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I did manage to raise the light up to 22" above the canopy, but my ratchet cords bust be slipping cuz this morning the distance was only 19". I'm thinking it's gunna be easier to fiddle with the light, like how much taller can they get. taking them off the dollies may gaine me a few inches but the home Depot bucket one, plant and bucket are about 4" taller. I still have 40" before the lights hit the ceiling.




The leaf curl is making a comeback, maybe adding the third light is the cause. the mfr recommend hight for flowering is 20" - 16" and I've read some ppl using the same quantum boards at 12" above the canopy. I'll give it a day or two they were just watered an sometimes that can cause extreme praying. it happened to all three an all at once over night



The temps in the grow room were 98 degrees at lights out. I gave em all a drink, not a full watering cause I think I just waterd them. the combination of the heat and fans going is making them drink faster plus their still stretching the one in the home De-pot bucket is thinner and taller, at some point she has to stop
I did manage to raise the light up to 22" above the canopy, but my ratchet cords bust be slipping cuz this morning the distance was only 19". I'm thinking it's gunna be easier to fiddle with the light, like how much taller can they get. taking them off the dollies may gaine me a few inches but the home Depot bucket one, plant and bucket are about 4" taller. I still have 40" before the lights hit the ceiling.




by 5:09 pm the distance was 16" three inches in a daylight cycle. Measured from the closet tip but they are mostly the same hight within an inch or two. let's see what the morning brings
Lights on at 5:58 off 6:22 just a reminder to myself, cuz every night at six-ish I'm thinking what time is lights out. ok they didn't stretch any last night, but they are starting to put out more hairs buds can't be far behind. The first morning the temp in here was under 80 since I can remember, but thats only like two days. if I weren't so high I'd check the journal. cooler temps and less humidity for the next few days B4 the sh... Debby hits the fan. hot sunny humid I can control enough with fans, cloudy rainy an average temp with high humidity is a killer. especially during flowering 🤞I can avoid P M 😉



Spent a bit raising lights, well more reconfigured. I realized having both ratchet cords on the same hook was causing too much tension. But it keep the light as close to the wall so I can manuver around things to get at the windows. I was I bit concerned about putting too much stress on the hook , I'm almost positive I have the hook centered in the ceiling joist but with a plaster an lath ceiling theres 2 x joist 1x nailer and 1an1/4 lath all perpendicular to each other.




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