Barneys Farm Sponsors Grow: Gorilla Zkittles, Orange Sherbert Plus Many More

OMG, seriously? Front and back. Split it down the middle and used some deadwood twigs from the side of the road to hold them on. Jeez.
:love: I would have used the tar from the melted road.
:love: I would have used the tar from the melted road.
Ya, well, I wasn't very smart back then. I wish I knew then what I know now. You were like my big sister who was always smarter than me. She said if I carried her the sun would stay off my head.
shit i thought my readings were high at 38c...
get some bags of ice in there around the fans lol
Lol. We're all back to normal again. What a difference a day makes. It's almost 20C cooler today than it was yesterday.
Wow prof that's a crazy heat wave your having there stay cool buddy.
It's been quite a mild summer here we usually have a hundreds of wildfires in my home province every year ,last year was so bad the smoke from the fires blocked the sun for about a week and a half. By comparison this year we have only had 27 which is well below the norm
That's pretty mad! Less fire is probably a good thing but maybe not. I used to be a firefighter before I had kids lol. We didn't get many wildfires as it's just to wet for that but the farmers burn the gorse that grows up on the moors and sometimes that goes out of control. We used to have to put it out with beaters which was really hard work
Hey Professor,
glad to hear you bearing with that heat. I used to walk to school on the pavement, barefoot, about three miles without water. It was a dusty road and tumbleweed would blow by often.
There was this one time a car pulled over about 50 yards ahead. I remember running up to the car, barely able to breathe through the thick humidity and haze and I looked at the frost on the window from the running AC. The window rolled down slowly and the driver tossed me some habernero potato chips and drove off. I said wtf man. I still have that wrapper to this day only because they were the first shoes I made. I wore them the rest of the way to school.
Where was I going with this?

Anyhow I hope you and the Mrs are OK.
Didn't your feet get a little chilly after that?

Oh my god Sauga! I mean WTF! There's just so much I could say about that....
That’s Twix!
Hey 420! The weekend is almost here and it's going to be another busy one. We've got the POG coming down plus a grow room clean and a little move around. I'll be doing a full update of the whole room tomorrow as I've fell behind slightly. First though we have the harvest numbers and some lovely bud pics. Let's do this shall we!

The final numbers are as follows....

Gorilla Zkittles....153g or 5.4oz
Orange Sherbert....138g or 4.8oz

Grand total using 200w of lighting is....291g or 10.2oz

10oz seems to be what these lights will pull quite comfortably. I've used these lights for 4 grows now and twice I got 10oz. The other 2 grows pulled 7oz and 13oz which averages out to around 10. I'm pretty pleased with that. The bud is of great quality though as to be expected with this smaller amount of power it's quite small. They have weight to them though and the tops are very dense. They smell amazing and feel annoyingly sticky lol. My bud being too sticky is one of my favourite first world problems lol. I'll give them a 2 week cure then do a couple smoke reports. The bud dried out nicely in the end. I was skeptical when I first jarred them up for the night. They felt like they'd could go either way so I jarred them expecting it to be pretty wet in the morning but to my surprise they were perfect. I'm using the bovida 62 packs to help with the curing which I have no problem using. They work great and make my life easier. Time for a couple pics. I'll do some more when I get a chance. First up is the Gorilla Zkittles

Gorilla Zkittles....

She was an interesting plant to grow and very fun. She had a lot going for her like wild colours, huge amount of budsites, unique appearance and great trichome production. She had one thing I found irritating and that was her flimsy branches. She really does need support and won't hold up much weight at all on her own. Other than that she has been great. The buds stink and I know will taste good. I'm going to assume that she'll be potent. I mean come on, look at her! lol. Although the buds that I grew are quite small I think that under some more powerful lighting she could grow some pretty decent sized nugs. And with that many budsites she could potentially have some pretty massive yields. Well here's some of my finest Gorilla Zkittles for your enjoyment....
Orange Sherbert....

Just like the Gorilla Zkittles this one was also good fun to grow. She is a decent heavy yielder as she had a yield similar to the GZ despite being smaller. I feel in love with this ones growth and her squat and heavy nature. She really was a bush. Her buds smell fruity with a sweet tang and are pretty sticky though not quite as much as the GZ. They're heavier though and more dense. Also I think that she lives up to her name quite well as I genuinely get a kind of orange vibe from her. Her scent and colour make me feel like an orange....moving on. Overall I'm really impressed with the OS and look forward to not messing up the next one quite as much. Here is the Orange Sherbert being all orange....
Wow prof 10 oz off 2 plants with 200 watts of light that is very impressive you certainly have the garden really dialed in with those lights.

