Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

The hydro goes nuts as well:) There are roots all over the bucket and she doubled in size the last three days:) The way it all looks now, i'm counting approximately 60 buds all together. Guess we're into a nice fall this year;)

Wait the hydro one is already going into flower now isnt she? :) Will be fun to see if she turns out to be a single colar or something!
Are you nuts? :) with a little luck we're looking at the best latesummer/fall of all years hahah :blunt::rofl::partyboy:
Just mixed water for the Amnesia auto..
0.8mL Grow + 1mL Bloom + 1 teaspoon epsom salt + 2 liters of water.. I read some1 putting 1 tablespoon epsom to a gallon water, so i figured 1 teaspoon would be a good starting point.. :thumb:
in other news i think either she's real hungry or else she's got some nute problem.. The leaves are starting to brown/yellow up from random spots on the leaves.. Thats why i'm upping it a bit + adding epsom ;)

Also i just cleared out my soil for roots, flushed it through with tons of water and put it up to dry.. When it's dry i'll mix it again and get some pots ready!
empsom salt is cal/mag but will leave allot of salts behind. i use molasses for now. I need to purchase the rest of the nute line i already have. next grow when fall is here. gets too hot in summer and i work way to much. I do love how the boiling water dry/cure turned out. I am so impressed how they taste and get me super high already.
I have some leaf problems guys, any1 know what this is? day 38 she's 30cm tall now aprox

kinda looks like potassium diff to me. or could be you are getting a root problem. When was the last time you watered enough for some decent runnoff? i would mix up some bloom nutes with 1 gal of water and water till you get 1-2 cups run off. could be salt lock and the runoff should take care of it.

I usually have atleast that much runoff when i water man, but yeah i was thinking potassium too.. but i just watered today, so hopefully she'll be good? you can see what i gave her in an earlier comment
I must have missed a problem you were having away. You had to flush again? Same plant as before or have those been harvested?
Your plant looks like its stretching a bit too much. You should move your led closer and perhaps add four CFL's at the side for side lighting. I think with the extra light it will respond better.
I'd flush her really really well with at least a gallon of clean water on your next watering. Then resume your feeding schedule. It may be a lockout situation.

I'm pretty certain it's a lockout, as i've seen the same thing before on another plant. She has been flushed and now she's (hopefully) recovering..
I must have missed a problem you were having away. You had to flush again? Same plant as before or have those been harvested?

Yeah i had to flush again Joe.. Somehow i've been pushing the nutes over the edge again.. >.< and this girl's an auto she does NOT like it lol.. Hopefully i caught it in time though..

Your plant looks like its stretching a bit too much. You should move your led closer and perhaps add four CFL's at the side for side lighting. I think with the extra light it will respond better.

Thanks for the advice man, but first i think i need to learn how to keep plants alive without murdering them, before i start working on that. LOL :) My lights are not a problem at all at the moment, and that stretch is nothing.. she's only 28cm tall.
As for cfl's thats a waste of money untill i've got ppm/ec meter, better odor-control and better in-take air, as well as the rest of my nute-range.. it's on the list though, just not at the top ;)
Well I hope everything turns out alright. Let me know if I can help and if I can I will be of use.Take it easy
I would buy cfls before meters, but he does have an led panel and I'd like to see what it can do on it's own. for some reason these led owners love to defoliate the plants and it always make em smaller than they should be! just do feed, water, feed, water and you'll be good to go.
Well I hope everything turns out alright. Let me know if I can help and if I can I will be of use.Take it easy

Thanks bro i will ;)

I would buy cfls before meters, but he does have an led panel and I'd like to see what it can do on it's own. for some reason these led owners love to defoliate the plants and it always make em smaller than they should be! just do feed, water, feed, water and you'll be good to go.

Hmm i just feel like those meters could save me alot of the trouble i've been having.. And like you said, i'd also like to see how the LED does on it's own :) From now on i'm goin on a "less is more" approach.. when i get new plants going in the room i'm gonna do
water-water-feed-water-water-feed.. Kjell has done this and his plant's look amazing. I'm sure it's because i've been feeding too often and not too heavy, so less is more from now on.. stupid rookie me.. :)
Unless you put those huge knots you see on my stems into your stems then your plant will crave more and you will be happy then with your yield. For right now just getting to the finish line is a admirable goal.
Unless you put those huge knots you see on my stems into your stems then your plant will crave more and you will be happy then with your yield. For right now just getting to the finish line is a admirable goal.

Exactly my point, i just want to get to harvest man..Then i can start perfecting.
Knots? Not sure i understand what u mean
Crunching the stem and squeezing it between your fingers so it grows into a thick stem full of knots. So the branches are stronger and hold bigger buds
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