Barney's Farm - Mimosa X Orange Punch - DWC

Ok she has properly opened up now. Some discoloration but nothing that I’m concerned about.


Ok well I’m a jacknass!! I should just end there LOL.

Went to the store got 25 gallons of RO.

Go home dumped in about 13 gallons into the res. Get the air stones into the res and the prob for the water param meter.

Ok ph is high but ppm is low, great!

Splash in some ph down. No real change, so a little more, still nothing. So I tip is a little too aggressively and bam ph at 3.3 and EC at .6 with ppms I think it was like 250. All shit, ok no biggie I think. I have another 12 gallons of water.

So in goes the water pump, look at that shit, using it on day 1! Pump out 5 and in goes a fresh 5, doesn’t do it. Long story shorter and another run to the store for RO.


After about an hour of dicking around with it all I think I have finally got the water parameters where they should be.

This is after hydro guard, cal/mag, and a final ph’ing.

I am noticing that the ph meter is pretty sensitive. It will swing from 5.46 to 5.55 pretty regularly, same with water temp. EC and PPM have changed once in the last 20 mins or so.


I think I have her in the basket correctly? I did 2 layers of hydroton, as best I could, and then plopped her in there and filled the basket with hydroton until it wanted to roll on top of her, goal was to be level with the top of the cube.

My question is, light getting into the res through the sidewalls of the basket. Is this an issue? From what I understand in the next 10 days or so the basket should be full. But that seems like a lot of growth in just 10 days or am I miss understanding the process LOL.

Anyways officially day 1 of DWC! I’m excited, I think LOL


Is it your plan to add hydroton as she grows? I have not done it that way (planting so low)?
Yes that’s the plan. @Sativa1970 did I understand you correctly? I am second guessing my reading comprehension LOL.
And here we are a couple of hours later. So seems like it’s stabilized, though I would expect the reservoir temp to continue to increase. I hoping it lands around 72° and stays there.

Well that's a crazy day! I hope you had your phone on you so you could count those steps. :)
My question is, light getting into the res through the sidewalls of the basket. Is this an issue?
Yes, and I can't remember ever seeing anyone do hydro that way. I always see hydroton to the top of the basket. When you plant low in soil and add soil as it grows, new roots grow into the soil from the newly buried stem. Not sure if that would happen here but you don't want your new root growth in the hydroton, you want it in the res so I'm confused as to the reasoning.

Disclaimer: I'm not a DWC grower, just observer.
I was not super excited about how much light was getting into the reservoir so I raised up the sprout and filled up the basket.

Hopefully I am doing this correctly LOL!


Reservoir temp is a bit warmer than I was hoping for. Still in the ok range so I guess no real worry there for the moment.

That looks Much Better! ❤️

How far below the net cup is the res?
About an inch and one of the air stones is directly under the net so the popping of the air bubbles should be reaching the hydroton.

Hopefully the lower levels of hydroton stay wet enough to draw the roots down to the res?
About an inch and one of the air stones is directly under the net so the popping of the air bubbles should be reaching the hydroton.

Hopefully the lower levels of hydroton stay wet enough to draw the roots down to the res?
👍The humidity and Bursting Bubbles should draw your roots down like a Magnet!

Also, you can freeze a couple bottles of water and add to the res if you see high temps.
The humidity and Bursting Bubbles should draw your roots down like a Magnet!
Should I lose the humidifier for now so that the only humidity is coming from the res?
Ok so I made another adjustment and I think this is where it’s staying :)

All sides are covered and she is lower in the net. Will fill as she grows :)

Ok so roots have not made it to the reservoir yet obviously but I am seeing a spike in ph suddenly.

Was at a steady 5.5 until about 3am this morning and now it’s at 6

Not sure is this something to worry about?
Water temperature change maybe? I've often overlooked how temperature effects PH

I though the same but water temp has been at a steady 72.5
so roots have not made it to the reservoir yet obviously but I am seeing a spike in ph suddenly.

Was at a steady 5.5 until about 3am this morning and now it’s at 6
I believe that aerating water will raise the pH.

"Anything that increases the surface area of the air-water interface increases the rate of carbon dioxide leaving the ... water. The out gassing of CO2 causes pH to rise."
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