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The girls really like the FF open sesame when they're stretching and popin up buds everywhere, hope I didn't just jinx myself




I'm not shur if using the FF nutrients in this large of a container could be flushed. will i run into salt buildup or any other issues. past few grows I've used very sparingly and didn't have any issues. but I can get much better a yield following FF feeding suggestions. how important is flushing ? from what I've read it's like 10 to 1 so I'd need to run 150 gallons of water thru it. I might be over thinking it... or maybe this brain scanner isn't actually reading my brain functions it controlling my thoughts. I'm not high enough (as always please disregard and forgive any typos)
how important is flushing ? from what I've read it's like 10 to 1 so I'd need to run 150 gallons of water thru it.
More like 3 to 1, and if that's what the directions for those nutes say, there's a reason they say it so I'd follow the directions for best results.
I'm not shur if using the FF nutrients in this large of a container could be flushed. will i run into salt buildup or any other issues. past few grows I've used very sparingly and didn't have any issues. but I can get much better a yield following FF feeding suggestions. how important is flushing ? from what I've read it's like 10 to 1 so I'd need to run 150 gallons of water thru it. I might be over thinking it... or maybe this brain scanner isn't actually reading my brain functions it controlling my thoughts. I'm not high enough (as always please disregard and forgive any typos)
Flushing isn't extremely important. I'd say hold off til they're getting ready for harvest. The last 2 weeks before the guillotine you just start to water them with plain water and that will be considered a flush. It allows the plants to consume whatever is left in the soil from the nutrients. Steady as she goes.
🌈🌧️It's a complete flush. 😎🙌💝
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