Back For Another Grow

Hot damn, it's 88 degrees in my living room it's 95 degrees in the grow box. if eggs weren't so expensive I'd go see if I could fry one on the pavement. luckily the plants don't seem affected by it.
My flower box has been running in the triple digits for the past couple of weeks and the plants are fine. Probably not quite as good as they would be with a more ideal environment but I don't have the ability to modify it much so I and the plants just ride it out.
Happy Sunday everyone, the girls looked happy at lights on. The drink of water I gave em yesterday afternoon helped a lot. When I checked on them yesterday afternoon all the big lower leaves were drooping way down.most of my past grows I was an over-waterer I think I've become an under-waterer. In big containers it's hard to tell an lifting them is beyond my capabilities, the dip stick works ok but can damage roots if I get to close the center near the stalk. These plants I've tried leaving the big fan leaves on the lower half of the plant. They get really droopy when the container is dry or the plant wants water. it seem to be working for now. 90 degrees at lights on this morn.




Happy Sunday everyone, the girls looked happy at lights on. The drink of water I gave em yesterday afternoon helped a lot. When I checked on them yesterday afternoon all the big lower leaves were drooping way down.most of my past grows I was an over-waterer I think I've become an under-waterer. In big containers it's hard to tell an lifting them is beyond my capabilities, the dip stick works ok but can damage roots if I get to close the center near the stalk. These plants I've tried leaving the big fan leaves on the lower half of the plant. They get really droopy when the container is dry or the plant wants water. it seem to be working for now. 90 degrees at lights on this morn.




Chris, I use those big fans down low to show me things too, including when water is needed!

How come you don't grow in smaller pots that you could more easily manage?
I'm as close above the top of the canopy per recommend distance 16" is as close as I should get. raising the lights anymore will take some refigureing, a quick easy solution is take the dollies out from under them... that will last a few days the way their stretching . and will screw up my back for a few days.


Chris, I use those big fans down low to show me things too, including when water is needed!

How come you don't grow in smaller pots that you could more easily manage?
I guess it's a case of container envy, I see all these others with 10 15 gal containers. lol the honest answer is I just figured bigger container bigger plant. I had planned on growing one plant this grow and veg three months an grow horizontaly that way I could start flower in September rath than August. But things hardly ever go as planed
Nothing wrong with a little container envy,
It's better to have quality over quantity and to stay within the realm of your powers. So you don't get injured, I decided against the bigger pots cuz that shit sucks when you get a crick in your leg, neck, back and/or butt cheek...I need them body parts for other
I guess it's a case of container envy, I see all these others with 10 15 gal containers. lol the honest answer is I just figured bigger container bigger plant. I had planned on growing one plant this grow and veg three months an grow horizontaly that way I could start flower in September rath than August. But things hardly ever go as planed
Container envy?!

I'm sorry Chris, but that's a lousy reason for risking serious harm to your back. If you screw your back up badly enough you could be limited to solo cups or 1 gallon pots for your plants. Then you'll really know container envy!

It's Sunday morning and I seem to have jumped into preacher mode. My bad.

Just be careful, dude. :Rasta:
no worries folks, it's been the story of my life. I have two older brothers and growing up I had to prove I could out work them. even tho the old man treated us all the same, I knew I'd never be as big an strong as my oldest brother or as smart as the middle brother but the day came when I could work both of em under the table. my problem is I feel the same pressure to prove to old age that I can still get the job done. old habits are hard to break unfortunately old men break very easily 😉
found this pic from 2014 ish I think. damm the HPS was so much more effective


There's definitely a notable difference in the HPS vs. LED. Is there much difference in the light bill?
Container envy?!

I'm sorry Chris, but that's a lousy reason for risking serious harm to your back. If you screw your back up badly enough you could be limited to solo cups or 1 gallon pots for your plants. Then you'll really know container envy!

It's Sunday morning and I seem to have jumped into preacher mode. My bad.

Just be careful, dude. :Rasta:
but it is a reason none the lest. lol I've been injureing myself since I was a kid. I've had lots of falls but I kinda like a cat mixed with a hippopotamus I either land on my feet or bounce. I'm joking I'm always careful it's almost like I have a sixth sense almost like a common sense that ppl should have, again I joke
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