Back For Another Grow

Now it's sat on the table an gone cold again, im just gunna add ice cubes and drink it cold
That's the best way! Cold coffee with rich cream, fabulous ☕
Ive always wanted a tiny coffee shop where I sell coffee and porn, the triplexlatte ' we never hold the cream '
LAMO! You have a good day Chris.

Start whenever you're ready! 😁
when we get back to summer, and it will come back with a vengeance I hope i /my plants can take it. They have looked so happy getting a chance to cool down at night


Girls are looking great Chris , filling out nicely
Anyone know if these fly woo who ribbon they so fly.. sorry couldn't resist. But back to my original ? if these things get wet is there anything toxic or potentially harmful to the plant. The packaging has the usual "keep away from pets and children" tomorrow is watering day an when I water, the G-nats all scurry around looking to hide somewhere and the sticky fly crap should grab them.



You get 'em Elmer Fudd! 😁
Sorry I must be loony tunes to forget the difference between porky pig and Elmer fudd. ya know if u think about it they made fun of things back then we would never do today. Ok back to the subject on hand, the fly ribbon is water proof as far as I can tell it doesn't disolve or melt no weird run off. So the plants got a lil squirt and them lil buggers we're all running for cover.

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