Away's First Grow - DIY Closet Grow - TopLED Mars II 80x5 - 2014

Damn Away It sucks after so long that it ended up male.. Sorry dude. At least you walk away with more experience (no pun intended).

I feel like i learned heaps from growing that plant man.. about feeding, making the net, scrog'ing, LST'ing, topping and so on :thumb:
A great experience, i just feel it sucks i didnt get to follow it to the door if you know what i mean ;)

My last grow out of 16 bagseed I had 14 female. By far the best % I ever got

that's a great rate man, guess thats unusual though

That ash tray from spain is sooooo dope!

thanks yeah i think so too! :)

Correction to my previous statement.. after recent events it appears I may only have 2 females and 2 hermaphrodites out of 4 bag seeds. The ones looking pretty strongly like a hermaphrodite, the other culprit is still questionable. I'm gonna give em a few more days to really be able to tell.

Ouch sucks about the hermies man! You going to let them seed or chop chop?
i have a question guys...
Could i reuse the soil i've got from my Ed Rosenthal clone if i flushed it through real good? Possibly mix it with the biobizz soil i got from my chopped bagseed plant? I really wanna pop a few beans and get some more plants going, but i dont want them going in a bad environment lol, and i dont really have money for new soil right now..
i have a question guys...
Could i reuse the soil i've got from my Ed Rosenthal clone if i flushed it through real good? Possibly mix it with the biobizz soil i got from my chopped bagseed plant? I really wanna pop a few beans and get some more plants going, but i dont want them going in a bad environment lol, and i dont really have money for new soil right now..

Yes you can reuse soil. Did you have any pest,mold problems? If you did then id suggest not reusing the soil. If you are ok then take out all of the old roots from the soil then amend the soils together.
Yes you can reuse soil. Did you have any pest,mold problems? If you did then id suggest not reusing the soil. If you are ok then take out all of the old roots from the soil then amend the soils together.

The soil from the ed rosenthal was the one i had nutelock in.. but i figured if i flush it i'll be fine right?
In that case i'll get some pots ready, beans soaked and soil mixed today or tommorow :thumb:
hey away if any doubt bake the soil. 350 for 1 hr at 2 inch thick in pan. stir then do another 30 min. that will kill anything in it. then you can mix it or add it to other soil. i put all of mine outside I till it into my garden. you can also compost it with other stuff for a couple months. i hope i answered you right. i am super high from my BB's.
The soil from the ed rosenthal was the one i had nutelock in.. but i figured if i flush it i'll be fine right?
In that case i'll get some pots ready, beans soaked and soil mixed today or tommorow :thumb:

I have some homemade "allmix" you can have, when the girls get a couple of weeks old;) I'll make a photo update in a moment by the way;)
Hi everyone... Promised Away to make a photo update, so here it comes;) It's my first indoor grow and i'm in day 6 of flowering. Used 150 w cfl for veg and 400 w hps for bloom.

First of all my White Rhinos. The ones that curled the leafs and the reason i asked for help. They have exploded during the last few days.

Then the Ladyburn 1974's. Really rough plants. Loves LST and nutes;)

Then my Kalashnikova. She had a very hard start to life! First I drowned her in soil. Then i acid bathed her in hydro and then again replanted her to soil. The fact that she's a week older than the rhinos and the ladyburns and the shitty start she got to life, she's really doing well now. Haven't done any LST or nothing on her.

My last baby is a shark shock. I'm trying out hydro on her and still have a lot to learn;) But feels like i'm starting to get it:) She's way older than the rest of the plants and simply came in the backdoor, because i would like to find a good medicine plant for my girlfriend.

Hoped you all enjoyed the update:) By the way... How much epson salt do you guys use for a liter or a gallon of water?

See you all. Nice day to you;)
Just mix it well and aerate and you will be golden

how do i aerate a soil bro?

hey away if any doubt bake the soil. 350 for 1 hr at 2 inch thick in pan. stir then do another 30 min. that will kill anything in it. then you can mix it or add it to other soil. i put all of mine outside I till it into my garden. you can also compost it with other stuff for a couple months. i hope i answered you right. i am super high from my BB's.

Thanks for telling me about this man, might come in usefull later.. as for now i dont have that long, i just want to get the girls started! ;)
Hope you enjoy that BB it looked kingly man! :)

I have some homemade "allmix" you can have, when the girls get a couple of weeks old;) I'll make a photo update in a moment by the way;)

Sounds awesome bro! ;)
I've asked the mrs to help me clean the soils for roots, then we'll see how much soil i've got ;)
Wow Kjell, the white rhino's internodes are exploding! ;)
Kalashnikova is looking better than ever also, she's just strutting like that! :) :thumb:
Looking very very healthy in there bro, cant wait to see them start to bud up! Have you seen any sex yet?

Nope! Still waiting to see the first flower signs;) But removed a little internode from the bottom of a lady burn this morning, and it smelled LOVELY! Really good sign i guess? :tommy::goof::rocker:
The hydro goes nuts as well:) There are roots all over the bucket and she doubled in size the last three days:) The way it all looks now, i'm counting approximately 60 buds all together. Guess we're into a nice fall this year;)
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