip. The other 2 are growing so well that they may have another 2 toppings before the flip which I predict is 3 weeks away now. I'd like that as that would be 66 growth tips each but I doubt we'll get to see that. We will definitely see 36 each though. I've taken a liking to the Vanilla Kush. She looks fantastic and has the most beautiful dark green leaves. Looks like MegaCrop growth but I'm still using the Canna Vega with these....

Purple Punch....


Ayahuasca Purple....

Vanilla Kush....
Flowering Tent Update....

Well, we've downsized in terms of power for these plants but the light intensity has increased. The previous 2 cob lights that were in here were rated at actual 200w each and came in at 9000 lumens each. The 4500k high bay fixture is rated at 200w but comes in at 26,000 lumens. I've had good results with both those setups before and have had a couple good grows using them as a combined set up. It's going to be interesting to see how the 2 white light units compliment each other. So we are now running
2 x 100w 3200k Luminus COB LED units
1 x 200w 4500k High Bay LED unit

So we now have a 400w mixed white LED set up. I like it!

The plants are doing great and I think that the sand mix is helping them to pack on the weight. The Strawberry Lemonade's are looking particularly chuncky today. I thought that the Blue Gelato's would have the big buds by the end but now it looks like the SL's will be victorious in the size department. Blue Gelato 41 numero uno is still the stickiest and has the best frost coating. She's slick to the touch and reeks of flavour. I'll be very surprised if she isn't the tastiest when dried. The removal of the purple light means better quality and pics of a truer likeness. I prefer pics like this....

Blue Gelato 41 1....

Blue Gelato 41 2....

Strawberry Lemonade 1....

Strawberry Lemonade 2....
The flower girls look fantastic prof. The new white lighting really shows how nice those ladies are really chunky and very frosty. How long until you chop them you think?
I'm glad you could get to the root of the problems with the roots of the Pp lol. Things are moving along nicely 32 tops per plant is pretty awesome and will bring you a nice haul. Have a good weekend prof and I'll see you around buddy.
The flower girls look fantastic prof. The new white lighting really shows how nice those ladies are really chunky and very frosty. How long until you chop them you think?
I'm glad you could get to the root of the problems with the roots of the Pp lol. Things are moving along nicely 32 tops per plant is pretty awesome and will bring you a nice haul. Have a good weekend prof and I'll see you around buddy.
Hey N. My calendar says they should be coming down around the 20th of September. That's just over 3 weeks away. If I give them another week to grow then top them we'll have 16 tops on the Shishkaberry and Vanilla Kush. Then if I give them another week or so I'll hopefully be able to top them again giving me the 32 tops. It'll be close but I think it's doable in that timeframe. Cheers N
Hey Professor so glad you found a light leak as that explains your problems and it should be plain sailing now you’ve addressed it. I’ve just seen some pictures on Grandpa Tokins thread of some Purple punch rosin and it looks insane. Definitely worth checking out.
Hey Professor so glad you found a light leak as that explains your problems and it should be plain sailing now you’ve addressed it. I’ve just seen some pictures on Grandpa Tokins thread of some Purple punch rosin and it looks insane. Definitely worth checking out.
I hope so. It was one of those things that managed to slip past me but it would explain why the H2O2 isn't working. I'm waiting to do a res change but the ph pen isn't here yet so I'm holding off for the moment.

There you go, teasing me with the rosin again lol. I'll go and have a look
Hey prof I realized I never said how great your Pog strain review was. You do such a great job with the reviews so detailed so people know what to expect if they grow the strain themselves.
I've done a ton of reading about Dwc the last little while and alot of the articles say to use black tubing for the tubing from the air pump to the air stone because the clear can allow light into the res. Not sure what color your tubing is but thought I would throw it out there sorry if you had mentioned that before.
Hey prof I realized I never said how great your Pog strain review was. You do such a great job with the reviews so detailed so people know what to expect if they grow the strain themselves.
I've done a ton of reading about Dwc the last little while and alot of the articles say to use black tubing for the tubing from the air pump to the air stone because the clear can allow light into the res. Not sure what color your tubing is but thought I would throw it out there sorry if you had mentioned that before.
Thanks N! I love doing the reviews. I have 14 more to do before Christmas if all goes well lol.

Thanks for the heads up N. I am indeed using clear tubing as both pumps came with clear tubing. I bought some black tubing which took about 4 weeks to arrive because it was so cheap. When it finally turned up it was clear. Before now I didn't think that it would have mattered too much but I've changed my mind on that and am in the process of tightening everything up. The temps are good and there is enough airflow. Ph is spot on at 5.8 so it must be something else. A light leak in the res would explain a lot and I bet the tubing is also a factor in that. I'm feeling better about the Purple Punch but there is still no improvement yet. I have just completed a full res clean and reset the nutrients and PH. There are signs of new roots slowly making their way out but it's slow. Fingers crossed.
Blue Gelato 41 Number 1....

Hey 420! Today I'm doing a short update for each plant in the grow individually. We'll start with the flowering plants and who better to go first than BG41 number 1. I would say that she has an average build. Maybe a bit bigger than than normal as she has a bit of stretch but she doesn't have a huge amount of bud on her. Compared to the other pheno she looks a little small and I think she'll probably have one of the lowest yields. However. What a wonderfully dank plant! She reminds me of the GZ a little with her grease and unique scent. It's a Candy smell that's has an artificial quality to it. Like how sweets used to taste before they banned many of the flavourings. I predict she'll deliver a couple ounces top as she just doesn't have the buds. The bud she has is of high quality and is going nice and firm already. I think we'll see some nice colour creep in shortly....
Blue Gelato 41 Number 2....

This plant caused me a little bit of concern early on in flowering when she decided to drop some pollen sacks and threaten the entire crop. It only amounted to a couple weeks worth of random sacks appearing down around the bottom nugs. As far as I can see no harm has been done and I doubt I'll find anything at the end. This pheno has some nice long spear shaped buds dotted up the branches. She has more bud than the first pheno and the buds are bigger as well so I'll expect this one to be amongst the heavier yielders. She smells slightly different to the first in that this one is more fruity and reminds me of a Blue Dream I grew a few years ago. It's still very nice. She's been a hardy plant able to withstand a good amount of defoliation and supper cropping performed on her at various stages throughout the grow. She looks like she'll be ready by Barneys recommended harvest time. Despite the anxiety she has caused me it's been mostly good so far....
Strawberry Lemonade 1....

This is the smallest plant of the bunch and I'd have said that she was an indica variety if it wasn't for the shape of her leaves. She's pretty quick as well for a sativa and doesn't look like she'll go longer than a few more weeks. Her buds really are swelling and she probably has the largest in the tent. She has a sweet and creamy scent that has a fruity quality to it. This plant also has the best bud formation and has a good flower to leaf ratio. Looks like it'll be an easy trimming session with this one which is always nice....
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