The Gz buds look beautiful and super frosty I hope when I grow mine out they look as nice as those do

Im actually trying out the boveda 62's for the first time with my cure. so it sounds like you put them in the jar with the buds right after coming out of the drying rack? I was trying to burp them twice a day to get them to 62% rh then putting the boveda in. Your method sounds way easier and I will definitely be doing that next time
Wow prof 10 oz off 2 plants with 200 watts of light that is very impressive you certainly have the garden really dialed in with those lights.

The Gz buds look beautiful and super frosty I hope when I grow mine out they look as nice as those do

Im actually trying out the boveda 62's for the first time with my cure. so it sounds like you put them in the jar with the buds right after coming out of the drying rack? I was trying to burp them twice a day to get them to 62% rh then putting the boveda in. Your method sounds way easier and I will definitely be doing that next time
Thanks N! I'm sure that yours will be even better than mine. The GZ certainly has the dankness. You really can't buy stuff like this where I'm from.

Normally I dry my buds and use a bit of guess work to decide when they need to go into the jar. More often than not they're still a little wet and I have to dry them again the following day. I was lucky with these and they seem to be perfect every time I've checked on them which is about 3 times today. Tomorrow I'll leave them all day before burping them. I have no idea what percent humidity it is in the jars but the buds feel perfect. If they start to soften up over the next couple days I'll just remove them until they feel right again. I did think about buying some meters to put in the jars but I never got around to it and I've not really had any problems with buds not curing.
The Os buds look incredible prof really like the contrast of the buds with those bright orange hairs
She's beautiful and I can't wait to try this one. Maybe I'll get a chance to shortly.
It's been so long I'd forgotten how nice your end-of-grow write-ups are Professor. Great descriptions and congrats on the 10 ounce consistency! Pretty and sticky...just as they should be.
Im actually trying out the boveda 62's for the first time with my cure. so it sounds like you put them in the jar with the buds right after coming out of the drying rack? I was trying to burp them twice a day to get them to 62% rh then putting the boveda in. Your method sounds way easier and I will definitely be doing that next time
From my experience, B62s should not be used in an attempt to lower the RH in your jars. That's what burping is for. The Boveda packs are designed for stable long-term storage and not a dehumidifier. They will take too long to lower the RH in the jars and risk mold while you wait for them to do it.

Also, burping is part of the air exchange needed to clear the chlorophyll from the buds to prepare for curing, so it's an important part of the drying process.
Orange Sherbert....

Just like the Gorilla Zkittles this one was also good fun to grow. She is a decent heavy yielder as she had similar a similar to the GZ despite being smaller. I feel in love with this ones growth and her squat and heavy nature. She really was a bush. Her buds smell fruity with a sweet tang and are pretty sticky though not quite as much as the GZ. They're heavier though and more dense. Also I think that she lives up to her name quite well as I genuinely get a kind of orange vibe from her. Her scent and colour make me feel like an orange....moving on. Overall I'm really impressed with the OS and look forward to not messing up the next one quite as much. Here is the Orange Sherbert being all orange....
Wow Prof , i am so impressed with your yield for such a low wattage system too. i have been getting on average 25-30oz from 1200w hps !!! You have stonked it mate. i am ashamed All looks unbelievably good too. I would be happy with that for my current grow
Has to be some way of celebrating this on 420 mate. get them in the comps , nug , photo , grow ,plant ,the lot.
You are doing something we all aint !!!!. mega crop and some serious voodoo going on !!!:headbanger::bravo::thumb:
Lol! Hi GG
Hi mate. All good this end am hoping Mr sauga can make me some of them shoes, i struggle in shoezone.

Happy with my ladies and started on the PK warrior too now and the Os has gone crazy for just one feed with it
Oh my god Sauga! I mean WTF! There's just so much I could say about that....
Well I'm saving my winter story for when you complain about the cold. It was tough growing up in these parts.
Have a great weekend Professor!
From my experience, B62s should not be used in an attempt to lower the RH in your jars. That's what burping is for. The Boveda packs are designed for stable long-term storage and not a dehumidifier. They will take too long to lower the RH in the jars and risk mold while you wait for them to do it.
I just mentioned the same thing to @John Wick :high-five: You'll find great info in this thread too John. People are weird but you learn to love them.
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